***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

Today DD made her decision and committed to Stanford. I guess we will be going through the same circus in 3 years. Good Luck to Everyone.

@bs_bd2017 - Welcome to 2021 circus team =))

Tooth for tooth! We keep things interesting!

Just to match how college admission is unpredictable for BS/MD, students/parents also keep college selection unpredictable (irrespective of higher or mid or low tier programs)!

May be we should start a dedicated running thread (similar to UMKC) to keep track of all circus team members to post after 4 years, irrespective of the application cycle. That may give some useful data.

@GoldenRock - I have been thinking of creating a thread keep track of all those who went to thru BS/MD process regardless of outcome. If you want to create one, please go ahead.

DD committed to Temple BS/MD (President’s Scholar with Full Tuition for UG). It is closer to home.

@BS_MD2017 and @grtd2010 Congrats on your DDs final commitments!

Posted in the results thread! Will be attending UIC GPPA!

DD committed to NJIT/NJMS!!

If you’re in the GW 7-year BA/MD program, please join the new fb group! It’s called “GW BA/MD class of '20/'24.”

@chocolatina1001 Congratulations on your successful BS/MD application. Many good choices. Your advice is well written, very helpful. Thank you.

@Mom22DDs congrats on NJIT / NJMS

@GoldenRock good info. Yes thread to capture BSMD to Med admission helps

I have created the thread to discuss college experiences of BSMD applicants.


Hi guys I have followed this thread for over two years - since the end of my DCs sophomore year. My DC doesn’t want me posting detailed stats or detAiled results so I won’t, but I did want to post a lessons learned for future aspiring doctors.

DCs interest in bs/md programs inspired DC to do lots of shadowing and volunteering in the medical related areas and these experiences definitely strengthened DCs essays and interviews and sense of self. DC was also motivated to produce good results at school. DC only applied to a few top bs/md programs and a few top Medical Early Assurance programs (students apply for med school sophomore year) and then others schools DC liked. DC got into some promising early Assurance Program colleges where DC truly liked the schools and DC did not get into the bs/mds programs DC applied to.

So lesson # 1 pay attention to the early Assurance Programs in colleges you may like. They are good backups both financially as some of these schools offer a legitimate alternative pathway to med school and often offer a lot of merit aid so they can be financial backups as well.

DC didn’t get into the Bs/md programs DC wanted but DC ended up with some great merit offers at medical EA program schools that dc would have been happy to have gone to - and then was accepted to Harvard. DC chose Harvard. This is an unexpected result but all the hard work preparing for bs/md schools paid off. #2 your hard work may pay off in unexpected ways if are open to alternate paths to bs/md

thanks @WhatSally - Please keep us updated in the new thread I have created.

@WhatSally could you please name a few early assurance programs that you considered. Thanks.

@MedhopefulMom From my old list: TCNJ, Drexel, Tuft, Wake, South Alabama, U of Florida, few other Florida schools.
Everything changes every year. Also you need to read fine prints to ensure it matches your needs.

One of the NY based medical school also has some program for early admission from any UG school.

Georgetown has an Early Assurance Program as well. The NY based medical is Mt. Sinai. As stated above, things appear to change every year thus, always good to confirm each year.

@MedhopefulMom The ones we liked: Tulane, Georgetown, Miami

Other schools we liked for fun and good merit were USC, Pitt

@srk2017 What is the new thread?

