<p>LOL i know it meant that you were a minority i just didnt know that it meant underrepresented minority exactly, thanks for telling me :) (and i know, i come on here way too much)</p>
<p>its the 'under represented' part that always gets me.
i hate being asian!!!</p>
<p>feel free to use the new Stats</a> Profile section. It even includes a stats summary to copy & paste... :)</p>
<p>i hate being asian too.</p>
<p>the strength of the applicants on CC come from the fact that most are applying to wharton. i don't see too many CASers (like me). so i can't compare myself to them... much less rigorous, and very different, admissions standards.</p>
GPA: 96.5%
SAT: 2330 (CR 740, M 790, W 800)
Rank: 13/372
Course level: Most rigorous in all areas
Location: Long Island, NY
Ethnicity: Caucasian
College of Arts and Sciences</p>
<p>Damn, all you people are smart!
I smell a deferral.</p>
<p>if you get deferred then im definitely not getting in :(</p>
<p>we can't base these decisions on stats only... many people with below 2100 SATs get in...</p>
<p>it would be a miracle if i get accepted =P</p>
<p>the anxiety is definitely going to kill me before dec 15th. i need to know nowwwwwww lol</p>
<p>42 dayyyssss</p>
aah. i thought it was longer.
<p>Penn would be awesome to get in...but seriously lets think about it: u would do MUCH better at a less competitive school (IE top 50 US news rankings which are crap anyway but just to make a point)...I mean u dont have to go to an IVY to be successful. It helps sure...but really if u think about it, its not the end of the world.</p>
<p>Besides I dont know if I could fit into an IVY lifestyle...my family is low income and people at Penn are pretty wealthy. I mean it shouldnt matter much (penn is diverse, etc.) but still it is intimidating. I dunno...I doubt I will get in.</p>
<p>okay so i got my new scores so i'll update my little profile</p>
<p>GPA: 3.9 uw; 4.26 w
SAT: 800 M; 630 R; 710 W
SAT II: 750 Math I; 730 Math II; French w/Listening (?) (ANYONE KNOW HOW HARD THE FRENCH W/LISTENING IS???????????)
New Orleans, LA
Russian Female
Public High School
Applying to College of Arts & Sciences</p>
<p>Im an int'l an the only unviersity im really interested in is Wharton/Penn... I'm not doin it bc it's an ivy... prestige counts but that's not the only factor... Penn is like the perfect university for me... it has everything Im looking for.. and besides... the fact that students combine studying with social life is really amazing... something you cant really find at HYP</p>
<p>exactly, this is what i love about penn too :)</p>
<p>oh please. the reasons i love penn could fill a 300 pg autobiography. if only thats what counted in getting admission.</p>
<p>Huntsman, Wharton 2nd
Target Language: Chinese, I'll try to do Arabic on the side.</p>
3.86 uw/hardest classes
SAT - So-so for Penn. On the bottom for Huntsman. Unless everyone who applies this year is an idiot...and that I doubt.
SAT IIs - Definitely retaking Math II
Weakness: Chinese (damnit...why must we all apply to the same schools?!)</p>
<p>I've got nice ECs...I think.</p>
<p>Good god please let me in...</p>