***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

I also think MCAT thing is overblown. Most BSMD program admitted students have 3.9+ GPA and high to perfect SAT IIs. I don’t think achieving decent MCAT score is an issue for these students. BU MCAT requirement is 80%.and if you can’t achieve that you will have poor USMLE which will lead to poor residencies. As @grtd2010 said, testing is part of being a physician. My wife recently took her re-certification exam (once in 10 yrs) and she had to spent lot of time studying.

The main issues going thru traditional path are the subjective things like research, volunteering, LORs etc not MCAT. yes, some schools have grade deflation and you need to accordingly.

my DS is seriously thinking of not taking BU and go traditional path. He ha full scholarship @ Vanderbilt and waiting for more outcomes.

@sharc To get the best bang from readers response, you need to provide as much details. Understand it is Twitter world! What is your specific situation, what criteria’s are more important, which items will keep you (or your parents) awake all night, financial situation, preference for big metro versus small town, cosmopolitan versus less diversified, entertainment, food, etc, UG and MD schools vibe/liking. Since you attended interviews in both schools, some impression it would have made. Otherwise, you will get answers based on their preference/criterias. Already you see diverse feedback, it may differ from students vs parents perspective (MCAT example above). Otherwise the general info like ranking, cost, etc you may already know. GL

@sharc, I would disagree with @Mimic17 statement in regards to RPI being better undergrad for research, hence RPI/AMC is better. When you apply to residency, Medical school plays major role, in regards to where and which speciality you’ll match, not the undergrad. You need solid undergrad, that is undebatable. BU is ranked 39 for research.This is just my input, if it helps.

@srk2017 Well said, it is hard to keep up with all these requirements when you are a physician. I am not one but some one close is a physician.

Are there others here that have been admitted to UCF Burnett Medical Scholars Program? There are a few Florida schools offering combined medical programs such as USF, FSU, UCF and FAU that are open to all states. I’m a bit surprised that there isn’t much information or discussion about these programs in this forum. DD is admitted / being considered for these programs, and we would very much appreciate knowledge about these programs from those that have researched these in the past or are enrolled in these programs currently. Hoping for responses.

@Mom22DDs I have been accepted into UCF BMS and also am interviewing for FAU on the 30th and visiting UCF on the 31st. If you are not attending I will be sure to let u know more about the programs and schools. Ofc Ik I’m not a former student of the program tho

@Mom22DDs - I thought some of them are early assurance programs not guaranteed programs.

Here is a 5 year old thread that had discussion about BU, RPI and Ivies.


@Mom22DDs What specific information you are looking for for these Florida schools? My daughter only applied to FAU in FL and received interview at FAU but declined after she received acceptance to other programs so someone else could have FAU opportunity. As @srk2017 mentioned, I believe some of them you mentioned are not guaranteed programs or only for FL residents.

@Mimic17 80% MCAT (BU) is close to 509 (Max is 528). It does not seem very difficult. The average MCAT in most schools is around 511 (86%).

I had interview at RPI last week and almost 95% matches from AMC into a lot better programs
Residency is all depends on USMLE steps scores not the program but research is needed these days

@AX2017BSMD - thank you so much, and please look for my daughter at FAU and UCF, if you are ok identifying yourself. She will be attending both the events with her Dad.

Thank you @srk2017 and @HS2DMed !

All 4 programs I mentioned take OOS students. We could not pursue FSU due to conflicts. DD is admitted to both USF (not guaranteed) and UCF (seems guaranteed though there is Interview in 3rd year with medical school), and is interviewing for FAU.

I would like to find out more about UCF - how many are enrolled in current year/last year Medical Scholars Program, and how many matriculate into MD from that program this year (and last year). Could someone please share?

@Mimic17, very glad to hear about AMC Residency matches. I totally agree that USMLE scores are very important for Residency matches. But the USMLE performance itself has impact from Medschool you attend, removing all other individual factors.
Research is extremely important to get into Residency. The type of research you do in Medschool is what matters. And BU is extremely solid for research. I am not advocating for BU in any means. AMC is very solid program too. And USMLE score alone will not carry you into great Residency. As a practicing physician, I have gone through the process myself. GL to you in your pursuit of being a good physician.

Anyone receives the invitation for BA/MD from StonyBrook??? Thanks for reply

There are four major factors for Residency of Choice. 1. Step 1 and 2… 2. Research… 3. LOR… 4. Interview

LOR with well known MD from elective rotation are very important for ones who wants to go into subspecialty in the future.

@dualmd2017 Asking as a parent of a child in BSMD, what is the Step 1 and 2 score necessary for a residency of choice? Also what is the best way to prepare (ie is there prep courses available)? One thing AMC told us last cycle at the interview, was one advantage with not requiring an MCAT for the student is the student has more time to prepare for the steps. I have no clue on the step exams so if @texaspg or @Roentgen or anyone else out there is knowlegeble on the subject please advise. Thanks.

When is Rice/Baylor and PLME coming out ?

Also when Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, Yale UGs coming out ?

Take a look at this pdf. There is a lot of material on the web when u google (Match + residency + NRMP). In a month u will have the recent (this years 2017) results also as the cutoff’s keep changing. There is another variable. i.e the rating of the program u are applying. If u see Peadiatrics here could be an avg of 230 Step1. But if u apply to country’s top 3 peads programs with a 230, the probability will be way less of getting in. (every other parameter between two kids being same)

@Pannaga Thank you! At quick glance it looks very helpful. I’ll be sure to read it over tonight and share it with my DC. Thanks again for your input.

Anyone know when Drexel/Drexel comes out?