***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@Roentgen As far as I know (from looking at some of the programs) some require you to apply through the common application and just specify the bs/md program in the major section. I wanted to talk about medicine but i heard that the supplements already ask about medicine so saying the same thing is unwise i guess? I’m talking about the personal statement lol i don’t think i specified that sorry.

Really? wow i didn’t know that i’ll make sure to look on that! THANKS SO MUCH

Hi Everyone,

Does anyone know offhand which combined programs will allow you to apply with an unweighted gpa of approximately 3.40?

I know many require a 3.7+ to apply.

Thanks for your help.

Hey guys! I’m a rising senior and I just wanted to post my stats so that I could get some feedback :slight_smile:

Class Rank- not provided
GPA: not out of 4.0- 94

New SAT:
Total - 1360 (one sitting)
M - 700/800
CR - 660/800
W - 600/800

Taking again this October for a superscore
ACT: 30 (one sitting)
taking again this september for super score

Math 2: 620
Bio: 650

Regents Grades (since grade 9/ not including grade 8)

grade 9-
Living Environment-90

grade 10-
Alg/Trig- 93
Chemistry- 90
Global History- 95
FLACCS French- 95

Grade 11-
Language (common core)- 94
Physics- 92
US History- 99

AP classes in junior year-
Bio-3 grade=90
Physics-3 grade=91
Lang.-4 grade= 91

APs To be taken senior year-
Calc BC
US gov’t/politics

French Honor Society Vice-President
ModelUN- director
Art Editor of Literary/Art Magazine

Awards and Recognition
High Honor Roll
NYSSMA outstanding for all levels
98 on nyssma level 5/6

Extracurricular Activities
National Honor Society
Orchestra (Violin) from grades 5-10
Varsity Spring Track (since grade 10)
Science Olympiads
French Honor Society

Hospital - 100+ hours (Child Life, ICU)
Volunteer at Guru Nanak Kitchen for Homeless Shelters (make and deliver food, donate clothes, toys, etc)
EMT at Fire Department
Hoping to become a biology and math tutor in senior year

With a postdoc in neurobiology at Columbia University

Applying to the following schools (not in any order)-

  1. Villanova/Drexel
  2. Penn State/Jefferson
  3. RPI/AMC
  4. GW university 7 year med OR St. Bonaventure/GW (you can only choose one, right?)
  5. Cornell university
  6. Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education
  7. Drexel/Drexel
  8. Brooklyn College/ SUNY Downstate
  9. Binghamton (hoping for scholars)
  10. StonyBrook Scholars
  11. Howard University (6 year)
  12. Macaulay Honors
  13. NYIT
  14. Rutgers Newark/ Rutgers NJ Medical School (7 year)
  15. Caldwell University/ Rutgers

Thanks so much!

@lilaashi There may be a possibility if you are a URM. But I assume you are not a URM and probably Asian. So if that is true, your scores (school grades or AP scores or SAT/ACT scores) are very low for a highly competitive demographics of Asian. Obviously you can not change school or AP grades now. But you need to do your best in SAT and ACT if you are serious about it.

You can apply to both GW and SBU but suggest identify only few schools where you have a chance (GW or NJMS or Stony Brooks or Penn or RPI are dream schools ar dream and not match with your profile). Cornell does not have BS/MD. GL

Hey guys! I’m planning to apply for some competitive BSMD programs like Brown’s PLME.

BSMD programs ask for SAT Subject test scores (Math + Chemistry)…I got 800 on Math II, but I scored a 750 on Chem…will this affect my admissions chances severely? I also got a 4 on AP Chem.

Don’t worry too much on subject tests. Relatively speaking, it is low on the overall big scheme of things. Only few programs have subject tests requirement. Folks have got in with 750 or 4 scores when other aspects of the app is strong enough.

Does anybody have any recommendations for very helpful resources for prep for the SAT ii chem and SAT ii bio?

Hey I was thinking about applying to Brown’s PLME because I ultimately want to pursue Clinical Oncology or Biotech (after being a doctor for a while). I really like the program because I while I enjoy science, I really want to pursue literature and creative writing in college. I was thinking about applying ED so I would be done with the college application process and could have the amazing opportunity to do this, which I probably couldn’t do elsewhere. The only problem is that while I like Brown’s open curriculum, social atmosphere, and location, I’m worried about not getting into PLME but still getting into brown and being upset. In my rank of preference PLME is first but other colleges are above Brown. Also I wanted to know if it was even worth my time applying at all. I’m a URM at a competitive STEM high school with a 3.86 (taken seven AP Classes already and taking 6 more next year), 30 ACT (retaking later), have experience in cancer research, and written a short story that I am on the process of turning into a book, 5 AP Human Geo, 4 APUSH, 5 AP Lang; all on top of other extracurriculars. Thanks for the help!

