***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@BS_MD2017 thanks… so many acronyms on CC :slight_smile: Unfortunately, I didn’t apply to either of those programs :frowning:


Cost: RB (MD cost is lower than any state’s IS fees for 4 years of MD). Texas is the lowest fees for MD, even for OOS it will come below or on par with most of the IS fees. For UG, if you are not need base, then there is a possibility you can get merit aid(which you should have known now) but NU chances are less.

Location: If you are used to cold weather, depends on individual preference between Chicago vs Houston. If not, people who are not comfortable with cold/snow, may prefer RB than NU.

Duration: RB 8 NU 7; MCAT: Yes for RB and No for NU; GPA Both are high (check how hard in each schools to attain). RB Small compared to NU in total students if that matters to you.

Reputation: You can not go wrong with either program.If you get accepted for both programs, and can not make up based on your own subjective/objective assessment, simply toss the coin and go with the choice. GL

Does anyone know what is minimum MCAT score requirement for BS/MD students at Stony Brook? I know it changes year by year but what was the requirement for the last two years for the BS/MD students to get a guaranteed seat. The reason for my question is why would anyone go to guaranteed BS/MD seat if the MCAT requirement is the same for what would be for someone coming from regular UG program.

@Salvadortrail I don’t know Stony Brook MCAT score need. But I am curious about your second question. May be each of us have different understanding about the BS/MD program.

First each BS/MD program has its own flavor and every one must read the fine prints and do through research before committing. Few flavors are: need to write MCAT, need to apply thru the normal AAMC MD application, need to maintain certain GPA, need to do certain specific major or minor, need to fulfill certain number of years in UG etc.,

From my perspective, the key advantage is not have to go thru certain unknown which are subjective (more than objective) and that enables student to have a balanced life and focus on UG. Writing MCAT is another routine in medicine profession, maintaining GPA is activity and that is not at all main concern for this highly competitive and bright BS/MD students. But if you need to go thru the application process in true sense (meet and qualify and get the pre-med LOR and maintain a top notch resume to get attracted to MD interview (EC, Shadow etc), making the judgment to which MD school you want to apply and how many and the huge travel and budget during that cycle.
Interview is subjective and not objective like MCAT or GPAS.

Advantage is MD seat is conditionally guaranteed and disadvantage is student lack more exposure and maturity to decide if medicine is the right profession because committing now than after 4 additional years .

Hi I was accepted into the Drexel BSMD program. What are the pros and cons? I was not expecting it but think its will make it easier in the long run.

@lovetheoutdoors , Congrats on your Drexel acceptance! Did you receive it through mail or email?

I got a call.

@ovetheoutdoors -Congratulations! What are your other choices (BSMD and UG)? Also, what’s the cost of attendance?

Does anybody know when Union/AMC is going to release the list of selected candidates from “Still under consideration” list?

I think second week of April. I’m on that list too. @midwestFem

We are looking for your help to make a choice on bs/md between UCF and U Toledo. Thanks in advance for your time and expertise. We know its not top tier programs but its very critical for us, please do comment.

@midwestFem All of the “under consideration” applicants will get their final decision when the second and final batch of acceptances is sent out. To my knowledge the last couple of Union/AMC applicants interviewed this Monday. Don’t know the exact date acceptances will be sent out though.

FAME decisions out! My DS got the acceptance. good luck ya’ll.

@SFBayStudent My D did not apply to both UCF and Toledo. But I initially looked (at least Toledo) and I felt it is not truly a (conditionally) guaranteed program. Same way I felt lot of Florida program (except UM) were in the same boat and did not want to apply. Please get input from others who are familiar with these 2 programs and make the decision.

Heard OU results are out today 3/28. Any one who got accepted or wait listed, post here.

@SFBayStudent, I don’t know about UCF, but regarding Toledo, it depends your D’s stats and other UGs acceptances already in hand . The program is not guaranteed as we all know. If there is chance for very good traditional route, and your D has high Stats, I would go with traditional. In guaranteed BS/MD, even lower tier program has kids with high stats.

Got accepted to OU’s MHSP! Any advice/thoughts/opinions on the program are much appreciated.

I was looking at the UCF residency match for 2017, and they seem to be very good (I’m not from medical field, so I could be wrong). The BSMD program requires maintaining a high GPA (3.75) and MCAT at 88th percentile (512). It says a seat is reserved for the students in UCF COM. It also says an interview is required at the beginning of 3rd year, which I believe is true for Temple BSMD program as well.

UCF seems like a very good medical school. Could we get some medical school veterans like @texaspg @narkor and others to weigh in on UCF here please on the cons about the program?

Here is the match list: med.ucf.edumedia201703Match-Results-2017.pdf
Also, they had another 8 accepted into early residency match programs for urology, opthamology etc. today.ucf.edutopicresidency-match*
(Please replace stars with slashes)

^^ @SFBayStudent - I would pick UCF hands down over UToledo.