***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***


Acceptance / Rejection:

Please do NOT let any rejection get to you or your kids.
In this long roller-coaster application journey, it will be common to have many rejections.

Two years it was shared by someone that BU (if I remember correctly) had received 2000+ applications out of which 1000+ had perfect scores and GPA. They had selected only 120 for interview. Imagine - 880+ kids with perfect scores/ GPA were rejected, not to mention the other 1000 equally talented kids being also rejected!

So, please remember, none of these rejections change who you are as a person or student nor creates any questions on your capabilities, talent and accomplishments.

If you are a parent, be proud of your child.
If you are a student, your capabilities are still intact and the future is out there!

In a way, we are glad that the rejections C got have been pre-interview. It would have been expensive to invest in airfares and hotels to receive post-interview rejections. Most of the BSMD programs are in the NE and the cost can be overwhelming to travel for us had C advanced to more interviews. We would have had to turn down any last minute interview consideration from a wait-list. Then, in the midst of this application cycle, the medical community threw the P/F Step 1 monkey wrench. To BSMD or not to BSMD? That is the question. LOL.

C has gotten some interview experience under his belt, if he doesn’t get any offering and still wants to go the traditional route. We’ve spent less than 1K for him to have that experience. I consider that a good investment, considering his own investment of his time to volunteer. Through volunteering, he’d learned to ask to shadow physicians. He made his own connections. Through his volunteer jobs and physician shadowing, he’d learned to advocate for himself and for the patients he helped. Through this BSMD journey, he learns so many soft skills he can carry with him all his life. Lots of hard work, but definitely no regret.

@junebug20 Nice to hear u putting a meaningful spin on the whole process. I understand the pressure and ha ing gone thru the anxiety myselfnlong back.

BTW what does ORM mean?

@OmGV2020 over represented minority

DD was not accepted to Union/AMC. I take it as a blessing in disguise. Union was unaffordable anyway.

Thanks ! We got rejection last night from HPME too 
 Do you have any numbers for HPME process? Like how many applications do they receive and how many do they invite for interviews ?

This process is exhausting and draining for sure.

HPME invites 120 for interview and selects only 20. You can imagine so many good candidates did not even get interview which I am sure will do very well using traditional route and this process prepares them ahead.

yeah, don’t bet the farm for BSMD.

@holychild Did you get a rejection letter/email?

You are correct to say that this process is draining and exhausting, but it’s only a precursor for what’s coming next on your journey to become a doctor. March is right around the corner. I keep tellig my son that he could already see the light at the end of the tunnel. He calls me out, “Mom, you keep saying that, then before I know it something else hits me but no light!” Everything has an end. So will this process. At the end, all candidates will finish with something. Some will have decisions to make among the BSMD offers. Some will have those and great UG options to choose (BSMD or top UG or free UG)
 Some will go without BSMD but like @NoviceDad said, that doesn’t change who they are. They too have earned experience that will help them in their next endeavors and great UG programs to choose from. At the end, no one will be empty handed! Good luck to all! I’m looking forward to the result page and candidates’ reflections. I hope everyone will share own experience, with and without BSMD offers.

@junebug20 - Yes. I hope everyone will share their experience, both with and without BSMD offers. I will for sure share my process. This whole process is exhausting and I can’t wait for May 1 to come.

Thank you for your perspective, I am a mom too and not a student :smile:

I think as parents we have our own journey feeling every bit of emotions when we get an acceptance or a rejection. All we can be is a good support system that they can lean on no matter what this journey holds for them come May 1st. Sending everyone some positive vibes.

Finally parents are getting BrahhmGyan. :smile:

@PPofEngrDr More like beat into Brahm Gyan. Not a bad perspective! LOL

@NoviceDad Thank you for giving right advise at right time as it always help us.

Thank you @NoviceDad, @rk2017, @srk2017 , @PPofEngrDr and all the experience members of this thread for providing tons of information here so we can make informed decisions and choose option what is best for us.

Kudos to @junebug20, @kush22 and all the supporting MOM’s in this forum. Not ignoring DAD’s, lots of credit goes to you all too. I thought this tread is dominated by DAD’s, but today it feels really good that there are MOM member like me too in this forum.

There is no doubt this process is very daunting and exhausting as we all go through roller coaster of emotion very day since last 6 months (even since high school started, we have been preparing for this process). We all are almost there (cannot wait until May 1st also). We also will definitely share our experience in results tread.

But for now I would like to thank all of you for providing tons of information and guidance. Without this tread it would have been very hard. Knowing that there are lots of families like mine going through same process makes it little easier each day and gives strength to start another day.

Very grateful for this community and looking forward to payback in future.Wishing all students and parents very best in future ahead.

@“BSMD mom”

You are very kind.
Thank you and you are welcome.

Total Love Fest Today!

Cant wait for spring break to come. Me and my besties in BVI.

Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds.

It looks like we heading into some gap time between interviews and acceptances notifications in March. Time for reflection and perspectives. Time for doing homework to prepare for decision time. Based on your feel on the interviews, you must have already had some feeling about the programs/schools (both UG and med). Spring Break comes right around that time when interviews are dying down and acceptance notifications are due in a matter of weeks. Talk about good timing. I suspect this group will have quite a few families that will have decisions to be made among half dozen or more BSMD and top UG choices. Please do your homework and decide carefully but swiftly to help those who are on the waitlist to move up. My daughter’s high school once lost one out six spots at Baylor because one candidate took her time and let her BCM offer expire on 5/1. The first person on that waitlist lost his/her chance for a great program. It has been a few years but the story is still told. The young lady who took her spot at Brown solicited students at her old HS for essay service and was met with a boycott. Apparently, bad deeds are remembered quite well!

I thought Vidya comes from the grace of Saraswati mata.

Agreed difference is as good as price vs value.