Official SAT I Answer Thread - 12/4 - U.S. Version

<p>Someone please examine that picture above?</p>

<p>btw I think the t>2 question is experimental? I don't remember seeing such a question</p>

<p>Um, I did not get that humans would become outmoded for that Greek Astronomy question in the AI passage. I got something about humans relying upon emotional instead of empirical data. Does anyone remember the exact phrasing of the question?</p>

<p>it was a quantity comparison</p>

<p>thedude: The scientist said that the robots may look at humans one day and laugh at their views of consciousness the way we look at Greek physics. In other words, our current views would be considered primitive and outmoded by the robots. By that same concept, the answer should be that the Greeks were also viewed as outmoded.</p>

<p>Tongos: Do you remember the exact question?</p>


<p>whats greater
t^2 or that other equation it had a(t+b) i dont remember what a and b were though.</p>

<p>was the lines and circle question and the mean avg question on the experimental????</p>

<p>Aseemo: No. </p>

<p>tongos: Well bah! I don't remember then lol but I think I said t^2 was greater? I don't know? I'd have to see those other numbers to remember.</p>

<p>nope its not experimental, now can someone answer the number six on the comarisons please</p>

<p><a href="http://i%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://i&lt;/a> m g 1 1 6 . e x s . c x /img116/4711/o3momgquestioon.gif</p>

<p>Can anyone verify?</p>

<p>but you did put t^2 right?</p>

<p>I think I put t^2 yes... I'm going from a really vague memory though. I'd really have to see the whole question to know for sure.</p>

<p>what was the answer to the second econobooks question? I ran out of time, so I just put the answer that looked like it made the most sense. I think it was B. If anyone can remember the answer, then I'll remember if I was right or wrong.</p>

<p>was that sentence completion with the cancer cells experimental? i dont remember it</p>

<p>to implore is to almost beg...the answer HAS to be plead : request</p>

<p>I though the slope of the line is 2 ...</p>

<p><a href="http://i%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://i&lt;/a> m g 1 1 6 . e x s . c x /img116/4711/o3momgquestioon.gif</p>

<p>Anyone!! Was this the answer here?</p>

<p>And what was the t>3 question?</p>

-(x^p)^n = (x^n)^p answer was c


<p>I don't think C was the answer for this, it was A.
THere was no negative sign.</p>

<a href="http://i%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://i&lt;/a> m g 1 1 6 . e x s . c x /img116/4711/o3momgquestioon.gif</p>

<p><em>remove the spaces</em></p>

<p>Please tell me the line reflection question was like this? I didn't read the question and answered hastily.


<p>That is correct for the reflection problem</p>

<p>was it A or C to the power one?</p>

<p>A is the answer to the power one</p>

<p>I put t^2</p>