***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

@NoviceDad - I don’t find your posts funny, but asking for separate threads after indulging in the discussions sounds funny too me :smile: . Anyway, no offense intended.


No worries.


No one here is capable of getting a big N (sample size) if that is what you are referring to. Only the educational institutions know that and it is a well known fact that they manipulate those stats when claiming x% of our students (including alumni with break years and master’s and filtering those unfortunate ones) are successful in med school admissions.

@rk2017 it is sample size, thanks for acknowledging that it is not big enough, hence it is anecdotal. But I am sure that success stories N from HYPSM is far bigger and meaningful than failure stories N from HYPSM. Do I have those number to back it up? ofc not, but rationale is simple HYPSM students are best of pool, thus higher success rate.

@sixxgod GW said invites come on a rolling basis. They will not send rejection until March. So it’s wait and watch like BU.

Since we are back to discussing various options, as a parent to other parents my advice is wait till March/April, review all the options and seek opinions. Also, if asking for advice publicly or privately ask their background i.e. are they
A. Consultants
B. Consultants with their kid(s) who went thru the process
C. parents whose kids are in BSMD program
D. parents whose kids applied for BSMD programs but no acceptances
E. Parents whose kids declined BSMD acceptances and went to traditional for whatever reason (prestige, scholarships or cost of BSMD).

you’ll know my category :wink:

@srk2017 I will start I am category D parent. Albeit my S wasn’t sure about medical route until very late in admission process. Even today, I wonder sometimes, that is what he wants to do.

@newby1 shoot them an email, that’s what I did and I got my confirmation pretty quickly. And hopefully I’ll see you around!

@SAYSA gw interviews are in February though so we must know some time in January.

I don’t have any skin in the game for next couple of years. However I would like to understand perspective from all experts on this forum about Step 1 rule changes that might impact perceived lower rank BS/MD programs and their matriculates in future residency matches. I don’t mean to ignite any bonfire

@ppofbng - Are you talking about Step 1 being P/F? If that’s the cause let me throw my piece of wood into the bonfire, may be prestige matters more :wink:

Some of us celebrated bonfire festival 2 days back so good timing LOL

Not true, success stories of the above group can’t be concluded to be high and consistent across them. As mentioned P and M students take the brunt within that group. No need to look at any data to conclude that.

Well P and M are known for grade deflation and so it’s on them for not choosing traditional path wisely. Same goes with Cornell and JHU.

So which group has highest success stories? Non-HYPSM?

Stevens interview invites are out

My daughter is a med student thru bsmd route. Category C parent with BSMD :smiley:
Always heard many MDs, PHDs emphasize that money should not be the prime reason to enter this field.
A quote from the department chair at her hospital :

“Money is a bad reason to get into a marraige and a bad reason to get into this field (medicine)”

Think of yourself doing medicine or Inv banking or anything else 10 hrs * 365.
Ask yourself will you be happily doing it ? Answer lies within. Thx.

Yes. I am talking about Step 1 being P/F. I am sure there will be other ways medical schools and PDs will fight back. But would like to get perspective from the experts on this forum for its impact on BS/MDs

@ppofbng - BSMD supporters will say that their candidates will excel since they are good at meeting the minimums and focusing time on truly passionate things (like liberal arts and serving the underserved) and prestige obsessed ones will say the name carry them since without scores no one knows if they slacked off or not after getting into medical school.

Here is a quote from SDN (discussion wa about picking top school vs the one that gave scholarship)

“I went to a T-10, and I’m a resident at another T-10 that heavily recruits from other T-20s. This **** is all inbred”

Thank you. If the Step 1 is P/F, there isn’t much to show the difference between a true outstanding profile (one that got them into BS/MD) and someone barely made it and/or not very passionate about medicine. Some of the med schools are also P/F in M1, M2. So it can become very hierarchical for better or worse

Now we have another set of cousins here @PPofEngrDr and @ppofbng :smiley: