***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Congratulations to all who got into CASE and UMKC.

@NoviceDad Do the students take the undergraduate courses with other UMKC students? I can’t imagine these courses are more challenging than the courses in Northwestern or Brown. Many students have AP credits. Some could graduate from college in two years anyway. What contributes the perception that UMKC students are drinking from hoses?

Do your own due diligence as suggested. There is a wonderful technical tool available. We all use it.

I can see some students may feel that way if they have not gone through a few AP courses.


No disrespect. But considering the potential earning $ by saving 2 years should never be in the evaluation criteria. What happens in life? If some one decides to hang the hat at 50 or 55 or 70 or 80. We all learn money is not everything. Why don’t we look at a different way. Tell my child, assume all of your friends will retire at the worst case at 70 years. So you work another 5 years and retire only at 75, so that you will earn additional $5M. Why can’t we make that decision now in evaluating our college choices and still go for 4 year college?

Money is important only for families where they need to calculate now in the short run. If money is tight and if they need to make college decision for cost of education, then it makes sense. If 6 year college can help to contain the cost. Unfortunately UMKC is not going to help here. Since UMKC charges the first 2 years also as medical college.

6 years is not a good choice. That is the reason, currently only 2 colleges offer this choice and many backed out (including one of the longest run 6 year program in US history NeoMed). Still 3 or 4 year college for UG is reasonable. If some one is clear about medicine, there is nothing wrong in going to 3 year program. If some one really want to explore college life and also not 100% sure about medicine go for 4 year UG.


From what I know, you have to complete 4 years curriculum in 2 years and the college makes you enroll for the summer.
Also you MAY not get all your AP credits counted.

Again it is best to speak to current students.


One more thing, at NU you do NOT get any AP credits - they just make you take an advanced course.

Thanks everyone! I really like the 6 year program and I am trying to convince myself :slight_smile:

@grtd2010 what’s that wonderful technical tool? Thank you!


If you like UMKC and are comfortable with your due diligence, go for it.

You are likely to do better in a college environment that you like.

Life is full of trade offs and as long as you are happy, go with you decision.

@bsmdmom I agree with you


Does any one know the format for WashU BS/MD interview or any likely questions based on the past history. We could not find any information on CC or any other Internet site. WashU has not yet provided any information either.

Thank you very much for your help in advance.


Has anyone experienced BSDO (St Bonaventure + LECOM)? My D got an offer from there. That is the only combined program she got into and is inclined to join. So, I want to know if that is worth pursuing?


Just checked one of the schools with a dedicated school for public health. They cover only graduate level coursework (Masters and PhD) and post baccalaureate programs. So if a school does in fact offer that major or minor at undergrad level it will most likely be under the purview of CAS (Arts & Science).


@NoviceDad , @grtd20 , @Jamesbond07

Thank you for your support.
Wishing everyone all the very best for Ivy day
 May you all get what is best

@grtd2010 - I will like to know this too

@BAMDHopeful you already addressed some of your own questions here http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/discussion/comment/22671900/#Comment_22671900

Short answer if you like it go for it, its your life and your career. Just make sure you are not short sighting other alternatives you may have.


The only suggestion I have is do extensive research on LECOM before committing.
Search for LECOM threads and reach out to students who have gone thru. Specifically students who have matriculated and also NOT matriculated to get in to LECOM, in other words don’t get input only from students who are currently doing their UG in the hundreds of colleges where LECOM claims have arrangements for BA/DO. For not matriculated students find the reasons why they could not matriculate.

If you have alternate options including solid UG only, consider that also with no conscious bias.


LECOM is a reputed DO school and is the largest DO school in USA.
In Western PA/ Eastern Ohio, most practicing DOs have a LECOM connection in some form.

Questions to you -

  • What is your profile like? Are you a SAT=1300-1400 student or SAT=>1500 student?
  • What other options do you have to compare?

I agree 100% with @GoldenRock . I always said counting 1 or 2 yr salary gains as part of decision making is ludicrous. Your generation is expected to work into 70s so 1 or 2 years won’t make any difference. Going traditional and instate may save you lot of money.

What did you like about UMKC? What are your other choices (BSMD and UG)? Also what’s your state?

If you don’t mind loosing summers and have shortened UG experience go for it. My son gave up 7 year in 2017 BU since he didn’t want to rush thru UG as a 17 year old (graduated HS at 17) and also don’t want to give up merit money at Vandy and 2 T10 admission.

Another point I brought up earlier is finding a life partner may be difficult especially for boys in medical school given the average age of traditional path matriculants , unless you are OK to with girls year or two older than you.