***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***


With a lot of EU political leaders using “Namaste”, you can try that for initial greeting with the interviewers.

At this point it is a community spread, means one doesn’t know how one exposed as one didn’t travel, certain that interviewees didn’t travel to any place other than colleges in last few months.

It is now a community spread concern in north east as far as public health goes. How are thing in mid west in your neighborhood ? No one knows how many already have exposure but do not know it until tested . People are not being tested routinely at present. Only those who fit certain guidelines by CDC are being tested.

agreed on lack of testing is not giving accurate picture. I am sure Midwest can’t remain immune from outbreak, just matter of time. It is the actions of SOM to cancel some < 100 interviews which is not going to contribute for containment. In fact, hot spots like Seattle and San Francisco had announced only 250 and 1000 people gathering restrictions, haven’t heard about NY yet, Pittsburgh is not even in ball park to compare.

People may travel from all over to interviews.

It helps in containment by not having a physical interview for the sake of both interviewee and interviewer. A virtual interview is a substitute if offered by SOM.
Hospitals are putting those admitted with severe illness in isolation units even before the test results are known. They are asking for self-quarantining by health professionals who have been in contact with those patients with positive test results .

None of the states or any governing body have stopped interstate travel.

Universities can decide by themselves what to do by their own guidelines like not having physical interviews if they want to. They may have it later in Sep 2020 if they think it is prudent to do so. It is one’s choice to whether attend in Sep 2020 or forget about it.

Its funny in a sense that they can teach online but can’t conduct interview online. they demand Casper but can’t have an online interview. These are 18th century policies that hurts students.
Speaking of how hospitals are managing, how many 17-18 years old are hospitalized due to outbreak? Pitt GAP decision doesn’t make sense, doesn’t matter how one slice it or dice it.

Temple LKSOM has not cancelled its remaining scheduled regular physical interviews in March yet.

No one is questioning GAP authority to make decisions, rather how prudent the decision is. They could have postponed for 30 days or so rather then throwing it way after May 1st deadline which is virtually no one is going to disobey.

– For now, GAP should not be any one’s list for May 1 decision making.

Take Harvard with a blink of an eye if offered right now. No comparison to UPitts GAP.

Do not be devastated. You can still got to UPitts SOM via regular MD route. Just make sure to have a great GPA and MCAT score in UG. Here are median GPA and MCAT scores for UPitts SOM (ranked # 13) and Harvard SOM (for comparison, ranked # 1).
University of Pittsburgh SOM 3.8 515 ranked 13 (USN)
Harvard University SOM 3.93 519 ranked 1 (USN)

The above GPA and MCAT score can easily be achieved if you work on it during UG.

One can opt for UPitts UG during this cycle and take the chance for GAP in Sept 2020 interview. If not selected for GAP , there is still a chance via regular MD route. Here are median GPA and MCAT score for UPitts SOM.
University of Pittsburgh 3.8 515 ranked 13 (USN)
It depends how badly one wants to go to UPitts SOM.

Do not be disappointed. Just join UPitts UG and take a chance for GAP in Sep 2020. At worst, you may have to try via regular MD route for UPitts SOM. It all depends on how badly one wants to go to UPitts SOM (ranked # 13 by USN) compared to other options available during current admission cycle.

You can still join UPitts UG and take a chance for GAP in Sep 2020. At worst, you may have to try via regular MD route for UPitts SOM. It all depends on how badly one wants to go to UPitts SOM (ranked # 13 by USN) compared to other options available during current admission cycle.

Do not be disappointed. Just join UPitts UG and take a chance for GAP in Sep 2020. At worst, you may have to try via regular MD route for UPitts SOM. It all depends on how badly one wants to go to UPitts SOM (ranked # 13 by USN) compared to other options available during current admission cycle.

Do not be disappointed. Just join UPitts UG and take a chance for GAP in Sep 2020. At worst, you may have to try via regular MD route for UPitts SOM. It all depends on how badly one wants to go to UPitts SOM (ranked # 13 by USN) compared to other options available during current admission cycle.