***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

anyone got a phone call from BU BS-Md yet ?

@suku1zar - Congratulations! on your acceptance to Temple BA/MD

@itsgettingreal21 - Congratulations! to you and your client on their acceptance to GW/GW BA/MD

@srk2017 - Many Congratulations to all your friends kids on their admission acceptance to BS/MD’s , IMG’s and residency match for peds in a T5 school!

All the best to High School seniors who applied to UG and BS/MD programs. Many colleges are releasing the admission decisions. May all of you your best fit college/program!

BU SMED announcement will be most likely tomorrow by morning ish (3rd Saturday of March). It won’t be phone call as might be during interviews, just update on their portal/emails.

Well, scream times for some and not for some others, whatever be the case all the best in your future pursuits everyone!

Anyone know when Texas Tech UMSI results come out?

thank you @rk2017 . We thought it would be a phone call just like they did for interviews.

BU Results are out. Congrats to all those who go it. Others will also become great doctors through some other journey!!!

@rk2017 ,@grd2010, @NoviceDad,@GoldenRock, @PPofEngrDr and @srk2017,
My daughter will be applying this Fall for BS/MD programs. I know this is too early to think about a major but she wants to major in Public Health (not because of the current situation:)) and minor in Business. Is this something advisable/possible for BS/MD track? Do you mention about your major in the application or in your essays anywhere? At this point I am more concerned about this decision for the application, I heard most of the kids change their major once they are in college due to various reasons.


Just got in to BU SMED!!! Couldn’t be happier- thank you to everyone on this forum for your encouragement and insights. I just withdrew from the Oklahoma MHSP interview. Hopefully, this opens up a spot for someone.

Congrats @walter2020. I have the OU interview this week.


Except for Penn/Jeff, practically all BS/MD programs give you the option to do whatever major you like. At Penn/Jeff, you need to do PMM as undergrad.

So, yes, she can major in Public Health and minor in business, as long as she completes her pre-med requirements.

Essays: Depending on how you are articulating your story, it can be part of the essays.

congrats @suku1zar @itsgettingreal21 @walter2020 @MD2028


  1. Your D can major/minor double major / minor in any thing. But there are few BS/MD programs where they enforce specific major but many BS/MD programs do not have that restrictions. So if for your D major/minor triumphs than getting admission to any BS/MD program, avoid those few programs which mandates certain major.
  2. You do mention about major in the application. Again some schools the admission is specific to a major (more college). But many schools, it is just a an entry and they know and they allow student to change major. For example, UCB, getting admission for college of engineering (CS) is specific. You can not apply to Humanities and can expect to change the major to CS after joining. But that same example may be possible in most other universities. Isolated example, but you need to review for your short listed colleges.

My son just got admission in BU SMED program, still waiting for Drexel and AMC results and also next week from 4 schools on ivy day.
Much happier today and good luck to all of you

Just got into SMED. Do BA/MD students usually make Facebook groups to chat beforehand?

Congratulations @MD2028 and @walter2020!!!


Dear @Sajju786, or anyone else who is in or has been through the program:

How is or was the program?

Is or was the course load, and to maintain the GPA very hard?
Are the professors and TAs very helpful?
Are research opportunities very easily accessible?
Do they prepare for the MCAT very well?
Residency matching?

Any or all input is greatly appreciated

Congratulations to @sgup10 - I am 2 years away from applying so curious to know what your CHEM SAT score was ? Does it have to be very high? Worried because not so strong yet in Chemistry.

And congrats to all have started receiving good news. Impressive lot.

Would love to hear if there are BSDO acceptances from this group as I think I like the DO pathway…seems holistic.

Congratulations to @sgup10 @MD2028 @walter2020 and I have question am not sure if you know @NoviceDad this is sound weird but was rejected to BUSMED pre-interview and was surprised to get rejected with very high stats and almost perfect GPA for BU UG is this possible or they just reject you if you do not get into BU SMED program. As got into Georgetown so was surprised to get BU UG rejected even though not going but for future purpose for my sister will be applying next year. 2021