***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

Keep in mind that not all BSMD are created equal. The key is in the fine print in terms of requirements to actuality get accepted into medical school. I would rank UF premed track over UCF and USF BSMD options. UofMiami BSMD is currently in flux. UF also has an option for UF juniors to gain admissions to BSMD at UF. Make sure you compare apples with apples. My sister is currently at Brown PLME but did consider UF as we are Florida residents.

@Volunteerism Agree with you on the statistic. They do not mean much. DD got admitted to Johns Hopkins. We were at their Admittted Students Day (SOHOP) this past week. Some folks were mentioning the high medical school acceptance rate. But the numbers are skewed as the LOR committee acts as a screener. Additionally, the school strongly recommends students to take a gap year to boost credentials. I have mixed feelings about this. If students want to take a gap year on their own accord, that is fine. However, if schools are recommending gap years for the sole purpose of boosting their statistics, that is not right.

Was also hearing that med schools want more mature applicants and that is another reason to take a gap year(s). I am not sure if this is true or something that is being propagated for inflating statistics.

All statistics should be taken with a grain of salt. How oneā€™s statistics is arrived is often not disclosed ? You will never hear about (# student admitted to Medical school during UG year/ # students started as pre-med as freshman). Those will be revealing the real truth about these claims.

Thank you! @Mom22DDs @srk2017

Hello everyone, opinon on RPI/AMC vs. TCNJ/NJMS?

@sanjchanda - Iā€™d recommend NJMS as it is much better medical school. Though youā€™ve to take MCAT there (no MCAT for RPI), I believe you just need to pass.

@sanjchanda touch choice, if you go purely by some ranking list, RPI is a better undergrad than TCNJ and NJMS is a better med school than AMC. However did you get offered any money from either school? Are you a NJ resident? if you are, you would be better off financially to go to TCNJ. You have the option of receiving a PhD from AMC if you stay for the 8th year, which in that 8th year you will receive a handsome stipend. Research options will be pretty close between both schools. TCNJ is fairly close to Philadelphia which is a nicer city than Troy, and NJMS is close to Manhatten which is a FAR nicer city than Albany. I can tell you from first hand information, RPI is not an easy school, but it is fairā€¦you will have to work hard to keep your grades at 3.5 or better. IMHO not having to study for the MCAT is a huge benefit as it provides you more time to prepare for Step exam. Both are 7 year programs, and both match well for residency, to me it would come down to cost and if you do or donā€™t want to obtain a PhD. If you have specific questions about RPI/AMC you could PM me if you wish and Iā€™d be glad to answer them.

Hi everyone, could I hear your opinions on Penn Stateā€™s 7 year program? Thanks

As per AMC, I heard the reason for no ranking is they refuse to provide information to USNWR, so donā€™t go purely by their ranking. Compare match results. They seems to be getting all the specializations but not necessarily in top universities. I agree RPI is much better UG school. I would probably go with whichever offers significant savings.

@KingNero great undergrad experience at Penn State with perks of honors college for 3 years. 4 years at excellent Med School at Jefferson. In my opinion ā€œan absolute no brainerā€. If you got it congratulations! The only negative to me is cost in that they give absolutely zero scholarship money. But if cost is not a concern for your family, probably one of the best total experiences you can get in BSMD.

@Empire007 can you share the link to provide the following option? we are interested as my DS will apply it for 2018.
" You have the option of receiving a PhD from AMC if you stay for the 8th year, which in that 8th year you will receive a handsome stipend."

Thomas Jefferson is ranked 53 by US News. Is that qualify as a top-tier or mid-tier medical school ?. The medical school tuition is in the mid 50ā€™s/year.

USLME 1 is taken after first year in medical school where as MCAT is taken before entering into medical school. So can some one prepare for USLME 1 before taking any first year medical school classes.

@Colleg2018 I have no link. This was told to us by the program advisor when we went to Students Orientation last summer.

Is a PhD guaranteed in RPI/AMC in 8 years (1 year extra)? A PhD requires a dissertation and a defense. I heard that it usually takes 3 more years to do MD/PhD more like 10years total.

In RPI program you start taking some classes at AMC second semester Junior year. I never said it was guaranteed to get your PhD at the end of year 8. You are given the option to proceed to PhD by year 8 or you can leave for residency after year 7.

@Empire007 The MD/PhD programs are usually 10 years. You may start it in 8th year but it will take some time to complete the PhD requirements (usually 3 extra years than BS/MD program). You get a free medical school tuition and a stipend if you join a MD/PhD program right away in most places.

Can someone provide advice on Drexel, Temple and Brooklyn college program for an NY resident? While temple med ranked highest among the three, but requires most work. It seems they all have a good matching outcome. What to look when comparing med schools

@Empire007 Thanks for your response. Do you have any insight into how hard it is to maintain the 3.5 gpa required to stay in the PSU/Jeff program?

@Empire007 Thanks for sharing the PhD option. It is good to knowā€¦