***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@grtd2010 I saw a post here (I’m not calling anyone out) that was going along the lines of “this kid who wasn’t Asian got in with a subpar test score because he/she was some other race.” Of course, this isn’t exactly what this person said, but it came off to me like that. The mindset behind the writer of this post could be entirely different from what I’m getting, but that’s how it came across to me. We will never know what goes on in the admissions office. It could be a particularly moving essay that gets someone in or a very nicely written recommendation letter. But, I agree with what you stated in your last post. I’m just writing this for a student who feels like they have no shot at BSMD because their SAT score is 50 points lower than CC’s definition of “good enough for BSMD.”

@misophoniax - so right… my D got admitted to 6 programs that she applied for last year (about 100% acceptance to all programs where her application was complete in time). Two programs did not receive her scores/ additional paper work in time and she wasn’t aware of it until much later. All of this when D had scores that were not near perfect.

There is no point in trying to analyze why one student is accepted while the other with bettter scores/ ECs etc did not. It will never ever make sense. Most times things in life including science don’t have answers that make sense. It’s best not to analyze results based on profession of parents/ race/ gender/ creed or color. All we should be doing is accepting things as they come with the assumption that it is fair (if buss is nit very obvious) and not question or try to analyze it.

Students and parents congrats on some great results this year! Those who didn’t make it to BS/ MD will find your best fit elsewhere and still make it if you have the grit. Good luck to those with multiple acceptances as you try to pick your school.

@misophoniax When people do not understand why something happened, it is a human tendency to search for plausible reasons. Your statement “Blaming race solely for getting denied to a BS/MD program is a flawed mentality” is a bit strong. IMHO.

Sorry to anyone who might’ve been offended :confused:

I guess what I’m also trying to say is that someone of a different race that has been accepted with a lower test score may have been more qualified in other ways. Test scores aren’t everything though they are very very important.

Sorry meant D got accepted and not admitted to 6 programs- couldn’t change it in time due to technical snag!!

@misophoniax Are you from NY ? You have only NY state acceptances (Union,Siena,Stony Brook).
May be these programs prefer in-state candidates. Just a speculation.

I am from NY. How does this relate to race or SAT/ACT in the BS/MD process?

Certain BS/MD program may prefer in-state candidates over OOS candidates. It would be nice to know for future applicants to these programs. This may be more valuable piece of information than SAT/ACT score.

@grtd2010 Union does not have a preference for instate students, I know this because a majority of the people in the program are from out of state and actually quite a large number of them are from the west coast. Siena is the same way as it is a private school like Union. Stony Brook may have a slight preference for instate applicants due to the fact that they are a state school. In my opinion though Stony Brook is undoubtedly the toughest of these three to get accepted into which means an applicant really isn’t gaining much of an advantage based on their state of residence.

I will post my stats later on. Maybe the CC community can speculate as to what got me into these three programs. But, at the end of the day, it will only be speculation. I brought this up in the first place just to reassure any readers who feel like they are not qualified to even apply to BS/MD because of a seemingly low SAT score or because they think their race somehow puts them on a lower rung.

@misophoniax I completely agree with you. When I was applying to most programs I felt as if I had no chance due to the fact that I was an Indian American with a decent GPA and excellent but not perfect ACT scores. Despite this I was accepted into three programs and am currently attending a program. You never know what they are looking for, in my case I think my athletics may have distinguished me as a leader due to the fact I was a captain of three teams. There’s always a chance, nothing ventured means nothing gained.

I do believe race, gender and location make a difference in admission decisions whether it is BS/MD or UG admissions. As per BS/MD lot more factors go into decision making. Every candidate has required ECs, but some go beyond meeting minimum requirements and show lot more passion and conviction in their ECs especially volunteering and get through with subpar scores. I believe last year someone with below the published average scores got into Northwestern due to their volunteering. Same goes with Ivies and those are exceptions. Asian boys is the toughest category to compete and that’s a well known fact. One needs to be creative to get in than having same.profile as others.

Hi everyone! I am currently at the TCNJ/NJMS program! If you got accepted into the program please feel free to join the facebook group called TCNJ/NJMS SMED’s Class of 2024! Also, you can PM me for any questions! :slight_smile:

Hey guys! Which bsmd program is better for premeds: NU HPME, CWRU PPSP, or Rice/Baylor?

is anyone going to answer my question…?

@remroll - I’d think any research that links to your interests in medicine (psychology links to medicine) should be fine. That said, I’m just a parent (of a BSMD student), so you might want to get more inputs.

@stresstasticlife - congrats, did you get into all three? I’d recommend choosing based on personal preferences of factors such as weather, culture at institution, cohorts, prestige of UG school, medical school preference etc.

Has UH HBS 3/4 program named their 10 finalists yet?

Is anyone turning down their UTSA FAME spot? Does anyone know how many students were waitlisted?