***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Hello all - my DS got an interview in case for mar 16/17 but hasn’t heard from upitt,bu or NW HPME or Brown PLME.
Can we assume it’s a reject for the above?
He got a reject from UAB and Rice…
It is wierd that he didnt hear either way from UPitt GAP. Looks like they went out yesterday…any insights?

Congrats on CASE.

UPITT invites went out yesterday. BU last interview was yesterday.
HPME has sent three rounds of interview invites so far as I can understand from this thread and one more remaining.

I believe there may be one or two more batches of interview invitations yet to go out for HPME. GAP came out yesterday. Case last Saturday. Brown PLME admissions will go out along with their regular admission decisions (March 16?).

This must be for the regular Brown admission? PLME does not provide alum interviews.

@Nvidia20 PLME has alumni interviews

OK. My DS had a phone interview and I was under impression it was just a regular alum interview.

@peebu2024 : I have been asked for a video; they said they couldnt get an alum schedule.

Anyone else same boat?

Did PLME come up in that conversation?

Received Sophie’s interview invite. Good luck to all who got the invites.


After the interview do a due diligence about the program and decide whether or not you want to go for it if selected or choose other program or even a traditional undergrad.

Even though the program has the backing of the solid CUNY brand-name, one of the students who was active on college confidential couple of cycles ago and in the program currently expressed his dissatisfaction. Perhaps you may want to go through the 2018 results thread to get the name handle, and private message him (you will need to first post 15 messages here for that feature to be enabled for you though).

Just as I have alluded to about another program recently, people are not just jumping into anything just because they got into a program or have a free ride for the undergrad portion of it.

Well, I figured you are new here and may not know how to communicate as mentioned above, so I just did a search from last year’s thread for Sophie Davis and this is what the above mentioned student posted. Who knows, his impressions may have changed by now? As I said CUNY is a good brand name overall, but the issue may be with the program. So right now focus on the interview and you can revisit the matter later.


@rk2017 What is your opinion on about Union AMC? Another poster referred to AMC as a “low tier” medical school. If one had a choice of this or a full tuition or near full tuition at say Case, UMDCP, University of Miami or Binghamton what would you advise?


AMC is a good well established med school, like UpState (though both are unranked by some website along with Tulane and some other solid schools). So no need to hesitate about Union/AMC especially when you can potentially get another degree like MPH or MBA and finances not a concern. When it comes to that time, you may also want to private message helpful folks here like @Undecided3494 who are in the program for first hand information.

If you have to make a choice between that and other undergrads, it depends on your taste and the kind of price breaks you receive. I heard on last year’s thread I believe, that though Case gives decent price breaks the pre med undergrad there is cut throat competitive. You may also visit the potential schools for traditional route (again if need be even if you have already) and talk to students and admissions staff and pre med advising before making up your mind. But also beware that lot of these schools also inflate the success rates of their undergrad population in med school applications by manipulating the figures. So don’t take their word for granted.

@holychild I am also a current student in the Union/AMC program if you would like to chat.

SAme here. We were asked for Video with a deadline of Feb 9th.

There are no alum interviews fro PMLE . The alum interviews are for undergrad Brown.

I’m a little bit confused about the NJMS BS/MD programs. I applied through NJIT and TCNJ and both were forwarded to NJMS, but I have not gotten a response from NJMS yet. If I were to get an interview at NJMS and it goes well, would that mean I get into both schools’ 7-year programs? And also does NJMS look at each interview from each school individually or do they consider it all?

Same here. I applied late to Brown and was asked to send the video. There is a huge Reddit thread on this. Brown has received way more applications this year and they are unable to match all applicants to alums based on their availability.

I submitted the video yesterday and it is due tonight.

I’ve seen a reply here a little while back in regard to multiple venues to NJMS. The reply was that you would get only one interview from NJMS (that’s reasonable) but you could get to choose which UG to attend. Of course, this is a great question to ask at the NJMS interview.


I heard that RPI/AMC is the most rigorous BSMD program. Is this true? Does this mean a large number of students can’t make through? Thanks for your input!



First of all, congrats on the invitation and good luck!
I also applied to Sophie Davis for Fall 2020. I was wondering what day/time did you get the invitation for the interview. I called two weeks ago and they said my application is complete but still under review and they’d email me last or this week if I was invited, but I haven’t received anything yet, and I am a little worried. I heard from every other college except for Sophie.




I got the email yesterday. I bet they are sending out in batches and hopefully you’ll hear from them soon.

Good luck!