***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@grtd2010 - please review this link: career.ucla.eduPortals14DocumentsPDFMedStats2014MedicalSchoolAdmissionsStatistics.pdf_042516.pdf (replace * with /)
That links shows that of all the kids that entered with pre-med intention into UCLA in 2010 (say 20% of total enrollment), only 124 ended the year with high enough GPA and MCAT to apply to medical schools. Of those, only 50% were accepted. Those are discouraging stats for anyone to pick UCLA for pre-med.

A total of 124 first-time applicants from class of 2014 does not reconcile with UCLA being #1 school that produced most doctors in 2014, unless more UCLA grads got into medical schools after waiting a year or two before applying to medical school. This means UCLA students take breaks or keep applying to medical schools for multiple years after they graduate (till they get in or give up).

Please ask around about UCs and pre-meds to get the full picture.

@Mom22DDs UC-Berkeley website says UG students take a Gap year and apply to medical School at the end of 4th year. But the list gives atleast a relative ranking which may not be too far from the truth.

@pleasanton Exteremely sorry to hear this. My DD got in 1 out of 4 BA/MD programs she applied. She is extremely upset that she can’t stay in Chicago! Surprisingly UIC GPPA declined her yesterday. It’s so bizarre she was given Honors Scholar award of $3K/year at UIC Chicago and she was the first set to be interviewed on Jan 10 and we were thinking she will get in UIC GPPA.

@grtd2010: Thanks for displaying the list. Do you have link for the list?

Hello everyone: I am deciding between UC-San Diego & University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I am from IL. Any inputs/opinions/information would be great.

Congratulations to those accepted by a program! For those not offered by a program, you will become a physician eventually with the same hard work as that of those in a program.

My DD got into Rice/Baylor two years ago and she loves it. At Rice, there’re tons of research and doctor shadowing opportunities around the world’s largest medical complex, all within walking/biking distance. Academically, it’s challenging as with any other good colleges. But you will survive if you take the challenging. I think Rice will offer better chances.

My 2 cents.

UH/UTH is top BS/MD combination not just as schools but as a financial decision for 7 or 8 years.

If the decision is to do undergrad over NU HPME, nothing beats Yale for premeds. Nothing beats Stanford if someone has a chance of changing their mind from medicine (they still do extremely well as premeds).

Thank you @texaspg ! UT/UTH decision is still pending, and a lot of DCs, including mine, are holding hope for it.

What about Rice? My DD loves Houston for the opportunities, and hasn’t declined her admission there yet, though she is sure she is going BSMD route.

@sampil UI Urbana and save $120k for your MD fees. What you do in the next 4 years going to get you MD seat more than UCSD vs UIUC since they are similar ranked schools and will offer pre-med opportunities. GL.

@mom22dds - Rice is a very good undergrad school (I am told they have easier grades because they scale from A+ down as opposed to A), Those who graduate in the top 5 or 10% usually have GPAs of 4.05 and so top quarter usually ends up close to 4.


@WGSK88 The selection process for UG and BS/MD program are 2 different things and it has no bearing and no indication. Most of the middle to low tier programs are no nonsense and they will provide admission including full tuition within reasonable time (2-4 weeks). But it does not mean you will even get an interview from these schools. Examples are UPitt , UAB, OU etc. Morale booster is UPitt. Apply Oct 1st and you will admission with full tuition by Oct end.

@grtd2010 Wait and take time to decide about UC. If you are deciding UCB CS with an open mind for possible change in career then it is the best choice. But if any one coming to UC (especially OOS) for pre-med and hoping to get residency of CA, it may not be a better strategy.

CA is the not the best state for pre-med candidates due to sheer volume and competitive students. Texas is the best state for medicine aspiration.

Also when reviewing any schools marketing flier for admitted students for MD, be cautious. @Mom22DDs has stated nicely in her post 3078. No one will tell how many registered for pre-med in 1st year and how many applied to MD in 4th year. That will be an interesting stat to see in UC school. Even the UCLA link above, it is interesting to note only 124 students got admitted to MD in 2014. Out of that only 24 admitted to UC MD schools. Out of that only 16 matriculated. If you make a wild guess, probably 2 to 3 thousands would have registered for pre-med. 1000+ students apply (UCLA pre-med process more than the total number of MD seats of CA).

I currently have a child in BSMD first year, and I have another child who is currently in HS. The HS student scored extremely well on the PSAT and has been receiving tons of mail form Case Western. I read somewhere that they track your hits to their website and count a visit to their campus during HS as a huge plus in determining an interview (assuming your stats are excellent of course) and acceptance to PPSP. My question is does visiting Case when you were in HS and using your student ID to visit their website often make any difference at all? My older one did not apply to CW so we don’t have any experience with them, hence why I am asking the questions to those who may have applied there.

No interview, did not visit CWRU but been to website once or twice. Got offer to join UG with 27k scholarship.

@Empire007 - When it comes to BSMD, only stats, ECs, essays and LORs matter for being invited to interviews, as they are looking for the best of the best, and having completed the extensive application is sufficient indication of interest.

@GoldenRock Thanks. I have my extended family living in CA. There are personal reasons for a desire to move to CA. We are researching Temple option seriously for BS/MD. We went to Temple admitted student day yesterday. We found out 100% of those who interviewed with Temple SOM during April of Junior year got an early acceptance to Temple SOM by May of junior year. It is the GPA 3.6 (science and overall) and MCAT ( >75% percentile and no less than 60% percentile in any section in maximum two attempts) which is important. The professors told us in pre-med classes, about 15-20% A’s are given out. No grades less than B- and no repeat of any class is allowed.

@grtd2010 - my DD interviews with Temple as part of the Wash-Jeff Temple guaranteed BSMD program. There they said they could choose to accept all of them into the program if they were all a fit. In general, I don’t think Temple tries to cut their BSMD students, they try to accommodate as many of them that meet their qualifications.

@grtd2010 There is no second though if youd DD will meet the requirements of Temple. Easily she will meet and get into Temple MD, though it is not guaranteed and need to go thru interview. All of these BS/MD students are highly qualified and motivated students. As long Temple meets her expectations and she doesn’t get disappointed/istmatch for whatever reason.

Understand your situation for UCB. Wait and take all this month to decide, and hope OU gets accepted (from waitlist) and it may be a happy path in between these 2 tough choices. GL.


Hi Mom22DDs,

May I ask you a question. My DD got PLME but still waiting for Pitt GAP decision.

Besides the higher UG Pitt GPA requirement, I wonder if you could offer any opinion on Alpert Med. vs Pitt Med.

According to US News, Pitt Med ranks higher. It looks like matchings are pretty good at both school.

@tenniscrazy Pitt may be ranked higher but the strength of the matches at both schools are very comparable, so I would not look at the difference in the ranking as meaningful.