***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

@confusedjunior61 : You should try if you want. But you will be competing with top students in your district and all other districts. There is no way to predict winners.

@orm2020 yes, I understand.

Are there other things that can help? like research or shadowing/volunteering? Trying to see if I can increase my odds.


Yes, all those thing will help. Specially if they are related to health-care.
To other experts, We live in a area where there are no university, institutes etc nearby. My D is trying hard to find some research opportunities but she is not finding any. She is doing shadowing and volunteering. Will lack of research hurt her chances too much?



If you have a good holistic profile, being in Top 3% or 1% will not make much a difference. I would not worry too much about it.
Make sure your GPA remains top notch and all your ECs are competitive and you have your unique story to share.


Research is one factor out of many.
UPitt definitely values it very highly.
Others may or may not value to the same extent.


GPA - 4.5 (w) 3.96 (unw)
SAT - 1550
ACT 36
Math 2 and Bio M Subject tests - 800 both

12 APs from 9-11. Includes Major STEM courses.
ECs -

  • volunteering at hospitals and senior care since last 1.5 years. PVSA Gold
  • Founder of a club
  • Co-chair of hospital Teen program.
  • Shadowing Two specialists.
  • SI: 225 on PSAT so I am hoping I will be a SF
  • And other stuff like NHS and other clubs.

What should I work on to help my application?

@confusedjunior61 : Your profile seems pretty competitive and comparable to several here.


You seem to have a good profile.
I have sent you a DM.

Try to shadow primary care doctors. Write good essays. Pick schools wisely.

Are you an ORM?

@NoviceDad and @brainbuilder02 - Thank you! Pls feel to provide me any input. I am really interested in BS/MD programs so want to build a good profile.

@srk2017 Thank you! What is an ORM?

@confusedjunior61 : Over Represented Minority [predominantly asian]

has anyone done AMC interviews so far? What is the duration and how was it?

For medical schools it’s Over Represented in Medicine (Asians and whites).

Don’t get fixated on BSMD. Apply to good UGs also. You are a good standardized test taker. Read the discussions we had on the topic :smile:


Yes by that definition - I am ORM.
Thank you!. Yes, I am looking at traditional UG as well. Since you mentioned to pick schools wisely, Would you have any suggestion to which I should apply and stand a good chance?

@confusedjunior61 No one can predict how good your chance will be as you are only one side of coin among applicants pool, you don’t know all other applicants in that pool. So at best you can be competitive, which you are as others suggested. Also if you are unsure about medicine path, or being pushed just because parents want, throw a wider net of BS/MD and UG programs including engineering/law/business etc.

@PPofEngrDr Fair Point.

Also I am very certain about becoming a doctor. Its my dream. I know usually it is parents pushing but in my case my mom is reluctant since it is a long journey. But both my parents still support me. :slight_smile:

I’m a current senior and applied to three accelerated programs: Penn State/SKMC, Rutgers/NJMS, and GW/GW. As of now, I haven’t heard anything from GW/GW. Don’t think I got in :frowning:

For Penn State/SKMC, I had my finalist interview this past week. I was told I would find out my results mid-February. For Rutgers/NJMS, I had my first round interview this past week as well and was notified today that my application was sent to NJMS.

Anyone know how many people the Rutgers program will take?

@confusedjunior61 valid point and glad parents are supporting your choice and decision. Your dream to become a doctor can be achieved through multiple routes. BS/MD is just one route that generate only 5% of MDs. Rest 95% are coming from UG and other routes. Being a parent, cetanly can understand your mom concerns about long journey. But that is what it is, even after become a MD, journey continues being a unique profession. So dream can be fulfilled as long as you root for it and work hard towards it.