***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@Empire007 First, Residency of choice, Medicine or Surgery…In Medicine, It breaks down to Peds, Internal-Med, Family Med, Psych, Rehab and Sport Med…>85% tile would be competitive…In Gen Surg, ENT, Ortho, Neuro, OB/GYN, …One needs >90% in step 1 and 2 to have a good shot. Prep courses are many but most valuable info are from meds school and clinical rotations. One needs to put medical knowledge into clinical setting for most of the questions on step 1 and 2.

@dualmd2017 Thank you. So clinical rotation experience being important in step scores is why I guess the med school attended makes a big difference. Meaning the hospital the rotations are done at should offer a wide area of specialties to gain experience. From what you said in an earlier post it appears residency matching is also a holistic process. My DC is now just starting to select what kind of research to pursue. So would it be safe to assume that the research one pursues should be in line with residency desired? Or would that type cast you later if later you decide instead of wanting to do Neuro you actually want to do ENT (purely hypothetical)?

@Empire007 Research experience is important because you are required to finish a clinical project at end of your residency and further research in fellowship. Poster or Podium presentation on national meeting would serve well for fellowship.

@Empire007 Podium or oral presentation

@dualmd2017 In the PhD-MD program at RPI/AMC the research project that the student works on from basically the start of sophmore year till end of year 7 is different research than what your talking about you need for residency? Or is that research project you said that has to be finished at the end of residency something you start after graduating AMC? If that is a redundant or silly question I apologize I just want to make sure I understand the process.

yes, therefore, research during med year would be the factor for residency…because top program directors want their residents with experience, this helps residents to complete their residency and serve up their reputation. Every program wants to have their name on the map when it comes to national meeting.

@dualmd2017 Thank you. I understand now.

@Empire007 GL…My brother did his fellowship at AMC…it is expensive as private med school but good program. AMC-Albany Medical Center has changed so much that I could not recognize some parts of it when I visited 2 years ago.

@dualmd2017 I’m going for my Stony Brook interview friday.

@misophoniax when did you receive their invitation?

@dualmd2017 Thanks. We never saw it till last year but the Medical Center is really nice. We stay at a hotel right across the street everytime we visit our DC and they seem to be expanding it and adding more and more wings to it all the time.

@Empire007 My brother finished his fellowship in 2005. At that time, the hotel was not built…It has grown when We returned at 10 years union…Good Luck to your DC…

@misophoniax Good Luck to you…are you IS or OOS Applicant?

When is Rice/Baylor and PLME coming out ?

Also when Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, Yale UGs coming out ?

@Mimic17 Ivys are out at 5pm 3/30…Just received letter from Darmouth…Rice are after 4/1…PLME is 3/30…

@Mimic17 My DS is anxiously waiting for PLME. Then He makes his decision. Good Luck to you…by the way, Congrats to you on (got in ) one of the BS/MD program…

Thanks @dualmd2017

Yes, I got into NU HPME !!!

Recieved a call from Hofstra today for an acceptance to their 4+4 Program

@TheAmazing777 Very nice…Congrats

wow, congrats to everyone who’s received an acceptance and for those of you still waiting, good luck !