Official SAT score reports from College Board

How long does it take generally for universities to process College Board score reports for SAT to be considered? Penn State especially where application deadline for guaranteed med was 10/10 , and although the College Board reports were requested and show sent on 10/03, will they make it to PSU latest by 10/15? Asking from your general experience of how it works. Tried calling PSU, they say the latest grace period is 10/15 however their process could take a while to completing loading even if College Board sent them. We requested SAT reports 10 days before and submitted the application on 10/09.

Considering this how soon before the college deadline should a student request College Board Reports? Is there any benefit in requesting rush report now for 10/15 deadline?

Thank you

We were told by some schools not to order rush report because it wasn’t actually any faster and could even be slower. I am not sure why. Maybe someone here knows and can clarify.

D ordered scores from College Board on 9/27, which CB sent on 10/3. The next day (10/4), the scores were marked as received by the university (not Penn State). I would think Penn State has already received yours but has not marked it as received yet in their system. Some universities have a disclaimer that say “received materials can take several days to be marked as received in the system”.
You might want to check with Penn State for confirmation.

Thank you for your answers! It is helpful

Can you request that scores be sent before your child hits submit on the common app?

Not looking at Penn State, but DS24 is a little behind in finishing up his application to UMD-College Park. They state they want everything in by 11/1 and we need scores and transcript sent still.

Yes, if the school requires official scores, send those ASAP…no need to wait until the app is submitted. Make sure the school does require official test scores, many allow self-reporting…save the $$ where you can!


Yes you can request scores be sent in advance but be aware that sometimes there are issues connecting it with the application so have your child confirm that they were received.

This is helpful. Thank you!

Did you order the score regular or rush delivery?

Just regular delivery

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We paid to send SAT scores on Sunday 10/22 and it appeared as “Sent” on College Board on Tuesday 10/24. We did not pay for the Rush delivery.

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