***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

I did not get a rejection email or an acceptance email for REMS. Is it safe to say I was not selected for an interview?

thank you @srk2017

For those that were invited to RPI or Union after submitting supplemental, how long after your supplemental submission did you hear back on the interview?

@Mom22DDs it was about a week for me. Also just telling you that you might be delayed a bit if you applied to both Union and RPI as RPI sends out their interview invites later than Union.

What are the interview dates for UMKC? And how many applicants do they interview per day?

@Green-tree no, two feeder schools told me that they forwarded my app to NJMS but I havent heard from NJMS yet

@Mom2DDs, DS submitted his secondary to Albany (RPI) on 1/2. We did not hear back from Albany, Also no news on TCNJ/NJMS.

My DD sent Union/AMC supplemental before new year on 12/28/16 and RPI/AMC on 1/16/17. We have not heard anything back yet.

Thank you @Undecided3494. DD submitted her RPI supplement last Friday, so I guess we should wait till end of the month to hear back.

@lgt826 If I remember correctly my interview group was only Union/AMC applicants as I chose one of the earlier interview slots, but in most cases there is a mix of Union and RPI students who are in an interview group. I have a friend in the program who applied to both and he said he sent in the Union supplemental way before he sent in the RPI supplemental but got one of the later interview slots. Hopefully she gets a chance to interview. Also just a heads up, if both schools want her for the interview they will ask her which program she prefers so just be ready with an answer.

Apologize for the website snag

Congrats to those who received REMS interview and good luck!

REMS maximum scholarship last year was ~21K (U of R employeeā€™s candidate) and 20K max for the rest of the REMS students. So, that isnā€™t much at all. U of R gives out great scholarships for their REMS finalists who enter their undergrad program but not to their REMS students. However, like @GoldenRock mentioned it is a good program if you are considering BS/MD.

@srk2017 To our knowledge 20K was not the average but the maximum scholarship for all REMS selected students (except REMS employee candidate).

To all students: make sure you check your email spam folder for interview invites from REMS. Good luck to those still waiting for the invite. I thought all invites came together last year, although my childā€™s invite was in spam for over 4 days until the school was contacted via phone and they resent the invite.

IF I already got Xerox scholarship from Rochester for at least $40k, would I not be eligible for it if I become accepted to REMS

So if a student gets asked to pay the Drexel fee does that mean a guaranteed interview? Or just that the med school will now begin to read through the application.and does every student that applied receive this email? Thanks!

She is waitlisted for the program? Do u know by any chance how many get waitlisted, since mines has the same status.

@Undecided3494 I heard that some kids were accepted by both programs last year.

Anyone received the REMS rejection email?

@lgt826 Well, Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s true or not but a couple of my friends in the program who applied and interviewed for both were asked if they had a preference and one of them said RPI and the other said Union, so I guess it just depends on how the committee ranks you and which school they think suits you best.

2 students including my D got accepted to both programs last year. Please do not misguide students if you are not fully equipped with the most accurate information. I know it happens sometimes without bad intention. We are not here to put on a pompous show of our childā€™s acceptances but, to help future students succeed.

@lgt826 @Undecided3494
I doubt that anyone would lie about their acceptance in this competitive BS/ MD environment. My D was one of those accepted to both PRI/AMC and Union/AMC last year.

She was asked the Q in the interview as to which school she preferred as she wonā€™t be interviewed for both. She chose RPI without even touring Union (she also had a change of heart after the campus visit). We were shocked that with no questions asked about Union and no interviewer present our student received acceptances for both programs. RPI acceptance came end of Feb with underconsideration email for Union. She then received Union acceptance April 1st week- see my earlier posts on this thread for exact dates etc.

You have to believe what I say, as I will not be posting the acceptance emails with the studentā€™s name etc. on the blog. Also, let me add that it is definitely a very rare event as the student has to be such a strong applicant to show both qualities of strong research and leadership background to be accepted to two different UG schools affiliated with the same med school. Looks like my child and HS2Directmed were able to prove that they had what it took for both UG schools and were the only two students on this blog who accepted into both.

If you still have any doubts and challenge me, PM and we can provide sufficient evidence just to clear your doubt and curiosity. Anyway, just take my word for it- it happened with two students in 2016 app cycle. Our goal is to help future students. So, if you doubt what we say then you should not be seeking advise online.

@Undecided3494 if my memory serves me right: you had reached out to me even via PMs last year and got my advise about your Union acceptance.

Anyway, all said and done: acceptances to both RPI/ AMC and Union/ AMC do occur, although rare.

@bookaholic1997 not everyone who is asked to pay the Drexel fees gets guaranteed an interview. Last cycle, we were asked to pay the fees and literally in under 48 hours we were given a rejection letter from the med school. To answer your question about does every student who applied get asked to pay the feeā€¦I am not sure. Of all the programs my kid applied to last cycle Drexel was the most frustrating because I as a parent I felt kind of scammed because why even bother forwarding the app to the med school if it was so obvious to whoever was reviewing that in such a short time that a rejection was in order.