***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@WhatSally @ThinkOn and @GoldenRock Thank you !!

OOS Alternative list - Today got a call from NEOMED - 7 year BS/MD - Accepted - will post more detail later. What a ride !

Posted in result thread . DD committed to Pitt GAP. Thanks

@dadofd @caballero thanks for posting the stats. Excellent choices.

All others please take time to post, sooner the better, before you get busy with finals, summer and preparation to college.

Really it helps. Any one who pays close attention to details, can get a feel for what made them unique and increased the odds to get admission and also helps to plan ahead especially who are starting high school.

Is 3+4 necessarily more competitive than 4+4 options? Assuming equal prestige of ug and med school–


Dear BSMD applicants and accepted students! Looking back to your high school years, what would you recommend to do in 4 years in high school years to increase chances of being accepted to a BSMD program? ( besides GPA, APs, etc). What you wish you knew and would have done differently during your HS? Thanks!!!

I know this years cycle is over, but this may be useful for next years class. Was recently at the CWRU information session for HS students. Though the admissions officer did not specifically focus on PPSP, he did point out to those in attendance that for the 2017 admission cycle there were ~1600 applicants, 70 granted interviews, 25 offered admission and 16 enrolled for the fall.

@empire007 - thank you. Please post it also on the new 2018 thread.

That’s a low enrollment rate (~60%) for PPSP.

That is not a surprise, pretty decent. Because the 25 students who got admitted for CWRU also would have got acceptance in NU, RU, WashU, Brown and Rice (at least 15-20 of them).

@Empire007 - Are you sure that’s 2017 data? The email my DS got stated that they got 2200 applications this year.

@srk2017 I can only go from what the admissions officer said that day. He stated those stats exactly as I wrote it (I made sure I wrote it down to post on CC later for all you good people). He made that statement in a room of about 200 people who are looking to apply (though not all to PPSP) to CWRU for 2018. PPSP was the only program at the university that he singled out with stats that detailed.

Doesn’t matter what the number is. Because the message is clear and loud to future students. Every year the competition is intense and the number keeps going up (whether number of students applied or the previous year GPA and MCAT to maintain the guarantee in some programs).

It was 2200. That’s what they told us at the interviews. Either way, @GoldenRock is right. It gets increasingly competitive every year.

Yes, that’s what my DC was also told. I absolutely agree the process gets so more competitive every year to navigate.

@Westerngirl As a parent, my best advice is to start early with your experiences. Plan to do things you enjoy, that reflect well on your character and at the same time reflect on the field of medicine. If all your local hospital will give you is shadowing where you can only follow the doctor around, jump ship and find another experience where you can do more and keep doing more.

From watching my DC go through the process, the most important thing we learned was that it’s not only about your experiences, it’s being able to share them in a way that adcoms find interesting and unique. We relied on others tremendously to help accomplish the former.

Hi CC community. If there are any people wishing to apply to BS/MD programs this upcoming fall and need advice/guidance please PM me. I have a lot of time to kill before college starts, so I’d like to help out in any way!

@misophoniax Thanks for your offer and generosity. If you don’t mind put your post in the 2018 discussion thread since that is where all the students / parents will (and should) post any questions for the upcoming cycle.

All 2017 cycle students / parents: Understand it is summer and you are enjoying your days before getting back to your new BS/MD life in August.

The reality is the more the delay from decision made in May, the less chance of posting your stats and reflection in the 2017 results thread. So far only 8 students / parents have posted in the stats. It is so sad, the number of stats posting is diminishing in alarming rate. 2016 cycle had only 17 which is a shame and now only 8. 2015 had more and previous years had higher.

May be we should ask 2018 parents / students to take the so called CC oath similar to Hippocratic oath which you have to take.

The CC oath to take a pledge you will post your stats and reflections in 2018 results thread.

Life is give and take and also it is not encouraging many volunteers to continue year after year.

@rc2017 First congratulations on your decision to join NU HPME program and second thank you so much for your detailed post in the 2017 results thread with your stats and reflection.

As I was reading your post, my initial feel was you would have got acceptance from UPitt GAP since you have done so much of research in UPitt for 4 years for a HS student. Once I reached the programs accepted and rejected, settled with the reality, this BS/MD program admission is so unpredictable. Even with your level of accomplishments, only 1 program got clicked out of the 5 applied. That is why when any one asks me to chance them, I keep telling them it is futile to try. Just do your best and apply and take a chance.

Interestingly in 2016 cycle 1 student who got in to top tiers program and UPenn similar to your situation, choose to go with UPenn LSM. Just remembered when I read your post. You are accomplished student and will do well in NU HPME. GL.

Just to help other students, what was the reasoning in your situation for not applied to U of Rochester BS/MD program?