***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Hi, we have an interview with Drexel coming up? Is it MMI format or the traditional format? We appreciate any tips and suggestions!!!



@mom2boys1999 my DD got ACT 36 in one seating so I can tell from my experience.

If he REALLY want to get a 36, it takes efforts:

  1. Get all the previous ACT tests that you can get either download or buy the test book with answer key. (other books on the market are kind of useless, too easy or too hard)
  2. do the tests and go over the questions that got wrong; ask friends, family, teachers, tutors if don’t know how to get the right answer or don’t understand
  3. if one part is low, focus on that part. Don’t waste time on the parts that he is doing well
  4. do the tests again and again, Time every time just like a real test until he gets 35 or 36 for 3 times. (It doesn’t make sense to take the 3rd time if not getting a 35 or 36)
  5. then take the official test.

DD spent every Saturdays in her Sophomore Summer to hone her ACT skill and got 36 in September of Junior year.

However, having an ACT 36; Math2 800 BIO 800 in SAT2 both one seating; bunch of AP; full IB diploma candidate; exceptional EC; and almost perfect GPA; did not land DD a single BS/MD interview invite. So don’t stress out too much. BS/MD is a crapshoot anyway :wink:

One thing I am happy about is ACT36 actually land us a bunch of merit scholarship :smiley:

albany sent out emails today for LIM interviewees

Accepted AMC. Class of 2028!!!
Thank you everyone for the guidance.
I will decline Hofstra interview - hopefully opens up a spot for the first one on the list. I will do HPME interview in next few days and then go for spring break!!!

That’s lot of practising! My S didn’t spend that kind of time even for MCAT.

Why do you think your D didn’t get a single interview?

Did you apply through RPI? Can you share the acceptance email? Thanks.

@MD2028 Congratulations! That’s nice of you to withdraw from Hofstra. Did you apply through Union’s LIM?

Congratulations @MD2028

Congrats! No merit possibility at Hofstra?

I really like your method of test prep. You daughter seems to be a picture-perfect BSMD candidate. When you said “exceptional EC,” did you mean both medical (physician shadowing and research) and non-medical? My son has everything near perfect but lacks the institutional research component (did IB extended essay on a biology project/research on his own instead) and only got 2 interviews so far. Apparently, lacking one component makes one somehow “inferior” to a pool of all highly qualified candidates.
She will no doubt succeed in her traditional route of applying to med school. She has her work ethics to help her and the support of her pre-health advisors. Good luck to her!

@grtd2010 - thank you so much for the info. we are just getting started. I will convey this this to my daughter.

@junebug20 - can you please list your son’s stats. I would like to know UPitt’s take on this. Thanks in advance

@srk2017 @junebug20 I think DD is missing institutional research. She applied a few programs but the competitions in our area is way too much, and many need connections. She volunteers at a national military hospital since 9th grade and shadowed at the Children. DD also plays piano & violin professionally and teaches little kids weekly :neutral:

DD applied 11 BS/MD program and is still waiting for 3 invites/rejections. :smile:

Accepted Union / AMC.

I’ve stalked this thread for a very long time and would like to thank each of you for the guidance. I’m still shaking and beyond grateful. I will post my stats and everything else soon in the results thread.

He did not apply to Pitt. He visited Pitt but said that the school didn’t seem as diversed as he would like and the 3.75 GPA requirement is something he didn’t want to have hang over his head through UG. I think it’s fair to have that requirement in exchange for the MCAT, but if he wants to have more time for EC in UG I didn’t feel like pushing him. Even if he applied, I’m not sure he would have made the cut since he lacks the institutional research, even though his Common App personal statement was about his IB extended essay research project (too bad Pitt doesn’t accept/require the CA personal statement for its applications).


As @NoviceDad says - do the interviews and then decide in April. I completed 5 interviews in last 4 weeks and will do HPME shortly, withdraw Hofstra interview.

I have a range of financial offers $0 to full ride at 1 place for UG - but waiting on SOM decisions. If i get my top choice, I will withdraw everything else to hopefully open up a spot for someone.

I will share perspective on results thread once I know the outcome of the other interviews and make a decision.

Your daughter sounds just like my son. He volunteers at the VA and Children’s Hospital. Got his shadowships through volunteer work, but could not break into the nepotistic network of institutional research even though he applied to plenty of them. Research in UG will be different though because schools want free labor and students want research experience. That’s a match made in heaven! As much as I complain about the extra work IB imposes on students, I suspect that our kids will fare decently in college. The extensive technical writing they had to write for the IB diploma will definitely come in handy in the research arena. I wish her much better luck in her search for a great med program!

@junebug20 - thank you and best wished to your kid. and looks like you are in Va. My DD goes to nova HS. She is a junior.


Except for 1-2 BS/MD programs, not having research in your ECs will NOT negatively impact you.

Once you have the necessary scores, GPA, and other objective criteria, the key differentiator is your story and for that the essays are very important.