***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

WASHU Sent out results today for USP . Didn’t get in.

Wash U reject

Agree, that article is useless for this group. We are discussing value of school prestige and strength of ECs needed for competitive residencies with grades and step 1 being P/F.

Any news on FAU? Do they send out rejection letters? Last year they had interviews on 2/13 and 2/20.

@PPofEngrDr . I don’t think they sent a detailed agenda of the day’s events. I think they sent general time info only. They sent an email a few days before saying due to space considerations only one parent should attend. We both went. Most of the kids only had one parent there. I think there were about 10 kids there. They were also doing regular Med School interviews that day as well with college grads. We checked in around 8:00- 8:30 and then there was a half an our or so info session and we were allowed to ask questions. They had breakfast from Panera, yougurt parfaits, bagels, coffee, water and fruit cups. After the info session parents were dismissed and told that they could get their kids about 12 o’clock. The was about 9:30, I wished we had been told this otherwise we would not have checked out of the hotel. We spent the next 2 hours waiting in the hotel lobby and by the library. The kids had to do a group activity, the got a tour of the hospital/medical school and then half an hour interview. DC said it was just a one on one interview and the questions were simple based on the supplemental application and other general stuff like “what do you do when you are having a bad day?” DC was finished early around 11:30 and then we drove to Union College. The session there started at 2:00. We got gas, drove around and had lunch, then we went to Union. They had another info session about the program at Union. The director spoke and then three students gave their perspectives. Parents and students asked questions though out. Then there was a school tour. We had done that already so we left at that point which was a round 3:00.

The interview is not MMI, that was explained at the beginning. The interviewers don’t even see your common app only the supplemental application That format is for the applicants to the Med School, college grads.

@grtd2010 , @srk2017

I have to respectfully disagree with both of you.

The article highlights “worrisome” implications for “less privileged” applicants - it gives examples of IMGs and DOs but also mentions the segregation based on “medical pedigree” in IM residency (the most common residency and requirement before one can do cardiology, oncology and other specialties). I am willing to speculate that this extends to “lower ranked” MD programs as well.

It hints at the importance of where you do your rotations and word put in by a folks who are known to Program directors. Frankly this indicates that better networked professionals benefit - one thought I had is the importance of having a physician in the family - they may be already networked and how they can influence the residency process.

To me, it describes that the current process despite the appearance of meritocracy is full of subjective biases. USMLE Step 1 pass/fail will make it worse.

I found it useful and thought it may be beneficial to this group.

Anyway, we do not have to agree - junk the article (and other links that I shared) if you find it useless.

Thank you @NoviceDad
Your advice on BU was very helpful for my niece.

She now is looking at Case and Rochester - interestingly both are 2-day affairs.
Any insights?

Also, thanks for the links re: USMLE Step 1 pass/fail. The Jenkins article and Sheriff of Sodium blogs are very informative.
I am a little concerned about impact of USMLE Step 1 pass/fail on DOs. Have a stake in the BS/DO path. Keeping an eye on potential COMLEX changes.

Sorry - the question on Case or Rochester insights was for everyone on this forum.
Any insights is helpful.

You are welcome @mywish4u
(BTW - I responded to your email).


FAU interviews are coming out towards the end of this month with interviews in late March

Thanks for the update.

Wash U USP Reject for my D.

How did you come to know about FAU interview, I heard NMF gets atleast a interview.
Also I am a NMF hoping to hear soon

Keep me posted

Thank you @NoviceDad.

@DroneFly @brainbuilder02

WASHU - Don’t worry. It is a blessing in disguise.

WASHU - Don’t worry. It is a blessing in disguise.

You are welcome @orm2022 @OmGV2020

Does anyone know how many they take for W&J /temple BSMD ?


W&J/ Temple – up to 5

I have Interview on March 5th at temple