***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

Congrats @BS_MD2017 and @cheegyxd - you’re all set!

Anyone have any idea when U of Houston 3+4 program decisions come out?

I interviewed early March, and I was wondering when we would be notified. If it doesn’t pan out, I have another university I want to accept soon

I heard from current HBS kids that their overall GPA is low, and nothing is being done about it. I also heard that there were only 4 kids total accepted after the sophomore year medical interview this year, with two going to Galveston and 2 to McGovern. We don’t understand why only 4 out of 10 kids made it through, and based on the data received from others, I wonder if the rest did not meet the GPA. We’re not sure about HBS 3+4 anymore as hearing all of this from multiple HBS parents is very concerning for us.

Would folks from Texas please provide more information from their contacts in HBS program?


Does anybody know when the Pitt Gap notification come out?

Sharing for benefit of current and future students trying to make a decision. My DD has multiple options, and here is our analysis:

USA (South Alabama): 4+4non-binding. student is constantly evaluated for maintaining ability to stay on combined program. Meeting with Program Director each quarter, all activity (academic and non academic) reported to SOM each semester, reasonable GPA and MCAT requirements, allowed to apply out. Seems like the best support system in place, Program Director cares about each student, research/volunteering activities encouraged and student might get help finding them.

UH HBS: 3+4 non-binding for guaranteed BSMD and regular for just UG. Both follow same curriculum and all pre-med reqs are completed in 3 years. Strong curriculum, students feel they will score high in MCAT. BSMD has GPA, MCAT requirements. Student is interviewed sophomore year by medical school (again) to determine Galveston vs McGovern. Unfortunately, big negative is that parents of HBS students have communicated that their kids GPA has tanked. Some of them left the (regular HBS) program, rest are worried for their future because of low GPA and nothing is being done about it. Out of 10 cohorts selected, only 4 met the bar to make it this year. ~6 met the bar last year to matriculate into medical school. Something’s off where students selected for the program are not able to successfully matriculate into the medical school.

NJMS: 3+4 binding. once admitted, you can matriculate through any UG you are admitted to (NJIT, TCNJ, Rutgers Newark). Each UG has slightly different requirement to matriculate to med school. In general, 3.5-3.6 GPA, must take MCAT but score is not important, no other applications or interviews or LORs. Not sure about support in UG for medical activities, students might be on their own. Med school is large, so support would be reasonable but may not be excellent like smaller medical schools.

UCF: 4+4 non-binding not guaranteed. High(est?) GPA (3.75) and MCAT (512) requirements and interview is done at beginning of 3year UG. Looks like there is no strong support in UG for making it through the requirements, though there is support for students in Honors program in general. Medical school faculty and support system is excellent, high tech latest equipment and facilities, very impressive. BMS students seem to have healthy attitude, all UCF students seem happy, but heard only from freshman and sophomore students. UCF BMS requires 3.5 GPA 1st yr, 3.6 GPA 2nd yr, MACT and interview happen right after 2nd year, 3.7 GPA 3rd year and 3.75 GPA final year. I haven’t heard from those in UG junior or senior year which is where reality sets in. Finishing final year of UG with 3.75 GPA is no joke, wonder if students will lose spot at end and struggle about what to do. If they make it, strong matches and great results.

FAU: 3+4 binding,extremely supportive environment for both UG and med school, 2 locations (Boca Raton and Jupiter) new and upcoming. One concern is whether their mission is to train doctors for primary care in FL and encourage students towards those residencies.

Temple: 4+4 binding, not guaranteed. Most work involved. reasonable GPA and MCAT requirements. Good support system in place for UG, med school unknown but likely good support there too. Demonstrate engagement in medical ECs through first 2 years of UG, get LORs and committee letters and submit application, pass interview by medical school, which might be more formality than weeding.

@Mom22DDs The attractive options are TCNJ/NJMS and Wash-Jeff/Temple for your DD. Is Wash-Jeff/Temple not a guaranteed program ? Temple/Temple is not a guaranteed program.

So your DD has already been accepted into the U of H 3/4 program? @Mom22DDs

@Mom22DDs Thanks for the info. Can you also a line for each of if they give any merit aid for UG? Just 1 liner as a new post.

It appears NJMS is the safe option.

@grtd2010 - Wash-Jeff/Temple is guaranteed 4+4 binding program. However, Temple is off her list. She came back disappointed from her UG trip and said she couldn’t see herself spending even a year there. The trip made her understand what ‘not a fit’ means.

@sundog123 - UH HBS 3+4 decisions are not out yet, nor are FAU and Wash-Jeff/Temple. We’re a bit freaked out by the feedback from HBS though.