@LeavesintheTrees Brown specifically is looking for kids who want to go to the school first and who view the program as an opportunity within the school.

@srk2017 Not to discourage you. But think twice about Stony Brook if there is a crunch like your child can not get reco beyond certain number or want to limit the # of apps etc., Because, number 1, it accepts very few BS/MD students (4 or so) and NY residents may gain little advantage than you ( I think you are from CA). Also it is weird, they told they will accept only SAT (and not ACT) but in reality they accepted with ACT alone also. If your child has taken both SAT and ACT then it is fine. GL

@GoldenRock -Thanks for the advice. My son took ACT only and yes we are in CA. I didn’t know that take only around 4. We will put it at the bottom of our list for now.

Can anyone clarify how much of a role each of the following factors play in admissions for BS/MD programs: AP scores, Subject test scores, and athletics?

No one knows for sure, what are the complete list of factors nor what % each factor weighs in. So focus on what you can control and don’t sweat too much on what you can not control.

My wild guess. None of the 3 factors you are asking carry sizable weight-age in the overall schema of things. You don’t have to send AP score at all. Subject test, not at all critical except for 2 or 3 programs ask for it and they also don’t give significant weight-age. Athletics will have some importance for the UG admission (and not for BS/MD program).

Now I realize (as a parent and I am sure my D (or most of the students) mostly may not agree), it is good to do as many AP as possible if the student is comfortable and not getting stressed out. Because they get credits after you accept the college and depending on the college what credit they give. That will help during UG when satisfying some pre-req or even completing the UG itself earlier than 4 years. It saves money and time. But in the US system, they encourage to spend more time in UG and have the college experience.

@goldenrock - Won’t taking AP credits may make it harder to maintain minimum GPA requirements?

Do you know which 2 or 3 ask for SAT subject tests?
DD didn’t do well in them so we are thinking it’s best to skip those programs.

@GoldenRock When you say you don’t have to send AP scores, does that mean if I do not send them it will be seen as a negative but my application will still be considered or that even if I send them they won’t really be considered?

Some of the programs ask for a SAT 1 and a couple of SAT II’s but many of them allow the ACT to be substituted for both.

@4beardolls @srk2017 @chocolatina1001

Since your question thread is closed, I am responding here.

SAT 2 Chem and Math is needed only for Boston, Northwestern and Brown. Boston also needs Spanish.

You don’t have to send AP score at all. Already you are spending enough money by sending SAT and/or ACT scores.
You send AP score only after you decided to join some college. This month I sent the AP report to my D college so that she gets credits for all her AP work.

It totally depends on individual student and school rigor etc To get an idea my D did 9 AP. 10th Psychology (on her own), 11th Chem, Spanish, Stat, CompSci (on her own), 12th Bio, Calc BC, Phy 1, and Eng. I did not interfere or influence her in any of her decision. Interestingly my D may be on the low end for this part of the area and her school. Though her school is so competitive and so large and getting grade is very tough. Teachers have to give very tough tests since to give A only to 10 or 12 students and almost most of the students are so good. She was so passionate on her speech and history clubs (President) in both) and would have spent more time there than her APs. Also she was in cross country (so first sem she was spending 2 hours after school on that activity every day. She did not go for any tuition. But again it totally depends on the individual.

To an unasked question. It is a total package and not necessarily it has to be 2400 and not happy with 2300 or not happy with 740 score on chem 2 etc., My D did not even get interview for any of the 3 programs or many programs, though her score is 800 in chem, bio, math2 and AP 5 in bio/chem/Calc/etc and ACT 36.

@GoldenRock Your D had amazing stats. Where did she go? I am sorry if that has already been posted but I am relatively new to this thread.

@4beardolls 1 correction to my above post. For Brown, it has to be Math2 and any one science subject test (Chem or Bio or whatever).

@chocolatina1001 May be I did not convey the key point effectively above. It does not matter what perfect score you have, but it matters, if you have good all round credentials for BS/MD. (FYI. She got only Oklahoma Univ and she decided to go there).