***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Do HPME decisions come out today with Northwestern decisions?

Believe it comes day after.

FAU results are out, got accepted


FAU results are out. So you will decide based on UG institution as the criteria with W&J (net 23k cost) vs FAU (Full tuition scholarship waiver as NMF), assuming your D/S was accepted to FAU.

NU RD is out, so based on historical data, HPME will be tomorrow.

Re: No MCAT score possibility during next regular MD cycle
Medical school may have to consider applications without MCAT.
There is a possibility that 1/3 of the applicants will not be able to take MCAT in time. This creates an opportunity for some to shine with great GPA and other activities.

And a year after more cut-throat. :neutral:

Congratulations to everyone who made it to Hofstra and FAU.

All the very best for HPME.


If you are not getting positive news, Remember this is NOT the end of the world. While it is natural to be disappointed, remember this is one path to becoming a physician.
Other paths are still open.

Remember the learnings from this process. You can only emerge stronger from this. Your capabilities, talent, and your family support is still with you. And no one can take that from you.

Novice Dad are the HPME and NW admisisons linked or independent? Do you know. We got WL at NU. Havent heard from HPME

Got waitlisted UG NU so that mean rejected from HPME right. There goes one more BSMD and Only one left now in state. @NoviceDad

@PathophysiologyFTW congratulations on your multiple acceptances. When was your interview for FAU & how did you hear. Is it a phone call or email?

Accepted to NU ug! One more day till HPME- keeping my fingers crossed.

I also got a call from Hofstra this morning. I think that they are calling the ten students ahead of time before sending out an email this weekend.

This will only happen if we are shutdown thru June. Most schools don’t start reviewing applications till August and for application verification they do not need MCAT. So even with June and July testing next cycle will be ok. I don’t think it’s that difficult to add more test dates and reduce score release time (from one month to say 15 days).

Schools can start interviewing those with scores first and then have a list of those with good GPA and ECs ready and then send interview invitations once they get scores.

As popular Goro on SDN said it’s still sellers market.

@myy7902 Is Hofsta only making 10 offers? They were looking to interview about 60. 10 out 60 is a very bad ratio. 20 out of 60 is also on the low side. Did they share specifics during interview day? My expectation would be 20 offers to yield 10-12 start class.

Insights will be helpful for next year applicant cycle.


@sguni_2016 , @ubsmd2020 - All the very best for the admission cycle. All you need is one admission!

Congratulations! on your NU UG admission. All the best for HPME.

My S was rejected from HPME interview but got waitlisted by NU UG.

For all the kids who got waitlisted, HPME is a T10 UG!

If interested in UG, you guys should consider sending a letter to the NU Admission Officer telling them of your interest in joining UG. This will increase your chance of getting admitted!