***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Hello everyone,

My D didn’t get into any of the direct med programs so far, but I want to say I’ve learned a lot from this experience. My husband and I have put a lot of pressure on my daughter and I can see now that it has put a lot of stress on her; after all she is only just a kid. I can see now that I made a crucial mistake in pushing her and constantly criticizing her to do well; while this may be okay to some extent it has really affected our relationship. To those parents who are in a similar circumstance, I would like to say that fighting with your kids is not worth it; yes they may make mistakes, and not always take our advice, but we shouldn’t criticize them for it to the point where they almost hate us as parents. I know my D is a bright girl and she can just as easily get into medical school through the normal route. All in all, please be mindful of the way you talk to your kids and treat them through this application process; please don’t forget that this process is even more stressful for them than it is to you. Please be supportive and encouraging of your children rather than constantly fighting and criticizing them. Trust me, from experience, I can say that it is not worth it. After all, I know my D will become successful, but I am way more concerned about maintaining a close relationship with her in the future.

We have not received any FAU info. I agree with @orm2022 it is not out as far as I know ?.


BU is ranked lower (40 ish) in USN for undergrad. Their Medical school is ranked #30 which is pretty good.

@NoviceDad If the notifications were out on Jan 31st still isn’t it too soon for an interview on Feb 11th , 12th ? People have to book tickets.

Yes; BU is ranked 30 by faulty USNWR :smile: Tines weightage
for International outlook (staff, students and research) is 7.5%. I am not sure if that’s a good thing.

@DroneFly - On serious note, BU is a good school. I am just debating the obsession/strong aversion with USNWR rankings :smile:

@unimom : couldn’t agree with you more …

My D is still a junior but she showed interested at early age even though we would prefer her to prepare for engineering or CS since both my wife and I are in IT field and it would be less stressful for her. As for BS/MD, we are doing the leg work now by researching schools and their requirements but of course, it will come down cost and most importantly , LUCK :wink: when she apply in the falls.

We still challenge her to maintain her GPA, will sign her up for extra community work and ask her to take ACT & subject tests in the summer but also let her know that she may end up in a traditional UG school, or even state school. Luckily, she is not expecting us to pay for Ivy’s schooling (she will try to apply for Harvard but will not attend if if admit).

@MistySteel27 recommended adding Ursinus College as an option for pre med UG and from early assessment, the cost is reasonable and maybe a good option for pre med. Anybody has any input ?


We have personally known a lot of graduates of NJMS/RWJ who have done so well in their careers. This past weekend itself I met an accomplished lady who did her med school and surgery residency from these programs and did a fellow in Harvard in plastic surgery. I will be happy if my C turns out that way :smile: not worried about the rating.


NU- HPME typically gives 10 days notice for interviews.
Those interview dates are true.

@ohnjmom , @orm2022 and Others interested in HPME:

From what I know,

  1. Feb 11, 12 and 14 interview dates was second batch of invites
  2. Rejections come out after all invites are sent out

How does second and third trimesters grade impact decisions for these programs specifically?

@NoviceDad Thank you for the info. If I read last year’s thread correctly, NW will again send out invites this Friday, Feb 7 for Feb 18, 19, 20 interviews(3rd batch). And then the final batch (4th), the invites will be on Friday, Feb 14 for Feb 25, 26 , 27 interviews. After that the students who didn’t receive an invite will get a rejection letter? Or they should just assume after Feb 14 that they are rejected.

Graduates from all 150 medical schools in USA do well as well as lot of FMGs and those who survived Caribbean medical schools. The purpose of rankings is to compare different schools if you are fortunate to receive multiple acceptances. When you are in that situation you need to dig deep and check the criteria used for ranking and pick the ones you think you are interested. USNWR has primary care and research rankings and also each sub(super for IMs)speciality. Not everyone goes to top schools purely based on prestige or ranking but to compete with students of equal or higher caliber. If you think you (or your child) don’t want to have stressful UG then go for bird in hard or be big fish in a small pond choices.

There i no use of bashing USNWR rankings or those who have competitive mindset and constantly challenges themselves.

Is it true that HPME gives preference to kids in Chicago area ?

thank you @NoviceDad and @orm2022 . In that case I should not have my hopes pinned on HPME.

I haven’t gotten any word from UPitt or GWU about an interview. Does this mean I’m rejected? Anyone hear back from them yet?

No. I would be surprised if HPME IS-OOS contribution is not aligned with Feinberg traditional IS-OOS.


As @PPofEngrDr mentioned, HPME has NO In-state or out-of-state preference.

NU-undergrad (non-HPME) has about ~30% in-state students.


Re: HPME: I would wait for the invite or rejection letter before assuming anything.

So to confirm on HPME invites - two rounds of interview invites have gone out (Jan. 24th and Jan. 31st), and there are two more to go (Feb. 7th and Feb. 14th). If we don’t receive an invite by the 14th, we can expect a rejection letter shortly afterwards. Is this correct? @NoviceDad @DroneFly @orm2022

Thank @NoviceDad. Also, @DesiDancing @DroneFly I don’t know for sure. I’m just guessing based on last year’s BSMD thread. I can be totally wrong.