***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

@srk2017 also if you can post a link where this rating is published ? I am assuming it is UMich and not Michigan state. We are debating few UG programs as our back up plan , UMich , UNC and EMory are part of the plan :smile:

Google for program directors ranking and you should find a reddit post



Not to be snooty but its always Michigan and not Michigan State :wink: !
Football, Bschool/Lschool/Mschool/general rankingsā€¦ Big brother is a step ahead of Lil brother.

Joking aside, consider the grade deflating Michigan classes. You got to weigh several parameters to identify the right Plan B for you/your child.

Michigan state is way behind in rankings but not bad as they has two med schools MD and DO good for instate candidates and but for OOS they have taxing tution fee

Also sometimes Michigan state basketball and football team does better than Umich :smile:

The ā€œComplete ranking of medical schools (MD & DO) by residency director scoresā€ on Reddit looks like an attempt to combine the research and primary care ratings to rank med schools. USRN only shows research and primary care ranking, not the scores.


OK. I will not digress from the thread here. But jut to set the record straight . . .
Lifetime series record for:
Basketball: Michigan 94 - MSU 85
Football: Michigan 71 - MSU 36

I am just going to (b/p)unt Michigan rivalry. :smile:

You do sound snooty :smile: LOL

What other parameters should we be looking at?

Has anyone heard from rpi/amc? My son interviewed in January and they said decisions would be out mid -Feb. Still havenā€™t heard back and starting to get worried.

This list is made up by the original poster on ā€œRedditā€ by allowing equal weight to USN research and primary ranking. No wonder they are pretty much same as Top 20 in USN.
The quote by the poster on this.
ā€œI have assigned equal weight to research and primary care rankings and simply added them together to make the total score.ā€

[quote=ā€œgrtd2010, post:3894, topic:2054445ā€]

[quote=ā€œkush22, post:3883, topic:2054445ā€]

Here is a list of medical schools with ascending average step 1 score ( used to be a measure for residency matches).

Name Avg Step 1 Score
New Mexico 216
Arizona-Tuscon 220
Western 220
Rocky Vista 220
UCD 221
FSU 222
East Carolina 223
Ohio 223
Texas Tech-El Paso 223
UWash 224
Kansas 224
MUSC 224
South Carolina 224
Pikeville 224
UNC 225
Nebraska 225
Marshall 225
Rowan SOM 225
UAB 226
George Washington 226
SLU 226
Rutgers NJMS 226
SUNY Buffalo 226
North Dakota 226
USF 227
Rowan Cooper 227
Illinois 228
Kentucky 228
Wright State 228
New England 228
Colorado 229
Tufts 229
Vermont 229
Texas A&M 229
VCU 229
Temple 229
UT San Antonio 229
Tenessee 229
South Dakota 229
North Texas 229
UCF 229
OHSU 230
Wake Forest 230
Oklahoma 230
Toledo 230
East Tenessee State 230
Michigan 231
Minnesota 231
MCW 231
Florida 231
Hawaii 231
Texas Tech-Lubbock 231
West Virginia 231
UCR 231
UCLA 232
Dartmouth 232
Indiana 232
Maryland 232
UMass 232
Rutgers RWJMS 232
Augusta 232
UCSF 233
Pitt 233
Emory 233
UCSD 233
Utah 233
UT Houston 233
Einstein 233
Rush 233
Wayne State 233
FAU 233
UW-Madison 234
Brown 234
Iowa 234
Georgetown 234
Thomas Jefferson 234
UConn 234
Stony Brook 234
Drexel 234
Eastern Virginia 234
UTSW 235
OSU 235
Miami 235
UVA 236
USC-Keck 236
UCI 236
UT Galveston 236
Hofstra 236
Mayo 237
Rochester 237
Columbia 238
Sinai 238
BU 238
Cornell 239
NYU 239
Case 240
Cincinnati 241
Stanford 242
Duke 242
Yale 242
Northwestern 242
Chicago 242
WashU 243
Hopkins 245
Harvard 245
Baylor 245
Penn 246
Vanderbilt 246

Hi all, does anyone know what PPSP interviews are like? I realize that there is a group interview and Iā€™m a bit worried.

