***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@mom22dds - AMC results come out in March, but Maria did say that they may select few in Mid February. Looking at last year’s thread I didn’t notice any Feb results.

@srk2017 - Maria mentioned during my call with her that they have rolling admissions. I wondered what that meant, but I didn’t want to take up too much of her time.

If anyone got admitted to RPI/AMC or Union/AMC, would be helpful for rest of us if they could share interview date and admission notification date.

@mom2dds - Maria did mention one month and that was during the first week of the interviews, so may be around Feb 15th they may release their first batch and rest in March. I will try to look up 2016 thread.

@Mom22DDs Last cycle first batch results were released 2/29, so if you interviewed before that date you were notified of where you stand (accept, reject or still under consideration) on 2/29. For those under the “still under consideration” catagory on 2/29 they were given final notification (accept or reject) on 4/5. From my understanding from other students who I met this year at RPI who interviewed after 2/29 last year, they were notified of their status (accept, reject or still under consideration) on a weekly rolling basis thru March. Of those who were given “still under consideration” status, they too were notified with a final result (accept or reject) on 4/5. Good luck to your DD.

Got rejection from FAME

@Mom22DDs Some schools complete the interview process for all the invited students and finalize their list of students and will notify all at the same time. Some schools like AMC which call ‘rolling admission’ works differently. They maintain always a ‘Ranked’ list (even their UG feeders gives a ranked list and keep coming up in batches) and invite students from the ranked list. Since they know their target in terms of how many they plan to invite, plan to offer and how many matriculate etc, they continue or stop based on how things are for this year. In other words, they can start extending offers even before all interview is over.

Thank you @Empire007 ! We are interviewing 2/26, seems like it is too close for 2/29 notification.

@bdmdlooking :frowning: When did you apply?

@bsmdlooking . Sorry :frowning: When did you apply?

hello everyone, this is my first post. I also didn’t get in to FAME. sucks :frowning:

HI everyone, fairly new to this site. My son received an interview from Northwestern HPME. We signed him up for practice interview sessions but wondering if there is anything else we can or should do to support him? Thank you for your help!

Hi Every One, Where should we get mini interview process prep sessions? We are new to the college process. Can one of you please tell me the website or contact details?

@jessapen - When did your son receive HPME interview? Is it by Email or phone?

@Mom22DDs @srk2017
My post #585 on this thread on Dec 2nd (page 39) has all dates and details for RPI and Union with AMC programs for 2016 cycle. Please refer to that. I’m unable to copy and paste the link.

My son had emailed HPME about notifications yesterday. He got a response saying they started notifying since last week on a rolling basis as they screen. They can hear anytime between now and End of February as per the email.

@jessapen congrats on HPME interview. Good to Luck your son with his preparation.
Did they give you interview date. When did u get the notification?

@narkor @GoldenRock, do you know if HPME interviews are in one day or multiple dates.

@Mimic17 I am curious too. What kind of interview and for what program? Is it for HPM Program? Can you post the message if possible? Thanks!

@kkfields @jessapen.They said their sons got interview from NU HPME and mentioned practice interview sessions. Is there anybody who got the interview from NU HPME?

@kkfield @jessapen. Did u get email or mail about interview notification?

If anyone gets a REMS email let us know!

case PPSP notifications will be out tomorrow. Received Email alert.