***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Category D with current 2020 cycle for younger D/S

also have elder D/S who iT20 MI medical student not a BS MD program. I do not know what category is that ??

OK Zoomer. BTW, this thread is dominated by parents not kids so tough luck with it.

Anyone know whether Stevens is a two-step interview process: 1) undergrad committee and 2) medical school? Their website only mentions undergrad committee interview. The other NJMS feeders have two-step process and say so on their websites so Stevens is unclear.

With residency director ranking the MI medical school is T 10 but US news it is T20

I keep reading a lot of stuff, not necessary that I have to or will remember/know every detail.
And yes, I do remember though people resorting to accusations on those of different opinions from recent proceedings.

It’s inappropriate to bring each others kids into various options discussions. I know @rk2017 took shots at my son over last one year but I took them sportively and never made comments on his or anyone’s kids. I even created a new thread in 2017 to get updates from those who wants to stay in touch and know how kids are progressing in both paths.

I consistently said each family have to make their own decisions and all we can do is ask those who went thru it to share how they came to that conclusion. As I said before, BSMD threads for last 3 years become toxic due to persistent arguments by few individuals that BSMD is the only choice and those who do’t take that path are making grave mistake or suicidal or prestige *******. Few parents and kids reached out to me over PMs to seek advice last year and shared more info than they posted publicly and based on that I recommended BSMD for some.

As seniors in these threads we should be role models not insulting to each other!

@rk2017 You want me believe that defense from a guy who recalls each failure of ivy of last 5-10 years. Difference in opinion doesn’t result in advising in public forum without knowing full picture of any applicant. So it is obvious we are at odds at this point and I will leave it there. But never ever bring my son in your comments, I never bring anyone’s child as a negative view, rather bring it as a positive view for applicable applicants.
I am against ANY BS/MD mentality, not against a good BS/MD (it is already rehashed in last few weeks).

Don’t remember that either. I may have responded once after you insisted numerous times that your son wasn’t interested in BS/MD because of free ride or whatever, by questionong if you were not willing to spend money on the undergrad or BS/MD had he not gotten that offer. That’s the only thing I remember. In the spirit of discussion. Perhaps I am getting old or you are!

My reference to any particular school/college was because people seem to come to conclusions that since their kids are doing great at such and such college, everyone from a good high school will be doing great everywhere else. Far from reality! The kids I know making it into top schools, one of whom I quoted this morning about were valedictorians of very good high schools with great all round records and greater work ethics to be able to make it to such schools in the first place. Yet they struggled/struggling/quit from this path. You can argue all you want but going to a top undergrad is not an end in itself just as going to a fancied med school is either.

@NoviceDad @sgup10 - Do you mind sharing BU interview dates that you’ll received - since it seems to be a rolling review

All the best to those going to PSU/Jefferson interviews !

Does PLME results come out on Ivy day ??

let’s not compare Kids and rankings are for info only and we have see what kids get by April to make decision traditional Vs BS MD

Every kid is different my two kids are Very different and I do not compare them and we should not compare them.

@rk2017 - Let’s skip my son’s part and discuss your scenarios. Do you know fully why the kids you know struggled in the top programs? Is it because they got distracted, course work is more than they expected, poor time management etc
 without objective analysis it’s no use in keep saying some kids are struggling so don’t go to top UGs and settle to any BSMD.

I will give example from my own family, kids went to JHU for BME and given their past research experience they got good research projects in first semester and lost focus on grades. Both have patents and won various engineering tournaments. They did one year masters (again at JHU) to repair GPA and worked as engineers (to gain some experience) and both got admitted and one of them got full tuition scholarship but not T20. They have no regrets since they still value their JHU BME degree.

@mi2019 - Thanks for picking a category :smile: Did your elder child go thru BSMD process?

Can someone share BU interview dates?

that is really good, you have in-house handy experience.

@Docparent and @Brainbuilder02

One of the dates is Jan 24

@PPofEngrDr @srk2017

No in-house BS MD experience as elder D/S went traditional route.

@Docparent @brainbuilder02

Feb 7


Everyone needs to calm down and breathe easy.

Everyone benefits from different perspectives.

Let’s all take a time out and park those discussions for another day.


Re: Residency/ Step 1-2

Residency is at least 7 years out for most kids on this cycle.
Step 1 is at least 4-5 years out.
Lot of things may change by then - I believe it is too early to think about what changes may happen in the future.
Frankly how residencies are allotted will not change whether you decide to do medicine or not.


Stevens is an undergrad institute and interview is for them to decide which applications to forward to NJMS.

NJMS will do its interview.