***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

I may be wrong, But this is what I understood. For MD admission, attending the same university UG has no bearing. Everybody prospective students looked at fresh and admitted based on that school’s holistic process.

@FranceIndia - adding to what @srk2017 said, the medical school the student is coming from does ultimately matter, especially for top residencies. Students from top tier medical schools do stand an advantage in getting top tier residencies.

Hello ,

I have few general Quesiions to convince my DD to select the right UG program

My DD got few BSMD 7 year / 8 year programs In Florida and UF honors . All with full ride as she is NMF and scholar.

Would appreciate any insight …

1 . How hard is for regular UG preMed students ( If my DD decides UF honors over BSMD) to compete to MD admission on regular pool with 3.8 GPA and 512 MCAT with medical ECs and Research ? We are Asian Indian and I heard this is hard as there are many experienced Pre Med graduated who have been trying few years and the interview committee selects such passoinate students as they have been trying hard . In such cases, fresher with required GPA and MCAT lose the open pool . Is it true ?Please confirm?
2. UF pre health FAQ says UF premed students 45% make it to MD in general after UG graduate . Not sure how this possible since there are not many MD seats in Florida and the number of PreMed students in any college is unrestricted ?

Any insight is appreciated

Some schools may claim as high as 70-90% make it to Medical School. I will be a skeptic.The number may not use all those who initially started as pre-med. Ask the specific school what do they mean ?

@grtd2010 - Congrats to your daughter and the family.

@WGSK88 Thanks.

@cheegyxd - I also recommend Case PPSP unless you want to aim for top 10 medical schools going traditional. Even if your goal is higher ranked medical schools, you can aim for residency.


Colleges and Universities That Produce the Most Applicants to Med School:

UF #4 with 760 in 2014.

1 - UCLA

2 - University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

3 - UC Berkeley

4 - University of Florida

5 - University of Texas at Austin

6 - UC San Diego

7 - Cornell University

8 - University of Georgia

9 - The Ohio State University

10 - University of Wisconsin-Madison

11 - Brigham Young University

12 - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

13 - UC Davis

14 - University of Washington

15 - Texas A&M University

16 - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

17 - Johns Hopkins University

18 - Duke University

19 - Emory University

20 - Rutgers University

UF #5 with 713 in 2012.

@Volunteerism , Thanks for the info UF stat , wonder if you could post the link or source, please ?

Thanks all…@srk2017…I asked DD to strongly consider VCU and Penn/Jefferson, however she responded that they both require MCAT and if she is going to be taking MCAT she might as well go to the UG she loves the most and put in all efforts to score high and take her chances and apply to med school closer to home in upstate NY.

@DendyP Congratulations to your DD! Very impressive accomplishments. My DD has a full tuition waiver from Pitt and we were on the campus this week. Here’s my take on Pitt based on what we saw and conversations with a few premed students including someone in the GAP program…

I loved the campus. Very urban. Others may prefer a closed campus. Residence halls were nice, especially Sutherland where the Honors a college housing is. Dining hall and a cafe in Sutherland itself. 24/7 security guard on the premises. However, it is not in the heart of the campus. Good 10-15 minute walk though they have buses running.

Premed course work is tough and maintaining high GPA is not a walk in the park. Honors classes are even tougher. The premed students we talked to (both GAP as well as nonGAP) are not taking any honors classes as they feel GPA would be impacted. I was told that most of the students taking honors classes are the ones that are majoring in sciences with no intention of going to med school. A significant percentage of students enrolled in the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences start off as premeds and this number drops off in subsequent semesters. Probably the same at other universities.

There are only 2 premed advisors. I am not sure if 2 advisors can effectively provide guidance to a huge premed student body. I was also told that several students refrain from meeting the premed advisors for the first 2 years as the advisors come off as being very critical as opposed to being supportive of students’ future goals. Maybe they are overwhelmed by the sheer number of students they have to cater to.

I was under the impression that due to proximity to med school, UPMC and other institutions, volunteering and research opportunities would be easy to get. It appears that getting volunteering opportunities (at medical facilities) is extremely difficult. The premeds I talked to end up doing volunteer work during summer break in their home towns. On research opportunities, I got a mixed response. The GAP student felt that it was not difficult to get research opportunities whereas the non-GAP premed student said that it was very difficult to get research opportunities. I am not sure if being a GAP student provides an edge in terms of research opps. My takeaway was that there are definitely a lot of opportunities but there is a large premed student body competing for this pool.

I believe that till last year, Pitt had an LOR committee. There may be some changes there but not completely sure.

At the end of the day, a key takeaway was that Pitt provides a solid education to its premeds. This also helps students with their MCAT.

@Volunteerism & @grtd2010 - please note that # of applicants is not the same as number admitted. UCLA had only 125 matriculating to medical school. If ~1000 applied, that’s a low 25% admit rate, which would not be too shocking for UCLA, as so many are pre-mess there.

To @florida789 - ask UF how many of those applicants actually matriculated to medical school. Don’t be shocked if the admit rate is too low for UF as well. Getting into medical school has gotten more complex than GPA and ECs, and is not too predictable, kind of like getting into Ivies. If you get into one, consider carefully before turning it down. We met someone whose kid went to Ivy for UG and then got into Brown for MD. He said his kid’s 5 friends, also from same Ivy for UG, are going thru MD apps third year now. Applied only to top 30 med schools first year, didn’t get admission, then expanded to top 50 and some mid-low tier, no admissions, now applying mainly to mid-low tiers and low tiers and a couple applying to Carribean as well as DOs. All have good GPA and decent MCAT (though not above 520), and very good ECs. They are shocked that they are not getting admissions - very sad to hear. Please ask around in your friends’ circles about their experiences before making decisions.

@Mom22DDs Thanks for pointing that # of admitted is what matters. The list is basically of schools with large number of pre-meds. DD is not planning her decision based on this list.

@florida789 here is the source of the list

@florida789 UF is a very good public university. Go Gators!!.


Colleges and Universities That Produce the Most Applicants to Med School:

UF #4 with 760 in 2014.


UF #5 with 713 in 2012.


Does anyone have historic information on WASH U? What I am looking for

  1. How many have been admitted to the program so far
  2. How many went to Wash U medical
  3. How many went elsewhere
  4. How many dropped out

Why is this program made so tough?

Thanks in advance



“It’s a useless statistic. For example, Columbia and JHU both have something like 90 or more percent accepted. These schools are also known to weed out quite a few premeds before they get a chance to apply, artificially inflating the acceptance rate. I know that at Columbia, they also keep the rates up by discouraging students from applying if their stats suck. Finally, it doesn’t tell you where people got in - so for all you know, most of that 90% went to their last choice school.”


@Volunteerism agree, the number of applicants to med schools is much less than number of premeds in these schools. A large % of freshmen start out as premeds, but many of them are weeded out by GPA and some of them drop out as the year change their minds. Only a fraction of premeds really make it to even application stage.

@Mom22DDs , Thanks for this insight , yes I hear the same news / stories from my Friends as well . 513 MCAT score and 3.85 GPA still waiting for 2 years and finally settling for DO program OOS , but I got some stat from AAMC ( quantitative analysis from AAMC in Image format ) that shows 510/ 3.78 For Asians with 78percent acceptance rate . This triggered to ask this Q I this forum

Thanks again