***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

My S got accepted into Union/AMC

still under consideration for Union/AMC.

@srk2017 Congrats! It’s a good but tough program from what I am told, if your DS decides to go there, all the best

Here is what I found out today:

On NU HPME. they’re still interviewing, and send out acceptances to 20 and some waitlisted students after been interviewed typically total interviews range from 100-120.

On RPI/AMC, the 1st batch acceptance notifications wend out yesterday, and some more roll out by end of March after all interviews are done in next 2 weeks, again 15 slots for RPI/AMC to a total interviews around 90-100.

When does UIC GPPA and UMKC come out ?

@Mimic17 RPI/AMC’s goal is for 15 students to matriculate for the fall 2017 semester. They will accept 25-30 or so knowing that not everyone will accept their offer. So as like last year, if someone who got accepted and for sure knows they will not be attending there, it is best for everyone else for that individual(s) to notify AMC of their intentions not to attend so as to open up a chance for others who are “still under consideration”.

When is HPME’s last interview date?

@empire007 - RPI/AMC accepts around 35. Do you think they will have another list based on the responses?

HPME interviews end this week
UG notifications come out a day before HPME ones looks like end of March same as RPI

Most of programs acceptance rate becoming 1 out 5/6 candidates

@srk2017 That 35 is the total number after all is said and done for the cycle (I believe). However if an individual knows they will not attend there because they were accepted to a higher tier program, or decided to pursue another route letting AMC know their intension will give a chance to others. I’m not saying someone should do it now, if they are still waiting on results from other interviews, then of course no need to tell AMC anything right now. I am saying let’s say someone was accepted to HPME, PLME or some other upper tier program like that and know AMC is not for them then it will benefit someone else to decline their offer before the final notifications come out. Some programs do not care how many accept their offers, meaning if they give out 10 offers and only 2 accept so be it, there was never a chance for anyone else anyway. However AMC does tap into their waitlist (still under consideration) if need be.

@Empire007 You have the right idea when talking about AMC, but I just wanted to clarify one thing. If you are “still under consideration” after the first round of acceptances you still have the chance to be accepted in the second batch. Applicants will only be put on a waitlist after the second and final batch of acceptances is sent out.

@Undecided3494 I agree, there is a small waitlist (5 students I believe) after the final notifications come out and you are 100% right, ABSOLUTELY if you are still under consideration after the first round you still have a chance to be accepted in the second and final notification (that is exactly what happened to my kid last cycle), however I feel “still under consideration” is also in a sense a waitlist as well. Because AMC in the first round select their top candidates…who from last cycle seemed to be the ones who were accepted to multiple programs and high tier ones at that, the 'still under consideration" candidates are still extremely qualified and gifted applicants but there is a little more 'hair splitting" for lack of a better term to select from that group. Last cycle there were a couple of students who were in my mind just off the charts qualified one being @HS2DirectMed who after being accepted to multiple high tier programs notified AMC that he/she would not be attending for the reason that by giving up his/her slot that it provided an opening for someone else. Obvously no one is obligated to do this, it’s just a thought.

Speaking of @HS2DirectMed, he never posted his stats or his feedback after being so active on this site, very disappointing!

@srk2017 That was disappointing considering he/she said they received 15 interviews and from my last count looks like he/she was accepted to at least 12 of them. It would have been a wealth of knowledge for future candidates to get an idea of what it takes to get into BSMD.

The top tier 3 ones are NU HPME, PLME and Rice/Baylor. If one gets into one of these, will definitely skip AMC.
Sometimes these days, don’t keep high hopes on waitlisted status ones, better take a confirmed offer either be a good UG or another BS/MD one, unless there is a date to meet.

@srk2017 - RPI/ AMC (~30-35) and Union/ AMC acceptances come out as 2 announcements. In the 2016 cycle- they came out on Feb 29th and April 5th (if my memory serves me right). I am not sure if they come out with more acceptances after these two announcements.

@Empire007 and @Undecided3494
Even if an accepted student informs AMC about their decision of not joining the program, AMC may still not be able to get a student off their list in time. This is because the communication between UG and AMC takes a while. So, like the two of you advised it is a good idea for accepted students who have decided not to pick the position to let both the UG and AMC know of their decision ASAP. This potentially may free up the spot for other eagerly awaiting candidates.

My son just got an interview invite from RPI/AMC. Can someone give pointers on what to expect in the RPI/AMC interview?

@anucekay - For RPI program, they mainly ask about research experience. Otherwise, standard why you want to be doctor, why RPI etc…

thank u @srk2017