***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@stresstasticlife “Hey guys! Which bsmd program is better for premeds: NU HPME, CWRU PPSP, or Rice/Baylor?”

I don’t understand your question. Why are you asking about premeds (traditional path non-BSMD) in relation to three BSMD programs?

Are you referring to UG or actually BSMD?

DD is accepted to UH HBS 3/4 program. Lots of laughter and some crying going on right now :slight_smile:

@Mom22DDs Congrats!

Is anyone turning down their UMKC BA/MD spot?

NU HPME > Rice/Baylor > CWRU PPSP

@Mom22DDs congrats!!
How was the message conveyed to your DD?

@summershine - My understanding is that all students received an email today.

Probably only acceptances were mailed out? Very happy for your DD!

I talked to another student’s parent in the program and they said they got a denied email (very sad), so I would expect all results are mailed out. Email is to students, please check spam or Promotions folder?

^^ @summershine

Agree if there is no difference in cost of attendance for the 7/8 years for the admitted student.

BS/MD Program Decision Help

Union College/AMC

Apologies if formatting is poor. I am a senior in high school. Both schools are about equidistant from me (~10 hours average). Having trouble making a decision. Would love to hear thoughts.


<li>Maintain a 3.5 GPA (science, calculated via AAMC)</li>
<li>Minimum Score on MCAT (whatever that means, if anyone knows please share)</li>
<li>Demonstrate Character Progression (volunteering, leadership, merit, etc.)</li>
<li>Major in Medical Sciences from Honors College</li>

*Maintain a 3.5 GPA (Calculated at the end of each trimester)

  • Complete an Interdisciplinary major
  • No MCAT
  • Have to complete an MBA or MS in Healthcare Management (I’ll probably do the MBA)
  • Freshman Research Project and Senior Year Healthcare Administration Project
  • Demonstrate Character Progression


- Higher ranked medical school 
- Big college=more resources/opportunities
- In Cincinnati which is a big city / more opportunities

-Harder to get help in order to maintain 3.5 GPA
- Coursework seems more rigorous than Union
- Uncertainty about whether UC prepares students to do well enough on MCAT



  • Come out with an MBA which is extremely useful for future
  • Easier to maintain 3.5 GPA since class sizes are a lot smaller (40 ppl max)
  • No MCAT


  • Lower ranked medical school
  • MBA route creates extra work and requires taking classes over the summer
  • Very small school = Less opportunities

Well I am a current student in LIM and I would honestly say that UC/UCCOM is a better choice for you due to the fact that it will most likely be substantially less expensive. Also I don’t think you quite grasp how they work the MBA courses into our schedule. Some of the MBA courses are taken over the summer in 5 week terms at the Clarkson Regional Canopus while we are also allowed to take some online while we are home for the summer. The rest are worked into the trimester schedule throughout the four years. I will concede there are less oppurtunities available for research at Union but our Alumni network is incredible and many of the students here get great summer internships. Also all the professors here do research and are more than willing to let students work with them. Don’t bank on the coursework here being easier either. The trimester system means that teachers are squeezing a lot of content into just 10 weeks, but is nice to go on break without having to worry about any coursework. Like I dad before I would choose the cheaper option.

@Undecided3494 Thanks for the reply. Assuming that finances are not an issue (obviously cannot be completely dismissed since Union is very expensive), would that change your opinion?

@thatcho - college rankings matter if you want to pursue residencies like ROAD or are considering a fellowship after residency. If that is the case, UCCOM wins hands down. Otherwise, all else being similar, including finances, go where you feel more comfortable.

I need some thoughts for us parents. DD is considering the following:

Uh HBS 3/4 leading to McGovern or Galveston:
Tuition waived, 3/4 non-binding (can be taken 4/4?). High GPA/MCAT required, but we don’t know exact requirements yet. At the end of second year, they will have an interview with both schools and then determine which medical school student will matriculate to (not a filtering interview, it only determines McGovern vs Galveston). I realize all of this is more of Cons rather than Pros. The main Pro is that Houston is DD’s dream city for a medical career. She loves the location, prefers the weather (over NJ), and feels that she will have great support from the UH HBS administration. She might consider applying out but that is not a consideration at this time.

NJIT/TCNJ 3/4 leading to NJMS:
Full ride, 3/4 binding (cannot be done 4/4). 3.5/3.6 GPA and minimum pass on MCAT, though a current UG sophomore in the program said she was being suggested to make 512 on MCAT. The main con is weather in NJ. DD has no idea of what cold weather means, and we have heard from senior parents with kids in Drexel and NY that their kids came home depressed during winter break.

Based on conditions, NJMS seems more favorable. Based on weather, UH seems more favorable. Based on medical school merit for research/opportunities, how dies NJMS compare to McGovern (which is ranked higher) or Galveston (ranked lower)?

@thatcho AMC is definitely not as highly ranked as UCCOM but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a good residency if you do well on your licensing exams and in med school. If money is not an issue then I would say to go with whichever college you feel like you would fit in more at. Although I would just say to remember the MBA degree does give you some flexibility in your career choice. There are also a lot of MD/MBA programs out there so make sure you do your research sand see if UCCOM offers anything like that.

@Mom22DDs I think it has been mentioned before - you need to account for the NJIT and the NJMS location. Weather would be a secondary concern…

Thank you @BS_MS2017. DD understands she needs to be aware of her surroundings. We visited NJIT last weekend. NJIT campus feels safer than many parts of San Francisco where DD goes with friends to hang out. I also want to call out the plethora of opportunity nearby in the form of hospitals and research centers, and access to entertainment including New York, Prudential Center and NJPAC. We are pretty sold on NJIT and would recommend others considering NJMS college choices to visit NJIT now to determine for themselves. The area seems to continue improving. We do worry about the weather though, and that’s not going to improve anytime.

@Mom22DDs, what mode of transportation is your DD going to use to get to the nearby hospitals and research centers in Newark?