<p>on the short reading passage in the first section, what was the purpose of repeating the workd "real?" i think i put to emphasize a contrast, but another choice was to affirm a statement (or something like that)</p>
<p>also, on one of the last questions (it might have been the very last) about the atubiographical memory passage, why would Author 1 disagree with a certain statement in Passage 2? i don't remember the full details of the question. but i think i put "because he believes memories are always somewhat fictional."</p>
<p>i think that is right, nash.
the only other logical choice was, imo,the specific anatomy one, but te first passage didnt get into specifics,
so it had to be the food behavior of a specfic dino.</p>
<p>For the most part it wasn't that bad, except for the fact that I think I screwed up the big passage on part one, and an easy vocab. The one with the Roman numerals was easy though.</p>
<p>Grammar was pretty easy - I think I got all improving sentences right, and there were three I wasn't sure of on finding errors. For people with good memories, when it says "had begun to," (the one with the tombs) is that proper grammar? I marked that at first but then changed it to no error.</p>
<p>the sentence correction question about children regarding fathers as mothers:
was the resonse "as mothers" wrong? i chose an answer that had the word "as" in it (something like "regard fathers as they regard mothers"--that's not the exact answer choice, but i do remember that the one i chose had the word "as" in it, i think it was choice D)</p>
<p>sentence correction about spurring a debate. I chose answer A, but i don't really remember the wording.</p>
<p>sentece correction (came immediately after the previous one) about Anasazi Indians. I chose answer A.</p>
<p>identify the error question about role models. i think i said that "in addition" was the error. i thought it should be replaced by "however"</p>
<p>identify the error question about classical music. I chose choice D, which said "any century." I thought it should have said "any previous century" or "any other century."</p>
<p>for the question that had zero as its answer, how did you grid zero? I gridded the zero in the second line because the first one did not have a place for zero. Is that right?</p>