***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

HYPSM actually (turn down).
Child’s program in the last 3-4 batches has a couple of students who turned down S and one Y (from the limited knowledge of C). But I am sure money making was not a priority for them in choosing this field of medicine.


My groupings from your list:

A) NU-HPME, Pitt-GAP, Rice/Baylor
B) Brown, Case, BU

I have written in no particular order within the groupings.

B) = grouping B


Preferred order to your question if cost is not a factor:

Rice/Baylor, Northwestern HPME, Case Western PPSP, Pitt GAP, BU SMED, Brown PLME , GW. If 110% clear on MD career. If not, Brown may move up ahead.

For dermatology: It is little too early for a conclusive decision. Even yourself may change once you get learn and get exposed and do rotation etc., It evolves and there is a reason (we agree or not), why US admission to medical schools and residency process works in a particular way than other countries in the world. Individual need to make decision based on reality and practical exposure than paper theory and stats/ranking reports, parents influence etc.,

The schools you have in your list will not disappoint you to end up in dermatology as long you put the efforts.

Looks like we are back to prestige discussion with @sgup10 (and @PAdude) with getting HPY admissions :-).

@sgup10 (and @PAdude) - If you think you got Harvard admission thru hard workgreat ECs (not luck of the draw) and willing to put same efforts from day one of UG and wants to aim T10 medical schools then I don’t see reason for you to go with any BSMD unlike majority opinion here. Going to top UG school definitely helps with getting into top medical school and competitive residency program (provided you have the #s and ECs). It’s called inbreeding on SDN :smile:

You hear people giving up HPY to go to BSMD frequently here but there are lot of candidates who don’t apply or gave up BSMD. From 2017 cycle I know someone who got HPME, PLME, BU (and couple of others) and decided to go to Stanford despite dad’s recommendation (and her siblings are in low tier BSMD/DO program).

Also I would recommend going to couple of interviews like BU to get a feel of medical school interviews. Don’t worry about taking someones spot, there is no such thing. Some schools like AMC do selections in two batches and they ask those selected initially to let them know if they are not planning to accept.

Congratulations on your successes!

Good luck with your decision making. As others have said, you must have done few things quite well in your high school so far to gain these admissions. Kudos. Now consider these for future:

  1. How comfortable will you be to continue doing same kind of things over next 4 years, and perhaps even more intensely?
  2. Your competition in your new setup is not going to be like in your high school anymore. Every one in your new classes are more or less as achieved as you are or may be even more so.

One thing you can perhaps take comfort is that H is easy going with grading. But everyone knows that when it comes to your med school applications time though.

I agree with @rk2017 that college will be more competitive than HS. However only you would know if you already peaked (in HS) or can scale higher peaks :smile:

Breaking news finally rk and srk agreed in 2020 ! :blush:

@PPofEngrDr - :smile: :smile: BTW, I also agree with @rk2017 that BU is a good school :wink:


I agree with @srk2017 you should go to BU interview. You will learn a lot. Decision time is April.

Regarding Dermatology residency, things may change in 8 years and you should not worry . if you ask current residents how many time they changed mind of desired speciality since undergrad they would say at least 3 to 4 times atleast.

Thought process changes as you mature and also who knows what will come in 8 years.

in the end all will be within medicine and passion will take you in the right direction if you have passion for medicine

@PPofEngrDr Actually 2/3 or to be precise 6/7 out of the time they agree and that is reflected in their handle names @rk2017 and @srk2017 itself!

@GoldenRock very precise engineering. :lol:

@GoldenRock and @PPofEngrDr - May be we are long lost cousins. May be time for 23andMe :wink:

So ball is in @rk2017 court to accept 23andMe challenge!

@PPofEngrDr - Don’t translate humor to challenge :smile: Back to interview invitations.

Hi me again. Does anyone know if George Washington has sent out all interviews notifications already? I haven’t received an interview yet or a rejection so I am wondering if they are still sending interviews out.

i received notice that i got into utoledo’s bacc2MD program. does anyone know anything about this program? thanks!

@bsmdstudent2020 Congrats! This program does not require the MCAT, guarantees you an interview with the SOM if you maintain 3.5 GPA and participate in recommended EC. They also encourage people who got into this program to apply for the Presidential Scholarship, which is a full ride.


Some thoughts:

  • Unless you have found your "dream" school, do not short-change yourself by deciding now
  • right now, focus on interviews and give your best shot
  • go to all interviews and you will get a feel of the place, the students there, and how they handle the interview, your questions and the overall interactions
  • evaluate all offers in totality in April
  • traditional vs BS/MD discussion is best left at the time of decision - again in April when you have all acceptances and aid offers in hand
  • all of here are expressing our opinion - what we think is the best but remember we do NOT have your full picture available. You have more information about your situation and you do NOT have to accept or agree or even acknowledge our view

Adding to the above -

  • And also factor in the possibility of the "dream" school if any, turning into a nightmare :-) (especially the likes of P and M in HYPSM) and if that is fine with you.