***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Not that great at all and just heard about NU UG through reddit posts that is coming out this Friday so we will see if that’s true as they were making presumption on previous years and says on website end of March.

All NU UG/HPME hopefuls, NU is stressed like other colleges and unfortunately coincide with Q ending finals those become optional and at this point online. NU also has extended spring break for current students to one more week, gear for online classes preparation for next Q. so administration has higher priorities to act on in unprecedented circumstances than upcoming class. I won’t be surprised if decision won’t released this Friday (right before official spring break starts), unlike previous years.

Nothing is normal these days. I guess 2020 applicants will be an outlier batch in all forms and shapes. Years from now, somebody is going to quote something from this thread and people will be like…“Whoa, that’s from the Corona Year, it’s not normal.”

We are special people! :slight_smile:

Is an ACT score of 34 okay for an ORM applying to these programs? Should I try to get it higher?

By logic, if you are going to enroll under HPME as a successful candidate you must be admitted to an UG college in NU. So, if you are rejected by NU as an UG, you must be rejected by HPME even though you were interviewed.
Similarly , by logic, if you are successful in HPME as an applicant, you must be admitted to NU UG.
The Honors Program in Medical Education (HPME) admits students simultaneously to one of the undergraduate colleges at Northwestern University in Evanston and Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.

Please try to improve your ACT to 36 as an ORM if you can.

Just to add to that, believe there is an option in HPME application that asks, ‘Do you like to be consider for UG if not accepted to HPME’ or something of that nature and so if you didn’t check that box, you won’t be considered for UG on HPME denial. If you did checked that box, you may be admitted to UG on HPME denial.

@ 9the0girl7

Everyone is allowed to take these tests multiple times. You should take advantage of this and get the best score possible for you.

All the BS-MD applicants here have near perfect GPA, test scores, numerous ECs (sports, music etc.) in addition to significant medically related experience. Inspite of this, students do not get interviews in all/most of the programs they applied to. The competition is fierce and there are no guarantees.

As others in this forum mentioned, with Coronavirus, while shadowing/volunteering experience is difficult to obtain, preparing for tests is very much possible!

Or at least a 35. When everything is all said and done, I’ll post my stats and keep my experience as transparent as possible so that the future applicants can learn from it.

Yes that’s what I thought but heard something different somewhere else. And even thought if you were invited for an interview for HPME then you kind of qualified for UG to NU. But just found out from this group is that’s not the case where others you kind of have to admitted to their UG before even get the interview for the Med program ( but I guess the other BSMD the UG is low tier school so may be that’s why) but like Brown, they will not admit you to PLME program if you are not qualified for their UG program at all.

I have calculated the GPA from my High school website and that where it showing that GPA after a certain number of college classes making A does not improve the GPA and it is actually decreasing. GPA increases up to 3 college classes but after that decreasing. I can send the copy of the GPA calculation if needed.

Nobody would be able to solve that puzzle unless someone is from your high school, you don’t want to disclose that for privacy issues. Best option is to send that inquiry to counselor or other administrative function by email as most schools are closed too.

This thread is for 2020 BSMD applicants.

Please direct your GPA calculation question to your counselor and he/she should be able to walk you through all of it. Maybe the website does not refresh properly in the middle of the school year?

Oh why do think it didn’t go well? Sometimes its hard to read how the interview goes.
Best of luck to you.

BU is into 20s now. I go with PD list anyway and rankings for the specialists my S is interested.

@ubsmd2020 @ROSSX2 @PPofEngrDr @grtd2010

Re: NU

As @PPofEngrDr mentioned, NU currently is implementing social distancing protocol and is also dealing with 2 confirmed COVID19 cases. Over half the NU students have left the campus and the balance (except certain international students) are on their way home this week.
We all hope they are able to maintain the decision announcement timeline but it can get pushed back.

Just because one is selected for HPME interview does NOT mean one has been selected for undergrad.

If you are accepted by SOM post HPME interview, then you will be accepted by NU Undergrad

If you are rejected by SOM post HPME interview, your undergrad selection will depend on whether you had indicated you are ok to join NU even if not selected by HPME (necessary condition but not sufficient) and NU’s assessment whether you will actually join them for regular undergrad.
My understanding is that NU believes if you are selected for HPME interview, you probably have other BS/MD options in hand and will NOT join NU undergrad. It is very likely that if you are rejected by SOM post HPME interview, NU undergrad will also reject you.

Hope this helps.

Congratulations @BSMDirect

@NoviceDad This is a hasty generalization they make. I was fortunately invited for interview but have been rejected from every other BS/MD I applied to besides PLME (not heard back). I will happily attend Northwestern even if not accepted into the HPME program but it saddens me this generalization is made.

Additionally would anyone be willing at my profile and give me feedback on what will inevitably be my decision? Just very stressed and anxious so any feedback would help. Thank you so much!

@BSMDirect Congratulations! on your acceptance to VCU GMED

Hey everyone! Due to COVID-19, many colleges have cancelled their “Admitted Students Days.” Hence, students around the world are petitioning to push back the National College Decision Day to May 1st. Please sign this for the many seniors who have to make this life-changing decision :slight_smile: