<p>Accepted! My brother is bouncing off of the walls at the news :) (and my other brother is playing it cool, as always).</p>
<p>Congrats to all!</p>
<p>I went back to make sure that my decision wasn't a haluucination - and the admitted student's website is so cool - you can see lists of other students, and there are info posts....
I think that I'm dreaming.</p>
<p>yall all suck. duke is a bad school anyway, nothing but a bunch of intellectual liberal professors trying to get their name out for research, without paying attention to the students. plus, all they have is basketball, and look how far they got in the tournament this year!! coach k is starting to suck it up bigtime. if they had gotten to the elite eight, MAYBE I would be impressed. also, the town of durham is a horrible college town and hates the school -- on studentsreview.com, it scored a 5.0 out of 10. if i offended anyone in this posting, dont worry. this is only a way of coping with a rejection...haha.</p>
<p>congrats to all who got in, i hope yall have fun next year.</p>
<p>I applied to duke on paper, and never recieved an access code. Can u guys help me out w/what i should do? The email they sent me telling me that the decision will be up today says that they won't give the codes out on email or by phone.</p>
<p>Definitely in :) A different result from the predicted outcomes of practically everyone on this forum</p>
<p>You need the access code - a letter was mailed to you after you submitted the online application. I had to rummage everywhere for the stupid thing!</p>
<p>Congrats seahorse! I know how much you wanted to go to Duke so it makes me feel good that another Vermonter got in! Unfortunately I'm stuck on the wait list...</p>