***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***


Stonybrook: Did the letter say your application has been forwarded to SOM?
If yes, it takes 3 to 15 days for SOM to confirm if they will call you for an interview.


DREXEL: ~ 60 are given offers and ~ 30-35 accept


This year only 30 students have been invited for interviews.
They plan to take 12 students - 6 from each campus.
Compared to this, they have accepted 16 students last year.
NOTE: 25% reduction in student intake this year!


Decision in 2 weeks after last interview on March 13.

Pitt: I was looking forward to the interview. I’m so disappointed. I know they explained their bylaws but coronavirus is totally different and an exception should be made here in my opinion.

Stony Brook: The in-person interviews were scheduled for Mar 25-27. Yesterday, they cancelled the in-person interviews. Interviews will be virtual now for Mar 23-27. I received the invite for the interview on 3/5 and I applied through WISE. I know waiting is painful. I hope this will help someone.

Everyone in my family were disappointed. I was devastated with Pitt. My brother was so disappointed our trip to NY is now cancelled. He wanted to visit other schools (ie. Columbia, NYU) in NYC.

@NoviceDad and @suku1zar Thanks!!


Thanks for the information!

Totally agreed, @NoviceDad about UPitt GAP. such a prestigious BS MD program making this decision .Not fair to the kids as I feel like the program requirements themselves are changed because they are asking for commitment to UPitt undergrad now. and this is because of corona virus? a totally unrelated and unexpected event. Kids compare UPitt GAP and Harvard and i know lot of them go to GAP if they have both. Can they do the same with UPitt undergrad? so unfortunate. i hope they really reconsider some other options including preponing the interview to May or June before the school actually starts.

Do you think college closures might impact decision dates?

Questions regarding greeting protocol at an interview due to the coronavirus. Is it OK to wait until the interviewer extend his/her hand for a handshake before extending your hand? Or expressively ask them if they prefer to not shake?

Understandable the anxiety and angst of Pitt GAP potentials. Suggest to call GAP program office to understand the new process.

I think may be they plan to allow students to transfer either after extending admission in Oct or after first year. Sure, they know students commit college by May 1st.

Temple University: It has announced online instructions starting a week from Monday and asked students to vacate residential halls by next Saturday.

@busymom99 @orm2022
Folks here are worried about their GAP interviews when universities are worried about containment strategies.

Certainly GAP decision seems controversial. Even universities are going online, asking to vacate dorms, they are not asking to leave the campus entirely for activities like research, labs etc
 So if they can manage that pool, interviews are relatively very small pool especially interview season is practically wind down.

It may not be prudent for others to do what you are asking them (regarding interview questions) due to non-disclosure agreements.

It may not be the size of the applicants to be interviewed but other logistics and public health concerns and reasons. They would have some alternate plans by offering interviews in Sep 2020 ( Hopefully by that time, things will return to normal ).

Same rationale applies to whoever stayed on campus, not just interviewees, so just to target interviewees doesn’t make sense. This seems indirect travel restrictions from NY, CA, WA.

There are travel restrictions already announced by US state department to some countries.

But not interstate, how many GAP interviewees are from foreign countries? none.

It is about the containment not foreign applicants. Public health officials need to track down those who were in contact with a person with a potential exposure.

Agree with @busymom99 and @PPofEngrDr

Here is a suggestion:

GAP invites ~ 40 students for interviews.
If a substantial number of those were to joint petition to UPitt about doing virtual interviews, they may revisit the decision.
If you cannot get a group together, call them individually and offer the option.