***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***


WashU does not state a separate science GPA requirement.

But remember, UPitt has no MCAT and practically all GAP students are able to maintain their science GPA at Pitt.

To me, a program where ~50% of the students in the program do not matriculate into the medical school is a cause of concern and caution. WashU is such a program.

I completely agree. My S didn’t apply for WashU and Rice/Baylor because of the requirements and number of slots. He will most likely to apply thru traditional route next year.

No its not a NU student and I don’t know whether you know the student or not. :smile:

I heard BU phone interviews are over last week


Drexel interviews ~ 100 candidates, gives offers to ~ 60 and about ~35 matriculate

Anyone know anyone who attended the Siena/AMC program or SUNY Upstate BS/MD. Interviewed at Siena/AMC but didn’t get a ton of info about the program. There are a lot of undergraduate core requirements. Wondering how students felt about them. Also, are AMC and SUNY Upstate pretty comparable? Siena interview also not MMI, that is why you take the Casper, I believe, for AMC programs. Thanks for any information.

S withdrew from Drexel interview (scheduled for tommorow) early last week. He did do Temple and awaiting Brown but I feel he is leaning now toward the traditional route. He walked away from the interview at Temple with a sense he was setting a low bar…no connotation on Temple in anyway…he just said he felt after interacting with the other candidates that most (not all) seemed very miopic in their mindset , laser focused on medicine , and overall not entirely well polished. (His words not mine) . I would be interested in what people will perceive at the Drexel interviews and their feedback.

Got the NU interview invite today any tips for the interview??

Got a Rutgers New Brunswick Trustee scholarship and not Presidential Scholarship so will not get invitation for the 4+4 program right as looking eligibility and states the Presidential scholars get invitation for the program. Can you get both Trustee and Presidential at the same time or only one.

Surely, your S will enjoy Harvard UG education with numerous alternatives beside medicine. Most BS/MD candidates are laser focused on pursuing medicine. You must have noticed at Temple (Drexel as well) interview, these are dominated by ORMs (Over Represented Minority). Most ORMs are pursuing BS/MD or MD programs with zeal and enthusiasm.

Why do you think so ? Only one scholarship to one candidate.

Did you hear from NJMS?

During child interview at NU they mentioned GPA requirements for HPME students has increased to 3.7 cumulative GPA and a 3.55 science GPA at the time of graduation from the undergraduate program. How is the grade curving at NU.

For regular MD
Washington University in St. Louis Median GPA 3.86 Median MCAT 521

For BS/MD requirement is lower than median above( GPA 3.8 and MCAT 519 (97%)).

Our thinking is if he is capable of getting those numbers why limit himself to WashU for UG when he was expecting T10 admissions.

Stats should not be an issue applying thru traditional round.

If a students meets WASHU BS MD requirements with assumption having good EC, he can go to any good medical school using traditional route with region and cost preference.

I think NU Upitt and WASU Med school do not care If their students leave to other schools and there programs are not binding. Is this the case CASE PPSAP ?

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Just a curious question, Is T10 Undergrad + WashU Med is better because of the extra rigor in WashU undergrad for a combined MD program or because of low number of admission and prioritization of resources in High school senior year and admissions mad rush?

Thank you @holychild

NU grade curving is all over the map. It all varies from class to professor. All sort of weight to different categories (quiz, exam, clicker points, assignments). Even within a category different allocation, e.g. out of 3 midterms, lowest midterm score have certain weight than others. There are so many permutations and combinations, sometimes you feel lost until you see final grade. From our UG experience, it works well so far and no regrets.


Since WashU MEDIAN MCAT is 521 and median GPA is 3.86, this means 50% of students have scores lower than the median.

WashU BS/MD requirement is closer to MEAN on matrouclating med school class - mean GPA of 3.83 and mean MCAT of 519.3.

Again this implies, it accepts students with GPA lower than 3.83 and MCAT lower than 519.3.