***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

Rejected!..Happy Chinese New Year Everyone!..Not a good day so far…but howpefulllllll

70/220 and 50% chance for case…good luck to all who got invites…

@HarryP17…REMS is an excellent program…wish you well.

I applied to rems, ppsp, wash u and rice/baylor. Looks like i only have a chance at rems

any words from Wash u and Rice?

@Harryp17 …Case has a preference for those in Ohio…your stat was impressive…

wash u and rice is late feb I believe

My son got his rejection letter from RPI in early November and was asked at that time is he still wanted to apply to the school. He still has heard nothing from BU but I am guessing he won’t., which seems unfair BUT all is good.

As I told my son when applying to these two programs - you can still graduate from college in 3 years and be done with your MD in 4 if you want.
If anything it makes you more competitive and will give you the chance to apply to a higher ranked medical school and thereby increasing your chances of a more competitively ranked residency.

So it may actually work out better for you if you do not get in on the first pass (I personally know of 3 people who went to medical school after graduating from college in 3 years, and one person who went to law school,) Graduating from college in three years is getting easier with all the AP courses, ect. So don’t give up your dream!!

And I have a feeling that everyone on this site and their children will have no problem passing the MCAT as most of you are already high achievers.
So not getting accepted now is just the FREEDOM to
MAKE YOUR OWN 7 year program, and this experience will give you an edge in a few years and yet another subject of a college essay!!!
And to those who got in - Congrats!! Enjoy your journey!
Happy Chinese New Year

@Harryp17 stats for S17 in brief: 34 ACT (single seating); SAT2 800(M2), 750 (BioM), 4.0 UnWted, national science research achievement (including Regeneron scholar designation), captain varsity sports team/state qualifier.

congratulations @vandyeyes

@GoldenRock ppsp told me I was an alternate for bsmd–does that mean I’m waitlist for interviews?

@stresstasticlife That is what I interpret also. Wish you get a chance to go for interview. GL.

Does anyone know the format for PPSP interviews?

@Pleasanton Assume you are in Bay area by your CC name. If so, agree with you. Attended an info session during fall of my D senior year in the school by an boutique. Felt they are more interested in collecting email and encouraging to sign up for college prep and did not give depth of what they are capable. They did not even have the latest and correct info. For example they listed UCSD when they already announced no longer they are offering like that. Near my home, within half a block, there are close to 10+ college prep boutiques and all are sold out and multi million $ booming business. As stated earlier, I may be wrong and did not take any efforts to know about their offerings since my D was not showing any interest to attend any of their programs. Parents should review carefully and if decide and try it out if they can afford. But it is critical to start the process earlier and not later. Interview prep can be done during senior year but prep for BS/MD should start way earlier like freshman year in HS.

@GoldenRock oh, bummer. Thank you so much though! :slight_smile:

Last year these 2 folks (@eclucas98 & @Undecided3494 ) got admitted for CWRU PPSP. Let us see if they can respond and shed some light on the interview format and general info.

Based on @eclucas98 post, PPSP also put students in ‘alternate’ state during offer (after interview). They accepted her from the alternate state. But @stresstasticlife your situation is different since you are in alternate for the interview.

  1. Alternate status doesn’t mean it’s over.

Although rejections of course must be accepted at face value, I took alternate status for just what it was: a chance to prove myself further, to prove myself willing of the time commitment such a prestigious program like PPSP needs in case a spot opened up. I emailed the director of the program expressing my continued interest in the program and he was very receptive to my emails, stating that he noted the strong interest in my file. By the end of the month, I had been accepted into the program! If it's really your dream, pursue it.

@GoldenRock thanks! Do you know how many people are alternates for interviews?

@stresstasticlife I don’t know. Suggest PM both of them. @eclucas98 chose PPSP and @Undecided3494 chose Union/AMC.

Is anyone familiar with the UConn interview format?

Is presidential schlor nomination big deal?