***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

You can not blame others for no movement from waitlist. It is unfair for those who have to dwell on all offers and make a decision. Colleges have set up May 1, as a deadline for that reason only. People do get offers from waitlist after May 1 and switch colleges if necessary.

My daughter got interviewed in Brooklynā€™s BA / MD program. Waiting for the results. Did anyone interviewed for the same?

Wait, if you have to do it all over again in 3 years for regular MD with people applying to 20-30 medical schools.

If you are planning to apply via regular MD route, please budget 5-10k for complete process, not including any professional consultantā€™s fees. Do not worry about USLME step 1 right now. PDs and other stake holders will sort it out in a few years- probably replacing it with some other objective criteria.
BS/MD is like a bird in hand for those who have no or very low risk tolerance.
Most students with UG GPA > 3.8 and a MCAT score > 517 with get into a Medical School with a probability of approx 87%. Any one afraid of MCAT is going into a wrong profession. There are plenty of tests along the way.

Wow $5-10K just for applications / travels? That is so expensive.

Thatā€™s a pocket change when you compare to COA for a SOM.

Wait until applying for residency. I heard that people actually apply wider than applying to med school for lots of options for the best residency positions. Then the cost for early match, regular match and SOAP. So many paths to achieve that residency position that determines oneā€™s career. This is only the beginningā€¦

@BSMD mom


How do folks on this forum agree with The Top 25 Combined BS/MD Programs - CollegeVine blog rankings. This is where BD MD ranking search takes you and need opinion if this is credible.

Was not able to attach the link but you can google.

Other than @apostrian did anyone elseā€™s get off the waiting list at Hofstra in last 1-2 days. Iā€™m wondering since the interviews are starting on Monday is there any hope of interview invite for people who are on their waiting list.

Is your D applicant in the current cycle or are you asking for future? If for future you have plenty of time to worry about that.

Medical school, or anything for that matter, is what one makes out of it. As I mentioned earlier, I know half a dozen or more students who have done/doing extremely well going to what some people here consider as ā€œlow tierā€, ā€œbottom of the pileā€ or ā€œun-rankedā€ medical schools. So donā€™t get caught up in all that hype that can confuse everyone here.

With respect to AMC specifically since you asked, AMC is a good well established and well known med school. Was speaking to a colleague recently whose C is a RPI/AMC BS/MD alumnus and now in 6th year of neuro surgery residency at a well known place and already selected for a follow up fellow ship in spine surgery at another famous place a year and half ahead of the conclusion of the residency. Not sharing further details since I havenā€™t asked for permission to do so and respecting that privacy.

Yes your D can list any research activity, no need of getting published, but certainly will be eye catching if so.

By the way also wanted to point out that besides AMC, there are many good med schools unranked by a certain web site. Tulane, Up State, Michigan State just to name a few more. (On the contrary find respectable standing on the internationally reputed Times higher med rankings).

Also SLU will be sending out the letters next week, They got 900 applications around 250 will be sent acceptance letters and 70 to 80 will join


Take every ranking with a pinch of salt!

There is no methodology shared on which they have based their ranking to give an opinion.

Cost of applying to residency - AAMC report based on student questionnaire:

@2020tx. The email from Hofstra regarding the waitlist stated the last interview date is March 9th, implying if you donā€™t get an interview invite by then assume the process is over. That is my interpretation at least.

On a related note, just got curious and checked out Times higher website for med school rankings (clinical, pre-clinical and health) by entering the search word Albany in the find specific universities search box. It doesnā€™t list Albany Medical College per se but does show State University of NY at Albany tied 250-300 (in the world).

This could be because Times higher tends to club institutions under a bigger umbrella for various reasons such as geographical proximity, close collaborations, brand recognition at international level etc. As for example, they club together UC Berkeley (with no med school of its own) and UCSF.

If interested one can subscribe for free to their membership and send an email for any clarifications.

Love fest is over, back to ranking crossfire.

Anyone has the list of BS/MD program decision dates? Please post it again. Thanks!