***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

My S finished all 4 practice tests in 4.5 hrs each time and I told him to slow down for the real one but that didn’t make any difference :smile:

[quote=“junebug20, post:3823, topic:2054445”]

[quote=“grtd2010, post:3821, topic:2054445”]

All pre-med courses at large public universities are weed out courses. Typically one will find 400-500 students in lower level pre-med science courses. The A’s are limited by university and departmental policies. The competition is tough to get A’s ( regardless whether you are a BS/MD or regular MD student). If one has good time management skills and studies regularly, a great GPA can be achieved. Good luck to your son.

Thank you. It’s been a long year.

Till when does NJMS give out interviews or are they done for this year?

@Viola9 in the same boat, still waiting.

C is also waiting. Someone here said they give 4 weeks for arranging travel and the acceptance/rejection communication starts around the end of March give and take a few days. What that means to me is that every day we get close to the end of Feb, it seems less likely that more interview invites will come out.

I have been preaching same for last 3 years :smile:

Tried checking on last years thread when last interviews went out. No information there.
It’s a hard wait…

I think mid-March can be safely assumed the last NJMS invite chance. But as time passes by, the chances are decreasing day by day.

Got the interview invite for Sophie for Mar 3. Looks like they are still inviting.

Still waiting. Heard that the interview calls will be going out all the way till March 1st.

Try calling the feeder school(s) to find out if they have any information specific to your case or if they can give more generic info like when can be the latest timeline for the interviews.

Since they announce the results end of March, feel they may want to wrap up the interviews by first week of March and then get into deliberations phase.

@rk2017 C already emailed NJMS butstill didn’t hear back from them. NJIT forwarded his file on 1/28.

Once the ball is in NJMS court, the feeder schools are only told about those who are selected by NJMS. In between, everyone is just in waiting mode.

Here are Top 20 program directors list which is preferred by lot of USNWR haters on the other site. One flaw is this is based on survey and not all residency PDs may not participate. Seems like Pitt and Vandy gained more.

School PD Rank
Hopkins 2
Penn 2
Harvard 4
Stanford 5
Michigan 5
WashU 7
UWash 7
Columbia 9
Duke 10
Pitt 10
Vanderbilt 10
Mayo 14
Yale 14
Cornell 16
Northwestern 16
UNC 16
NYU 19
Chicago 19
Baylor 19
Emory 19

If anyone wants to know rank for specific school I can provide.


@srk2017 UCSF overall ranking is higher than Hopkins because of combined research and primary care. UCSF is a great school overall. Michigan has been always pretty good on this List than US news. Again rankings are deceptive.

Surprising not see UCSD on this list as I regard that as one of good ones from your state. Do you know why they discontinued BS MD Program at UCSD ?


You should seriously consider changing your name handle. To ExpertDad or something :-). Retroactively!

Also want to reiterate that parents should convey to their kids how proud they are of them for trying their best all these years irrespective of end results and assure that work ethic will take them far in life ahead.

Regarding @NoviceDad below comment

Secondly, for prestige obsessed parents, it is important to learn and make kids learn how limited it may actually matter - choose a college where the kid is comfortable and can excel vs going after rank X school.
I fully agree rankings are deceptive and a school which is good for some may not be a fit for other. kids are different.

we cannot generalize and Have to understand one of the parents comment to focus on right programs in regards to their comments to avoid WASHU and Upitt GPA requirements.

Thin line between challenging them vs pushing kids too hard.

You are very kind.