***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

That’s awesome congrats!
So happy for you!!


@Hakhan Don’t worry better opportunities are waiting for you so chin up. You are a smart kid to have gotten the interview.

@live2give Hearty Congratulations!

@live2give Congrats !!!

You have to pose those questions to the folks who turned it down (despite free ride for their undergrad) and went elsewhere. I am out of touch with any of them to ask and share here. But remember those folks opting instead for NJMS, Penn State and BU.

@sammyGA didn’t ask the question about who has turned down for various reasons, it was your 2 cents unwarranted answer few had turned down, aka fear mongering.
So does people turned down NJMS, Penn State and BU and all other myriads of BS/MD programs for their reasons, those turned down doesn’t necessarily reflects the quality of programs at all.
Argument still remain open, Is turned down/accepted by others really a criteria for someone decision making?

@Hakhan, Sorry to hear that, but plz note 1) there were so may BS/MD programs and u know what happens all the eggs in 1 basket. More importantly >95 of doctors went through traditional path if that helps.

My D is not moving forward with Rice, Baylor, Penn State, UAB, UCon and GW. Roll of the dice.
State: OK
ACT: 35
GPA: 3.91
Std. groups, over 300 hours of med volunteer and research combined.

It is a group interview setting.
If I recall from the posts a few years ago, @NoviceDad child interviewed at Temple PPHS but did not get in as a Temple PPHS. @NoviceDad child is in NU HPME currently.
We chose it after turning down a few so called guaranteed BS/MD programs. Temple LKSOM is ranked in par with Thomas Jefferson (PSU PMM/SKMC) by USN. PSU (PMM/SKMC) does not give any merit scholarships for UG(OOS). My child got a full-tuition scholarship for 4 years at Temple. If you are sacred of an interview at Temple LKSOM during junior year after you have met minimum GPA and minimum grade (B- in any course) requirements, do not even go to the interview. A few folks here may be totally risk-reverse. It is NOT for them. My Child has a GPA 4.0 and gave MCAT in Jan 2020. Yes, you have to get a committee letter of recommendation too from pre-med office. This is a one of the requirements for a pre-med at Temple including Temple PPHS.

@live2give, Congrats, plz provide stats, especially ur location, were u OOS for PSU?

[quote=“PPofEngrDr, post:3303, topic:2054445”]

For EAP vs BS/MD, who point of this program is to avoid that. Rather than wait to know once u r in that school, why spend the money when there isn’t objective chance.

Statistically speaking, with some extra effort during the college years, you will get in to a much higher ranked med college than Jafferson. I know of at lease one student who had difficulty getting into medical program through BS/MD interview route, but was admitted to NYU with free tuition for 4 years through the traditional route - surely he/she was happy that none of the BD/MD programs gave an offer!
So, work hard - you will be a doctor one day.

There are still a lot of UG programs that have an Early Acceptance Program where they allow you to apply in your sophomore year. Perhaps one or several of your UG programs have that. Like @rk2017 said, you are already ahead of the pack. Good luck with your future endearvors!

Well finance can be yes/no as well, depending on how much parents wants to commit. I know lots of students gets full ride with EAP programs, SLU is one of them.
For any EAP program, you have to really dig into last few year statistics from admission office. How many students remain in that program after 1 year (aka weed out), how many invited for interview and how many generally accepted. Once you have that fair idea, you can make choice based on your own financial situation and ofc student like that school.

[quote=“OmGV2020, post:3314, topic:2054445”]

Temple PPHS is not EAP but BS/MD with a requirement to do a medical school interview after you have met the conditions of a linkage( minimum GPA, minimum grade of B- in any course) in junior year. You still have to meet minimum total MCAT and minimum section scores. You can always opt-out and apply as regular MD.
If you get full-tuition scholarship for UG, this a great choice if you are not a total risk-averse in your outlook in life.

For any NU UG candidate, you have an option for NUPSP (its kinda EAP), but very cutthroat competition among NU UGs. Mount Sinai EAP program is unique, it allows other colleges UG students to apply during sophomore year.

Here are my stats for getting into Penn State’s 7 Year Med:

GPA: 95.5514/100 (UW)

Class Rank: Unknown (we’re a small school, so administration doesn’t release class rank to any school)

School: I attend a vocational-technical school focused on the health sciences. Thus, my high school curriculum is focused on health classes like Medical Terminology and Emergency and Clinical Care. It’s definitely solidified my desire to go into medicine as well as showed interviewers my commitment to the career of a physician.

SAT: 1560
Subscores: Math (800), English (760), Writing (18)

ACT: 36
Subscores: Science (36), English (35), Reading (36), Math (36), Writing (9)

SAT Subject Tests:
Chemistry: 700
Math 2: 800

AP’s (at time of application)
Calculus AB - 5
Calculus BC - 5
Biology - 5

Senior AP’s: Chemistry, U.S. Gov, Literature and Composition, Psychology

State: New Jersey (Applied Out of State)
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Indian

Major ECs:

  1. HOSA-Future Health Professionals (student-led health science organization): I’ve served as a state officer for two years and currently serve as the sole high schooler on the National Executive Council overseeing 255,000+ members and speaking at conferences across the country
  2. BAPS Hindu Temple: I teach students (1&2 graders) every Saturday as well as participate in various religious programs and events (e.g. singing, dancing, acting, or speaking in programs) and I also organize events by working backstage, making decorations, etc
  3. Cerebral Palsy Students After School Volunteering
  4. Ride on my town’s EMT Rescue Squad (I got my EMT certification this past summer, but have been riding since my junior year)
  5. Gave TEDx Talk at my school (now on Youtube official TEDx Talks Page) and now serve as speaking chair
  6. I’ve been playing Intercounty Soccer since elementary school

Medically related activities:
Not too much besides shadowing physicians my entire summer after freshman year. It served as a great segway into the reason I pursued all the activities I did the rest of my high school career.

Notes/Advice: I was a bit nervous going into this process due to the fact that I don’t have serious research done or super huge community service. I would encourage students who are thinking about applying to these programs to replace the typical “hospital volunteering” or things like that for things you’re actually passionate about. Instead of volunteering at a hospital (and probably spending my time just doing busy errands) I decided to ride on a volunteer EMT squad and volunteer with cerebral palsy students to make more of a difference. I love using my voice, and my EC’s were able to show that. Med programs don’t want to simply see the generic volunteer and research experience you have (not that it isn’t a valuable contribution to your application), but in the competitive landscape of the bs/md program admission process, they want to see a multi-faceted student who shows character, commitment, and true passion towards the field.

Thank you to everyone who provided me well wishes on my acceptance, and I wish you all the best of success on your current and future prospects for these programs! Trust the admission process and know it will put you into a school where you belong, no matter how random it may seem!

Anyone have information about Rowan University/Cooper Medical School? Does anyone know when interview notifications are coming out?

Congratulations, So, you go to one of the County Health Academies in NJ. One of the County Health Academy high school is ranked as high as #6 in NJ by USN

Gujju Rocks. :blush: