***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Low step 1 scores

some T20 med schools are known for not giving much time for their students to study for Step 1 and have their priorities on research and other projects which have P/F/honors grading as compared to P/F

Anyone got interview invite from FAU? We are Still waiting.

Also if anyone received any post interview updates from Temple PPHS? Looking at last year thread people received post interview response on February 22. We are still waiting no answer yet.

It is known fax Upitt pushes med students hard and gives very little time for step 1

I think better to check residency matches especially if interested in competitive specialities than step 1 and step 2 scores. However for primary care itā€™s tough to compare since lot of high stats students go for them to do fellowships (specialities).

Also internal residency Ranked programs should be given weight based on speciality target. Also quality of research and med school rigor will matter instead of simple scores which our BS MD a kids are good at and need to work in other ECs

No news yet from FAU

Did any one get rejections from HPME? we havent heard anything so far so assuming its a rejection

Not sure how easy is to get that data.

Same here. Thank you for your response on FAU.

Waiting to hear from FAU, NJIT/NJMS and Hoftstra. Guess NJMS and Hofstra very small chance at this point purely from a timeline perspective, but since we havenā€™t received a nay yet, waiting.

I received an email for an interview at NU today. Donā€™t lose hope! Does an interview invitation equated to admissions for undergrad as well?

I heard Hofstra have already sent Interviews last week,No update on FAU

HPME results will be in mid March

Congratulations! when is the interview?

Congratulations on the interview. Which state are you from ?

If you donā€™t mind please share your stats. We are still waiting too.

Just to keep those who are awaiting NJMSā€™s invites. They are still reviewing applications. C just got a reply from NJMS admin that his application from NJIT (forwarded on 1/28) is currently under review. He inquired about his status last week.

Thanks for the update, we are also waiting. This helps.

@junebug20 Thank you for the updateā€¦we are still waiting on NJMS.
I guess Hofstra is done with interview invitesā˜¹ļø

@ strawberry123321012 My son interviewed for RPI/AMC in early Jan, also no any word from them. They have a new program director, they told students on the interview day that theyā€™ll hear from the program in March, but told parents the results may come out in Feb.

Update email from Hosftra saying most invitations are done at this point. Congrats to all the invitees, and for the ones who are still waiting, thereā€™s a slim ray of hope. :smile:

BS-BA/MD Supplemental Application has been received and carefully reviewed by the medical school admission committee. With nearly 500 qualified applications received, this year was our most competitive applicant pool ever.

At this time, the medical school has invited 64 candidates to interview for one of the approximately 20 spots available in Hofstraā€™s 4+4 Program: BS-BA/MD. Those students invited to interview received an invitation via email with detailed information about the next steps. If you did not receive an invitation, there may still be an opportunity to interview. Several students tend to decline or drop out of their interview at the last minute. When this occurs, the medical school committee will consult their wait list and invite the next qualified candidate. Last year, we were able to offer interviews to approximately 5-10 students from the interview wait list. Please note that the Office of Undergraduate Admission does not have access to the wait list, therefore we do not know the order on students on the list. The final interview date takes place on Monday, March 9, 2020.