***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

haven’t seen much on sophie davis but has anybody received an interview invite yet?

Per someone mentioning Brown PLME cost…Is there anyone who can shed a reasonable argument how 600k would be justifiable/ doable for most people…Let’s make assumption someone received now aid because there family income was say 200-250k. I’m interested to hear an opposing views point that makes sense of that cost.

thank you, I received an email at around noon! I am out of state, so I was pretty happy with the interview invite, considering that the program has a strong in-state preference.

I believe that out of 10 program spots, only 2 are saved for OOS students, so it is definitely tough!


Search last year’s thread for my post on cost and NPV calculations on BS/MD vs traditional route

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How common is it to make it off an alternative interview list? (For Cincinnati)


Thank you. Can you please comment on the following as well:

  1. I thought except ivies, all others provide (or has the provision to offer) merit scholarship.
  2. Does Brown PLME has a wait list as well, considering that there are no interviews for PLME in between and all the applicants could be in the consideration for the final decision.


As far as I know

  1. No. Check the latest common data set of the institutions you are interested in (believe section H2A if I remember correctly) and you will find out a number of private institutions don't have any merit based awards for undergrad. Example Georgetown. Some give a token awards like 5k or so per year. Many public schools don't give out any merit based to OOS students.
  2. Again No. They give offers to enough number, like close to 100, that even if half from RD don't join, the class will still be full ~60.

For BS MD programs the medical school portion cost is mostly similar and very few programs have instate tuition preference.

Experts on this forum can chime in if there are any non need based merit scholarship in med schools for ORM unless you go to NYU which does not have a BS MD program

T20 undergrad schools for BS MD programs are NU Brown WASHU and Rice and they only have need based scholarships unless some one disagrees

GW/GW interview rejection email started coming out.


@PathophysiologyFTW Congratulations!!! Do you get to pick the UG feeder school?

I have to attend SUNY Polytechnic! I did not get to choose my feeder school ?

Even if your family can afford 600K for BS/MD, if you get merit based scholarship at some other UG institutions, please consider seriously regular MD route. Most state schools give instate students some merit based scholarships. All accredited medical schools by LCME in US are equally good. The residency depends on how do you perform in Medical School including USLME step 1 score. If you understand investments, you can invest the savings from UG portion and earn a decent return that will help in your MD education. You can even get a MD degree debt free (no student loans in MD).
What matters most for regular MD are GPA and MCAT score, not the prestige factor of UG school.

If you go to MD/PhD route (not BS then MD regular route), then your education will be paid by uncle sam (mostly scholarships/grants by NIH etc).

@PathophysiologyFTW Congratulations!

FYI, most Temple PPHS candidates also have full-tuition scholarship for 4 years as a part of UG admission (not as a part of Temple Health Scholar) since they are very well qualified UG candidates.

@PathophysiologyFTW Congratulations! Anyone else from SUNY Poly got accepted yet?

@grtd2010 thanks and agree. Yes our son got full UG scholarship at Temple and has BSMD interview there Friday. Also got full tuition at Pitt and waiting GAP interview decision there. I just couldn’t imagine paying 600k . If I would pay that I think I would pay 300k at Harvard and take a shot at the lottery ticket that is a spot at NYU for the free tuition. Not high odds but hey I would take the chance.



I have heard of stories (not direct knowledge) where parents offered to put their savings in kids’ savings or investments accounts if they agreed to go to a cheaper alternative and not to that fancied college they really liked and costing a quarter million. And the kids saying, no thank you we need that education, not your money.

Also heard of parents spending a quarter million or more for four years of private high school, not even the college.

Different perspectives!

I have suggested that I would put the money in an IRA for my D as well, think it kind of helped in putting things in perspective.