***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Is Hofstra done sending out interview invites?

@orm2022 i’m wondering the same. Did anyone on this forum get invites for an interview from Hofstra after February 13th?

My DC’s interview at Siena/Albany is coming up. Can someone please let us know the format for the interview. People have posted about their interview with Albany through Union & RPI which is a group activity & then one in one. Is it the same for Siena too?

Good that she will then have 3 APs covered under BCPM by the time of applying. Taking Physics C in senior year will be further reinforcement.

NU HPME program seems to be biased against ACT by expecting the test takers to have a 100% ile score in writing section (check out their program site). Ironically even though majority of their undergrad apply there with ACT.

Yes, someone extraordinary from a given undergrad institution especially in ECs, can potentially be the blocker to the other applicants from the same institution in as many as n - 1 med schools out of n where he or she applies to.
Seen that happen even to extraordinary candidates with research publications, there can be always someone higher from one’s own backyard.


yes it is the same

@BSMDGAL Thank you!!

I seriously doubt this happens. People come up with these arguments to justify their shortcomings. No two applicants will be same unless they worked in same research lab and published in same magazine and did same ECs. medical schools don’t limit to one or two candidates from same UG. I can see that happening with BSMD given the number of slots.

Anyway, this discussion goes no where since you and @novicedad are 100% believers in BSMD for various reasons and keep mentioning few failure scenarios. I will keep reminding folks that traditional path ain’t that bad and life is about taking calculated risks.

What is CASPer Exam. Never heard of it

There is never 1 to 1 relationship between high school and a college. It is always 1 to many in both directions. Same applies to ivy/any UG to Med schools.
In fact scenarios being described, had first hand experience. In our cycle, 2 kids including my S, same high school class, both valedictorian, both participated in same clubs, difference is gender, one got invited for GPPA and my son wasn’t. Can that happen to NU UG to a med school? ofc it can, but that doesn’t mean that he is not qualified for another medical school better than he wasn’t admitted.
Same with high school right now, from bunch of classmates, applicants may invited for interview to more than one BS/MD program, some may have exclusive invitation, some may have overlap, some may not have at all, that doesn’t make them less qualified for their objectives. Fear mongering doesn’t help current applicants and their families.

Hi, My DD is also a junior and I have been following the this group along for quite a while. I learn a great deal here and I thank you all for it. @liketobeed mention the Casper test in a prior post. I have to say I know nothing about it. Could somebody explain in more detail what it is and if all bsmd programs requires it? I read online that is require when entering the Medical School. Will our kids be penalized when taking it for being so young (less matured than a college graduate?). Could they fail this test? How are the results submitted to colleges? Any insight is greatly appreciated.

Is UConn SPIM done with interviews? I did not get an invitation, but I also did not get a rejection.

CASPer is a test of behavioral science. Some people call it a personaility test. They’ll have videos of screnarios and questions about each to get you reactions, plans of action given the relationships in question, ethical dilemna, etc. Some medical schools ask questions regarding ethics during an interview. With CASPer results, they won’t have to. Not all BSMD or traditional MD programs wants CASPer. You should go to their site and see if the schools you’re interested in want it. The administration is something like $40 and it would cost $10 for each report. You do not get to see your results

@rk2017 @liketobeed

NU does NOT prefer SAT over ACT.
In fact, more of the admitted students have only ACT score than SAT score.

However, a score of ACT=34 is borderline for ORMs.
It can work if other elements of your application stands out.


I try to base my opinion on data and am willing to change my opinion if data indicates so.
I am trying to find the article where I had read that 12% of the students get 50% of the interviews. Will share once I find it.

@DroneFly In addition to what @junebug20 said, even colleges which have a requirement, may state if that is used for admission purpose or not. For example during 2018-19 regular app MD cycle, only few colleges had this requirement and also many stated for their own / research purpose asking and it is not used for admission. Things are changing fast with each cycle and hence at the time of your app cycle check individual college requirements and take the exam. Except for practice and to know the format, there may not be a need to spend way too much time to prepare like MCAT or Step 1 exams.

@rk2017 - thank you.

Thank you @NoviceDad . She will take ACT one more time.

Problem is data tells half the story only since admissions are based on ECs and essays also and every one thinks their ECs and essays are great. As we discussed that school list is more important since there are 150+ schools. So with all the bases covered I don’t see a reason for someone not getting an admission. I agree T20 is a big gamble and with regional and instate biases. I have nieces and nephews who went thru the process recently with uneven GPA/MCAT but good ECs and ended up in medical schools. No candidate I know personally failed thru traditional process.

I do not disagree with your last post, except I know candidates who landed with zero interviews.

Choose well and be mentally prepared that any school on your list is the one you chose and is good for you (even if it is a “safety” school).