***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Congratulations on CSWR PPSP. May be Pitts GAP will not be missed now.

@Nvidia20 congrats to your C and family, out of those 2 programs CASE PPSP is no brainner!

Canā€™t believe this even USN exists here https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/24/opinions/germany-low-death-rate-for-coronavirus-sepkowitz/index.html

Thanks @PPofEngrDr @grtd2010 @NoviceDad CC has been a great site no doubt for tips. Happy to take credit for my childā€™s hard work :slight_smile:

@ricesondad - Congratulations on acceptance to UofR & BU SMED. My preference is UofR.

In addition to all the great suggestions so far, pls keep in mind
the ranking of UofR for UG/research/Primary care is 29/34/16
the ranking of BU for UG/research/Primary care is 40/30/40

U of R is a T20 college for primary care.

@Nvidia20 - Congratulations! I agree with @PPofEngrDr , my pick is CWRU PPSP as well.

Speaking from the experience of C who is in a flexible BA/MD program, not difficult at all. They let you explore at least for 1st year (if accelerated) or sophomore year to decide. C started with the plans to minor (a requirement of the program) or perhaps even major in the joint Psychology/philosophy area of study. But as the year progressed gravitated towards anthropology. Just a little planning will make the switch feasible.

I believe both Public health and Psychology come under college of arts and sciences (CAS) purview in most places. At least up to undergrad level.

My D got in at umkc. Thanks everyone for all help, advise and support v received here at cc

Please help me understand this: UMKC saves students two years. That means that students can start working as doctors two years early. Two years of a doctorā€™s income could be $500k-$1.4m. Of course money is not everything, but I saw parents doing cost analysis earlier.

Congratulations to your D and your family

@OmGV2020 Congrats to your family

You are right - UMKC does save two years of studentā€™s life and this allows you to earn earlier.

But, if we are comparing programs- others in this forum have provided good comparisons such as @grtd2010, @PPofEngrDr , @NoviceDad , @rk2017 , @srk2017 etc.

My 2 cents:

We need to be holistic and basically look for best of both the worlds. The prestige and rank of the UG school matters because the UG is most relevant immediately.

Next thing is MCAT score, Undergrad GPA required to graduate to medical school. Also, if something goes wrong (health) or a kid changes his/her mind about their career, then, prestige of UG provides security.

At any stage a student cannot burn out. They need some break. if you are required to study during summers for 6 year programs, this could be a factor as well.

The prestige and rank of the medical school, program selectivity, as well as medical school residency placements etc. matters.

Other factors are how far will you be from your parents, weather, money, how much you liked/connected with UG as well med school when you visited.

At 17-18 years of age, two years seems a lot of time. But, two years is not much compared to the whole life.

Money is one of the factors and not the only factor. However, it is the deciding factor based on what each family is comfortable with.

Just to add further, this is not about relatively imminent medical school cost, rather extra earnings that one has whole life!
I am not sure how an adult Dr income potential plays role in picking a medical school at teen age!


What are some of the questions that you ask at the end of your medical interview?

With UMKC, you do not have a fall back option since there is no UG degree awarded if some thing goes wrong. What is the programā€™s attrition rate ? Can you transfer to any other UG school if need be ? This is more important than what you have posted above in my opinion. Evaluate all your options before making a final decision.

@Vicky2019@PPofEngrDr Thank you both for your adviceļ¼ Students on this board never have their full summer breaks in high school. Volunteering, researching, shadowing, or even working takes up most of the summers. I would imagine this would go on in our college years, otherwise you wouldnā€™t be competitive for residency matching.

Psychology comes under College of Liberal Arts but Public Health may be a separate college by itself. Once you are admitted to a University, changing majors or college is an internal procedure. It is relatively easier to do except for some restrictions. One can not easily transfer to College of Engineering from a different college but vice versa will be allowed.

@grtd2010 Thank you for that point of attrition rate. I have thought about it too along with matching list. I think a lot may have something to do with their 50% IS mandate. Iā€™m sure The majority are excellent students.

If you are confident that you can do six grueling years of UMKC, go for it.


Anyone seriously thinking about UMKC should reach out to @Roentgen - the resident expert on UMKC on CC.

He also runs a separate multi-year thread on UMKC.

Please speak to current students who are in the program.

One aspect that I have heard is that students drink from the hoses and there is limited university support.

While there are monetary and social benefits of doing your medicine couple of years earlier, possibility of student burnout at UMKC needs to be factored in.

So please do your own due diligence on UMKC.