***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***


This year, Only 1 BS/MD program mandated taking CASPer - AMC
Another one recommended taking CASPer - Hofstra

Three years ago, ZERO BS/Md programs required it.

It is likely one or two more may get added in the near future.

Here is the link to the website:

Can you also explain VCU question please - one of my DD’s school upper-class student got into VCU and said that there is no MCAT requirement. But when we read now, MCAT score is req. Did it change for this year you think or are we mis-reading it?

“Students are required to complete the MCAT no later than August 1 of the year prior to the year you plan to begin medical school. Students must earn a total score of 505 or better overall.”

Thank you in advance.

T20 is a big gamble. You cannot pint point and target at a specific med school hence applying widely is suggested even if you are premed at H or S. hence folks using traditional route apply 15 to 20 as compared to avg BS MD applying to 6 to 8.

There are more opportunities at T20 for the right candidates than bs md any day using traditional route but same time I agree the process is not predictable and with gap years.

In previous post and discussions we looked at class profile of one of the T20 Midwest med school where there were more than 30 percentage Intake to med school from the school undergrad and had overall instate preference. May be this is not the case with others.


Congratulations on your son’s outstanding MCAT perfect score! He must be a genius…


VCU - you are NOT misreading it.

MCAT of >505 is required. This is a very low bar - 65 percentile.
Also note, if your MCAT is between 505 and 507, you need to attend a summer pre-matriculation program

Thanks. I don’t call him a genius but a good student who listens and plans carefully . He does have his own distractions :smile:

Yes, never assume anything with admissions process. If you end up at a “safety” school do well there and aim high for next round (residency or fellowship) is what I preach to my S or anyone who cares to listen.

lately trend is atleast 30 schools to apply.

@NoviceDad - thank you again

It also depends on your home state. If you are from CA, you have around 8 instate and given how crazily competitive they are, you end up hitting 30. I am trying to limit to 25 for my S but may be tough.

My D got an interview from the Hofstra.

@“MNBA/MD” Congratulations! did you get it today?

There is a very good post on another site SDN, “Beyond Burnout: Docs Decry ‘Moral Injury’ From Financial Pressures Of Health Care”.

This is part of a series of artcles depicting burnout due to our healthcare system. Primary care physicians seem to bear the most of this burden.


University of Rochester requires CASPER

Yeah, primary care and ER docs seems to bear more burden due to defensive medicine (i.e. go thru series of diagnostic tests not diagnostic skills to avoid lawsuits). Psychiatry and Oncology seems to cause more mental stress and surgery causes more physical stress.

However we are focused on UG burnout in this thread :smile:

@ MNBA/MD Can you please post your D stats and the Hofstra invite date? Was it yesterday?


REMS does NOT require CASPer.

REMS is also test optional and technically does not require SAT or ACT as well.

touché, that is where the burnout journey and current state of healthcare industry begins.