Please call BU admission office and clarify. It seems that they are not flexible on any BS/MD requirements.

For those who care about residency matching, when choosing between multiple schools, please use objective measure like Average USLME Step 1 score for the schools.

Here is a list of medical schools with ascending average step 1 score ( was used by PDs for residency).

Name Avg Step 1 Score
New Mexico 216
Arizona-Tuscon 220
Western 220
Rocky Vista 220
UCD 221
FSU 222
East Carolina 223
Ohio 223
Texas Tech-El Paso 223
UWash 224
Kansas 224
MUSC 224
South Carolina 224
Pikeville 224
UNC 225
Nebraska 225
Marshall 225
Rowan SOM 225
UAB 226
George Washington 226
SLU 226
Rutgers NJMS 226
SUNY Buffalo 226
North Dakota 226
USF 227
Rowan Cooper 227
Illinois 228
Kentucky 228
Wright State 228
New England 228
Colorado 229
Tufts 229
Vermont 229
Texas A&M 229
VCU 229
Temple 229
UT San Antonio 229
Tenessee 229
South Dakota 229
North Texas 229
UCF 229
OHSU 230
Wake Forest 230
Oklahoma 230
Toledo 230
East Tenessee State 230
Michigan 231
Minnesota 231
MCW 231
Florida 231
Hawaii 231
Texas Tech-Lubbock 231
West Virginia 231
UCR 231
UCLA 232
Dartmouth 232
Indiana 232
Maryland 232
UMass 232
Rutgers RWJMS 232
Augusta 232
UCSF 233
Pitt 233
Emory 233
UCSD 233
Utah 233
UT Houston 233
Einstein 233
Rush 233
Wayne State 233
FAU 233
UW-Madison 234
Brown 234
Iowa 234
Georgetown 234
Thomas Jefferson 234
UConn 234
Stony Brook 234
Drexel 234
Eastern Virginia 234
UTSW 235
OSU 235
Miami 235
UVA 236
USC-Keck 236
UCI 236
UT Galveston 236
Hofstra 236
Mayo 237
Rochester 237
Columbia 238
Sinai 238
BU 238
Cornell 239
NYU 239
Case 240
Cincinnati 241
Stanford 242
Duke 242
Yale 242
Northwestern 242
Chicago 242
WashU 243
Hopkins 245
Harvard 245
Baylor 245
Penn 246
Vanderbilt 246

Anyone had done Drexel interview and W&J at Temple.Pl share-Thanks

This basically tells how good these students are good test takers and it also probably tells whether school relies more on stats than ECs when admitting students. For example is Vandy and Washu are known as stats heavy schools than and no wonder their Step 1 score are highest.

That list is very dated. But it does show you one thing, many highly ranked school score poorly on Step 1, many lowly ranked school punched above their weight.

The misusage of Step 1 over past 15 years to differentiate students for specialty is a major problem in medical education. Students stopped going to classes, studied from their bedroom, studied sitting on their toilets.

Now Empire Strikes Back. Step 1 is just pass/fail (pass 195). So you all come back to singing and waltzing Matilda with me in the classroom. Empire yanks you back.

Now Step2 becomes much more important. That gets very interesting now. Many low, low rank schools are excellent at teaching clinical stuff, and their students do much, much better than high power research schools.

counter argument is T20 students donā€™t pay attention to step 2 scores since Step 1 plus prestige is sufficient. I do agree some of the research powerhouses are weak with clinical training and thatā€™s why maligned USNWR has separate ranking for research and primary care and one should look at both. Reddit list is derived by combining both and thatā€™s why UCSF was listed as #1.

The Step2 will step up is a big presumption right now. It is still foggy how program directors will come up for residency selection criteria for their program. I am sure step1 p/f decision stack holders had already thought out the views and needs of PDs.