DD asked for advice on her own about UCF and has been told it is risky option, not for interview, but for the very high GPA requirements, especially in senior year. I think she got emails saying ‘take it if you have no other BSMD option because something is better than nothing’ , so it might come off her list, but she loves it :slight_smile:

@GoldenRock & @grtd2010 - DD is now comparing UCF vs USA vs FAU vs NJMS. School support system and the leaders, as well as cohorts, are very important to DD. Tech at UCF medical school is the best out there of all she saw. She is inspired by the Deans at FAU (‘how could one not want to be guided by such committed leadership’ is what she said after her trip) and feels that the best UG+med school support is at USA (‘no matter what, they’ll see me through’). I think she also feels a connection to folks in USA’s COMEAP program and incoming COMEAP students. NJMS would be an ideal choice except for the weather. So, all are still being analyzed, though she hasnt been accepted to FAU yet.

@GoldenRock - We don’t qualify for any financial aid. Will do a separate post on UG merit scholarships below.

@GoldenRock: Listing offered scholarships below. DD is NMF, so I have called out where the offer is based on that status.

NJMS: Nothing for medical school but possible to become NJ resident during UG and can then pay in-state fees for med school. (don’t know details).
NJIT: Full ride (NMF status, but also offered full-ride otherwise. She has more scholarships from NJIT that she can avail. Not sure if getting the BSMD played a part).
TCNJ: Nothing so far. Someone mentioned it will be full-ride. I left voicemail for their FA office, waiting to hear back.
Rutgers: Unclear. She’s received multiple scholarships but we don’t know how they add up.

USA: Not NMF scholarship. Full-ride as a special case. Not in writing yet. Full tuition in writing.

UCF: NMF full ride for UG only. Nothing for medical school, but I understand they offer some merit aid there if you make it through. Not easy to become FL resident unless parents move or student marries FL resident.

FAU: NMF full ride for UG, NMF in-state tuition and fees waived for medical school. Not easy to become FL resident unless parents move or student marries FL resident.

UH: NMF scholarship. Full tuition + fees all 4 years, additional funds for tech and summer program + National Merit Scholarship of $10K ($2.5K/yr). First year payment works out to under $10K. Nothing for medical school, but can move out of dorms in UG and become resident to pay in-state fees which are very low, as are out of state fees.

Temple: Unclear. Not NMF scholarship. For UG, it seems to be tuition+fees 50% off at minimum. Nothing for medical school.

Hope that helps. Please message me individually for any details.

I got into Vanderbilt, Rice, Emory, Boston College and Tulane with pretty much the same close-to-full-ride offers. I also got accepted to UPitt UG but am looking at a cost of about $30k a year. So I initially just ignored UPitt, but just heard from the UPitt med school that I got accepted into their GAP program (a guaranteed admission to the Pitt Med School after four years UG at UPitt). I am now facing a bit complicated and tough situation.

I want to do medicine for sure, but obviously this is going to be a difficult decision between choosing a guaranteed top but expensive medical school and various prestige undergraduate programs with much less costs.

Can you guys help me out here to lay out the pros and cons of going with these different schools? which one I should choose? should I go with the UPitt GAP and seize the done deal upfront? or should I do the UGs and go through the harsh application process again after four years? And if I choose to do the UGs first, among the above five schools, which one I should go with and would get me an easiest pathway to a top medical school like UPitt Med School after four years?

Many thanks!

@pittov - Congrats on so many great offers. Are they scholarships @ Vanderbilt, Rice, Emory, Boston College and Tulane merit or need based or combination?

I believe you can negotiate with UPitt and at least get full tuition if you are comfortable with high GPA and MCAT requirement. Otherwise, any of the schools you got into are good. Also, what’s your intended major?

@pittorv Congrats and go with UPitt GAP. Curious, why you did not get any aid from UPitt? Did you apply late or did you reach out to them to consider for aid.

NMF Students: Make sure you declare your school of choice to NMSC as soon as you finalize the college selection and if that college offers any aid for NMF. NMSC sends the updated list only on certain time in April and one in May. Make sure you notify at least 1 or 2 days before their list goes to school. Some of the medium-low tier BS/MD has NMF and make sure to decide sooner. GL.

I am sorry to say this, but I think this thread is becoming more of information Getting forum Versus Forum where people share latest updates and also seek advise and suggestion. Case Western came out yesterday and saw only 2 updates - did Case only admit 2 ? … Now see that Pitt is out, but seems like no one who uses CC got in…

@BS_MD2017 In general the momentum looses by end of March and rarely posts in April and May for the current year. So that is why programs which declare results very late , you don’t see much.

In general, folks asking for info, are hoping that will benefit for future students/parents, and it is not to know about individual situation/info nor it going to benefit any one (since most of their kids are already decided or gone to college).

For example, Tulane, has its own deadline for merit aid (which is way ahead of pseudo BS/MD program deadline). USC also has good aid but deadlines are different. So if some one states since missed deadline created this situation, that should alert future parents / students to take a note of it and make sure they apply ahead.

@BS_MD2017 Actually you raised a good point and agree. Provide any input or suggestion based on what is given in the post, that should be the primary focus.

Hey what’s the chance I could get your email? I’d really appreciate it if I could kinda go over my edu resume with u and kinda see what my chances are c: