***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Parents, those whose kids got interviews at pitt, are you concerned about bad air quality, cancer rates in Allegheny county, uranium in the area …I am a concerned parents who is worried about my kid staying in the area for 8 years potentially…


Yay! you got off the waitlist. good luck at interview and get the offer. you are on same level playing field as everyone else.

AMC says it is Unranked. Is it still a good medical college to go to? I see Union/RPI are preferred here. Thanks in advance. DD has an interview with NIH for a summer internship tomorrow. Hoping she will get in.
She has done neuroscience internships for the past 2 summers with a local professor. But her research was not published. Can she still list it as research then?

AMC doesn’t provide information to USNWR and other publications and that’s why they are unranked.

Only 5% of traditional path students have publications so no one expects a HS kid to have one. I will be actually suspicious if a HS kid has a publication by the time they applied to BSMD.

@srk2017 _ thank you.

I read at some website that AMC is one of the easiest medical school to get-in as OOS. The list included Meharry MC, Howard University COM, Linda Loma SOM, Albany Medical College, Loyola University Stitch SOM, Medical College of Wisconsin, Rush Medical College.

boca raton campus

Interviews for FAU are on March 9th and March 10.My D has it on March 9th

Received rejection email from HPME
Received interview invite for FAU
One rejection and one invite in 30 minutes. Do not know should be happy or sad. Lol just need to go with flow.

Congrats. My D hasnt heard yet either way from FAU.

Congrats. U just need one.


Thank You :). Good luck with your HPME interview!

Thanks @OmGV2020 . You may hear from them soon too. All the best to your D.


Over 1.2 million people live in Allegheny County.

Uranium, radium and cancer scares are overblown.

Town of Canonsburg about 35 miles south from UPitt has a radioactive disposal site which is heavily regulated and monitored.
There are 10,000 people living in Canonsburg borough and about 40,000 is its immediate neighborhood. Canonsburg is in Washington county which has an approx. population of 250,000.

Pittsburgh is among the 10 cities in terms of clean air quality.
The city has pollens and can impact people with pollen allergies.

Hope this helps.

Congratulations to everyone who got FAU invite.


Here’s an article that is scary: https://www.ehn.org/cancer-in-pittsburgh-pollution-hampers-prevention-progress-2628074364.html

Another one: https://www.publicsource.org/when-better-isnt-good-enough-why-i-tell-my-google-co-workers-and-industry-peers-to-avoid-pittsburgh/

You decide.

Thanks all my D also got rejection with HPME

@suku1zar - there are certainly better opportunities waiting for your D - did she interview with HPME?