Official Penn Early Decision Thread

<p>Another seletive admissions year is about to start. Let us view all the people who applied and their stats. Please format this is this way. (As seen in another thread)</p>

<li>(CC name), (GPA), (SAT/ACT), (Class Rank), (Course level), (Location), (Ethnicity),(CAS, wharton, nursing…)</li>

<p>Best of luck to the high school class of 2007! :)</p>


<p>SAT I: M-730, CR-710, W-700
SAT IIs: Spanish-790, MATH IIC: 710</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0
RANK: 17/250</p>

<p>LOCATION: San Jose, CA
ETHNICITY: Indian Subcontinent

<p>JyankeesSS2, 3.93UW, 4.52W, 800M 690W 690CR (expecting near 800 writing and around 720 CR from October SATs), 32ACT, Rank 1/566, Most difficult courses available, Ohio, White, Wharton</p>

<p>why not list the SAT IIs and the main EC's?</p>

<p>also about how many people are doing wharton early every year? around 1000?</p>

<p>Huntsman Program, Wharton = 2nd choice.</p>

<p>For the sake of privacy, no stats.</p>

GPA: 3.94 unweighted, 4.7 weighted
2100 SAT, 760 CR, 690 M, 650 W
SAT II's in Bio, US History and Math IC: Scores not known
Class Rank: 2 out of 256
Most difficult courses available
Indian from suburban baltimore
ED Applicant to the Life Sciences and Management Joint Degree Program</p>

GPA: 4.0
Just retook SAT in October
Class Rank: 2 out of 566
Most difficult courses available
Asian (Chinese)

gpa:5.4, rank:1/578
sat: 2310
IB program

<p>gpa: 4.0 rank 1/500
SAT: Not excellent but not shabby either
SAT II- 700+ on Math II and Chem
Every single AP class offered except for Stats and French

<p>gpa: ~3.8
SAT: Thursday
SAT II: IIC 790 Chinese 800
Most Rigorious Course load offered: 7 APs (Small private school)
New York

<p>I am applying ED.</p>

<p>How many people do you think are going to apply ED to Penn?</p>

<p>ACT 34
Rank 1/62
international from Germany

<p>heard ed and legacy gets you to a prime position</p>

<p>96.8 gpa, 2070 SAT (710 verbal, 680 math, 680 writing), 6/148, hardest possible all four years, small school in upstate new york, white. applying to cas ED. </p>

<p>oh my god pleaseee let me in</p>

<p>SAT 2300
3.9 UW GPA

GPA: 98/100 unweighted
SAT: 690 CR 750 M 720 W
SAT IIs: Biology M 730 Math II 720
Rank: Top 10% out of 175
Course level: Highest offered
Location: Upstate, NY (public school)
Ethnicity: African-American
School: CAS</p>

<p>95 UW GPA
SAT I: 740M 640CR 600W
SAT II: 740 US History, 710 Chemistry, 690 Math II
School doesn't rank
Long Island, NY
Indian Male

<p>3.9 unweighted 4.26 weighted
SAT I: 760M 610R 650W
SAT II: 750 Math I; 730 Math II; French w/Listening (?)
Rank: 16/404 (top 5%) public school
New Orleans, LA
Russian Female

<p>Wharton ED
GPA: 3.75; 4.15
Rank: Top 5%

SAT I: 780M, 730CR, 770W..Oct. scores pending
SAT II: 770 U.S. History, 730 Math II
Most difficult courses
North Carolina
White female