***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Seriously hope all the SMED acceptances post their stats in the other thread- that’s my kiddos dream acceptance. He is reeeally struggling with the fear of getting a SMED rejection and therefore losing out on Boston U.

Accepted to BU SMED. 1530 SAT, 800 on 3 Subject tests. My school doesn’t rank, but near the top of the class.

There are several hundred applicants with near perfect stats ( both standardized tests and UW GPA) who donot even get a single interview. This whole BS/MD process is unpredictable. Only 5% of medical school seats account for all BS/MD program. All you need is one acceptance for BS/MD. One can always get into BU SOM via regular route if one is so desparate.

Congratulations, you got into GW/GW. You can not win them all. All you need is one acceptance for BS/MD. Be happy.

Accepted into BU SMED! Good luck to everyone here!!

Early April.

To be a competitive applicant, please have near perfect scores and UW GPA. It is very competitive process.

All you need to matriculate to medical school for SMED is a GPA 3.5 and MCAT score 504 (61%), which should not be too difficult. It is one of the lowest requirements among BS/MD programs. It is a popular choice for BS/MD for this reason. For regular MD route, average GPA is near 3.7 and average MCAT is near 512. Take it if you can get in to BU SMED BS/MD program.

Congratulations on BU SMED acceptance. All you need to matriculate to medical school (BU SOM) is a GPA 3.5 and MCAT score 504 (61%), which should not be too difficult. It is one of the lowest requirements among BS/MD programs. It is a popular choice for BS/MD for this reason.

Congratulations on BU SMED acceptance. All you need to matriculate to medical school (BU SOM) is a GPA 3.5 and MCAT score 504 (61%), which should not be too difficult. It is one of the lowest requirements among BS/MD programs. It is a popular choice for BS/MD for this reason. It is better choice over Drexel and AMC.


  1. Even if you are rejected pre-interview for BU SMED, you can still get admission for UG. But BU and few other colleges BS/MD programs, they do inform and expect you to communicate if you are still interested in the UG admission. So your post it is not clear if you gave the confirmation for consideration to UG or not.
  2. Your GW admission, is it only for UG or you got admission for GW/GW BS/MD program? If later, be happy.
  3. Perfect score does not guarantee anything. Though it is critical to have a high score, still the complete package determines and not test scores and GPAs alone.

As others have already pointed out, you can major/double major, minor in any thing unless it is specifically required as is the case with PSU/SKMC BS/MD(PMM as a major). Some UGs major in a science subject( Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry) and minor in Public Health or Business.

@suku1zar, @itsgettingreal21, @walter2020, @MD2028, @patelmj2001, @sgup10 - Congratulations on BU SMED acceptance!

Does uconn spim send rejections? looks like results are out, but we havent got anything yet.

Some one has posted in this thread getting a rejection letter via mail. Another one has posted in this thread getting an acceptance letter via mail.

My DS interviewed for BU SMED and got the same result as you. He got into PSU PMM/SKMC BS/MD & Georgetown Early Assurance.

You have high HS stats and likely are top of your class. You got into GW/GW & Georgetown. As you grow bigger, your competition is increasing and your horizon is getting bigger. Your success cannot be defined by getting a seat into a college. What you continue to do throughout your student life and afterwards will define success in your career. Just remember you have in it to be successful.

I know the rejections are hard but a student can only join one college. On the flip side, a college wants to offer seats to those they feel are most likely to join. They are equally worried that students will choose other colleges. Don’t take rejections from colleges to heart. Take time to enjoy your success.

On the other hand, why do you feel bad about BU UG. You are more likely to join GW/GW and not BU for UG!

it was alternate list and acceptance. We havent got anything yet, so wondering. thanks anyway!

@amenmom Yes, UConn sends all three notifications by postal mail (acceptance, waitlist, or rejection)

It is mainly BS/MD applicants who spend a lot of time here.

@patelmj2001, @sgup10, @srahxny - Congratulations on BU SMED acceptance!


While high stats are necessary condition, they are not sufficient.
Stats are one part of the equation. The other variables are your essays, your LORs, the interview (if interviewed); the ADCOMS mix/ objectives for admissions, and others.

So, while it is shocking and confusing to receive a rejection and one can even feel angry about this, one can only speculate why someone else (may be with even lower stats) was selected. The pain increases if that someone (especially with lower stats) is from the same school. The only thing I can say is that sometimes what seems unfair may be a blessing in disguise.

Remember - any rejection is NOT the end of the road. One more experience to emerge stronger.

And while we may lament the rejections, the key is to rejoice the acceptances and keep the focus on the ultimate objective - to become a physician.