***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

The guaranteed programs for SUNY Upstate Medical School with: Adelphi Univ.; Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Science; SUNY Purchase; SUNY Polytechnic; UAlbany and Rochester Institute of Technology are fairly new. Does anyone have any insight for the medical school and / or undergrads? How does it compare against New Jersey Medical School or SUNY Downstate? For a NY state resident it will be very convenient because of the SUNY prices but is it worth it if the quality is not there?

@spectralfish Sorry, for referred your handle name. The above post # 212 is meant for @Spectral

"Many in kid's high school batch turned down acceptances to UC Berkeley and Georgia Tech"


I should have also added in my earlier statement, a subset of the same top kids with admissions in these two institutions also got accepted to Princeton, like 3 or 4 of them, so that was their obvious choice over the two. Of these kids going to Princeton, a known grade deflated school, couple of them were interested primarily in engineering or finance, and the other two were fine with whatever the outcomes, irrespective of whether or not they will be able to make it to med school later.

Hi I am a rising junior, need some suggestions as to how I can improve my profile to be a competitive BSMD applicant and what schools might be good to fit with my profile. I am looking at other profiles and they seem to be very good profiles. I skipped a grade in middle school, so I have limited opportunities as I am not 16 until next summer. Will my age be a hinderance in selection? My stats :
Race Asian
SAT 1520
SAT Bio 800
AP BIO 5, AP stat, world 4, AP chem 3
Junior year course load - AP Econ,Calculus BC, Physics 1 and AP seminar, plan to take SAT chem and math this year.
Other activities - Research past 2 summers - biology, no special recognition though.
RIBS U Chicgo summer
National neuroscience Brain Bee 5 th place
Volunteer at local Red cross and local science museum, 40 hrs hospital volunteer this summer as way finder.
President and founder Red cross club at school
Thank You

Sorry I forgot to include my GPA
weighted - 4.5 , unweighted 3.8
Thank You

glad to see familiar faces again, hello to everyone.

Why does UMKC has a social media prompt? Did some scandal happen in the past?

@GoldenRock Can we discuss this in the PMs or through email instead? I know many people from my school who also use the forums, and I prefer to maintain my privacy as I plan to disclose information about my state, school, location, resume, and academics.

@Spectral You need to have 15 posts in order to send PM.
Whatever you feel comfortable. In post you don’t have to specify school or location etc., State, GPA, Test scores and if involved in EC etc. Preference to study closer to home or away and financial constraints if any.
With post, many folks with different college and BS/MD program experience can respond.

Hey guys. I always like to put it out there every admissions cycle that I would be happy to answer any questions about the Union College/AMC Leadership in Medicine Program. Feel free to post questions or PM me!

Many of you would have heard about Hahnemann hospital bankruptcy. So find the details related to Drexel and its impact before applying to BS/MD program at Drexel.
More details see the posts in pre-med section and search Hahnemann.


I’ll PM you once I have 15 replies, I appreciate your help! @GoldenRock
Do you happen to know any other active forums users who have experience in the BS/MD process?

@PPofEngrDr - I thought you are taking a long break :wink:

@sanne Your age is not a hindrance. Continue to study well in HS. If possible continue volunteering where patient contact opportunity. If possible, seek opportunity for physician shadowing (10-25 hours). Many places it is not possible to shadow or have patient contact. Try not just hospital alone but places like hospice or senior age home etc.,

@GoldenRock I have sent you a PM as previously promised. I apologize that it had to take a few days for me to rank up in a legitimate fashion. Thank you so much for your kindness and help!

@Spectral Responded to your PM. Suggest you should focus on your HS work and App process and spend little to no time in CC site. GL.

@GoldenRock , thank you; how many hours of shadowing is generally acceptable and do I have to list hours on my application when I apply.

@sanne Yes, if you have done shadowing, mention the details including hours and place and specialty of the Doc.
Many students may not get an opportunity to shadow. There is no fixed number of hours.
Your application is viewed holistically and not necessary by checking x hours in shadow or in some other EC or score etc

@GoldenRock What is the difference between EAP, Not Truly Guaranteed Programs, Hybrid, and BS/MD Programs, could you please clarify for me? I seem to have a misunderstanding, especially as to what a hybrid is.

Also, may I know why you are not a fan of the Florida BS/MD programs and the St. Bonaventure one?

I really appreciate your input on my previous post:
The guaranteed programs for SUNY Upstate Medical School with: Adelphi Univ.; Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Science; SUNY Purchase; SUNY Polytechnic; UAlbany and Rochester Institute of Technology are fairly new. Does anyone have any insight for the medical school and / or undergrads? How does it compare against New Jersey Medical School or SUNY Downstate? For a NY state resident it will be very convenient because of the SUNY prices but is it worth it if the quality is not there?